Hoosier Accountability
snack: carmel cappucino protein smoothie
lunch: beans and lil' smokies smidge nite of mac n cheese
dinner morningstar veggie corndogs...ymmo!
snack: pomegranite My new favorite thing!
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Im drinking a pomegranate and acai berry Fuse right now. Its really great!!! Only 10 calories per serving.... Have you tired fuse yet?
This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes
This is my favorite online site for shopping
B 1/2 SF pudding cup
L 8oz SF cocoa w/half scoop unjury
S 1/2 SF pudding cup
160z. Crystal Light slushie
24 oz H2O
I did terrible with protein and liquids today.
Jenn, I have read about peeps who add protein to their pudding. Since you are eating the pudding and doing ok with it perhaps this is something you might try to get in a lil more protien. They say it tastes like cake batter when you add protein. I am not able to do the puddings, so I personally have not tried it but maybe its worth a shot.
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
wow...a heavy carb day, wasn't it? Especially for being so new out? I'd really recommend your eating more protein and less carbs. Potatoes are not your friend...even with cheese & bacon bits. The hot click was really your only source of protein for the day...and it is loaded with caffiene. Did you know that caffiene (1) causes ulcers for newbies? and (2) dehydrates you? For every ounce of caffiene you drink, you need to drink 2 ounces of water IN ADDITION to your normal 64 oz just to make up for it's effects. I'm just sharing my concerns because I care...
My day....
b high protein cereal & skim milk
l 1/2 c veg beef soup
d 1/2 grilled chicken sandwich & a very diluted Wendy's Chili (bought it that way...did not request it that way! grrrr)
During the day I had 2 Achiev One's and 112 oz of water. I snacked on some turkey jerky & dried apples.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
You're right...that's why I said my eating on Sunday wouldn't be terribly inspirational to anyone.

I think I'll go make some tuna salad...
When I have to cover for my postmaster I usually take a Zone bar, water (of course!), and a banana. I get some protein from the Zone bar, and bananas fill me up like crazy! No protein in them, of course, so make sure you get that from your meals.