
on 11/7/08 8:39 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning!

I hope you all are off to a good start of the day. I have to get dressed soon and go get some labs drawn. The docs are trying to figure out if the ones that was screwy for my annual were a one-time wonder or if something is really u*****t. Yep, leave it to me! I get a good GI to where I feel like we might be on the path of fixing one problem and a different one creeps up and bites me on the butt!  I'm not gonna go into details until it's confirmed...but...the GI thinks he knows what is causing my distension issues! Yay! He ordered a standing upper GI that should re-confirm his suspicions (the mock pill pretty much confirmed it). After those results are in, I'll share with you all the findings. So....fingers AND toes are crossed!

I do have a question...especially for those of you in the medical field... Dr. Gupta has asked me to not let anyone else except her (or one of her partners if she's out of what happened with my intestines) operate on my stomach. I have no problem with that since I have my utmost faith in her and her abilities. Jeesh! Who wouldn't that had the track record I have?? Anyway, here IU is the one who is finding out what my problem is. I'm quite sure that he is probably assuming that he is the one who will be correcting the issue(s). I would assume that if I were in his shoes. He has certainly gotten my trust very quickly by being able to track down what is going on so darn quickly. I was on cloud nine all day yesterday because of FINALLY getting some answers! Of course...the other GI's before him did save him alot of time by running all the 'normal' tests. do I...or should I....tell him that I want Dr. Gupta to do the 'correcting'? Or..should that be up to Dr. Gupta's office to get more involved in this and express their wishes to him? I've gotten the idea that there is like a brick wall that someone has to be able to overcome for the benefit of the patient...ME! It should not be St. V's vs IU with me stuck in the know? That I know of since I last asked, Dr. Gupta's office hasn't requested any test results...and IU has only sent the doctor notes from my first test results. Isn't there a centralized location for this stuff online or are the results that was done by IU ONLY visible to IU doctors online? All I know is I don't want to be stuck in the middle...and I don't want to have to tell either of these fine specialist 'I trust you but I'm gonna have the other one do the surgery'. What is standard quo in these type of situations?

Well..gotta go get dressed & go see Dracula (the!). Then we gotta take the RV in for a winter inspection type of thing (and get to see Brenda  & Floyd..they are giving us a lift home). This afternoon we are going to go see Bill's mom too. Oh...we all thought she was finally improving...well.... with the moving around some, she aparently loosened up things somewhat...she now has 3 bloodclots in her lung! That poor Mrs. Johnson! She ought to be my mother instead of MIL with her kind of luck! Yes, I do love her dearly.

Oh...say a little prayer. My son started a new job last night. He's working at Kohl's on the southside stocking shelves at night. He hadn't been able to get a job in over 2 years. I hope this turns out and that it also turns into full-time and not just Christmas help. My daughter's household (where he has been living all this time) sure could use him pitching in one the day to day expences. all have a good day!!!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Gail O.
on 11/7/08 9:05 pm - indianapolis, IN

Hi Sherri,
Wow everyone posting at the same time !!!!!!    Tell Floyd & Brenda. I said Hello !!!!!!!!  and you got mail. Love ya, Hugs & Blessings, Gail


  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @

Tracy S.
on 11/7/08 9:44 pm - Marion, IN
Sherri, good to hear from you this morning.  I am glad they are finding out what is going on with you.  I sure hope it's nothing serious and can be fixed without too much agony.  I am not sure what to tell you about the doc situation.  I know Dr. Gutpa knows your insides as well as your face and name by now.  I am just not sure what to think.  All I can do is pray for you some more.  Hopefully someone will have suggestions for you.  I do know that my doc here in town says they can access test results from all over on a certain network.  I dont know if that applies to your hospitals involved or not.  He gets my St. V stuff just fine. 

At any rate, have a great day. 

lots of hugs to ya.

OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

Jenny K.
on 11/8/08 12:11 am - IN
I think if I were you, I would ask the Dr. that is tracking down things if surgery is required I would like Dr Gupta to be involved in the surgery.  Just because that Dr. is finding everything dont mean you are obligated for him to do the surgery.  I guess you could tell Dr. Gupta the findings and see if she is comfortable with the surgery. If not, then you have the other surgeon.  That is just me and what I would probably do.  Good luck, hope it is nothing serious.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 11/8/08 1:58 am - Indianapolis, IN

If they are right about what it is, it would defiantely require surgery to correct it...and it's one that Dr. Gupta would be more than capable of doing. I just feel funny about telling the IU specialist..'well thanks for the diagnosis but I don't want you to do the surgery'. I don't know what the standard quo is when crossing networks like that. I also don't know if St. V's would have access to IU's results (without having to ask for a copy of them). Ah well, first things first..I first have to get it confirmed. I bet you never saw anyone so thrilled about getting an upper GI, huh? Mmmmm....barium! LOL!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
shanna B.
on 11/8/08 2:53 am, edited 11/8/08 2:56 am - camby, IN

Good Cold Morning all........
I went to Jenn's store today and picked up a few cutie things....she was having a open house today. Sorry that ellen missed going when she was down here, It's just the cutest little store. I can always find something.
Picked up some groceries and I am getting ready to drop Terry off at the airport.....I am going to miss my Baby! 5 whole days.
I just got a Pm from my friend in ohio and she told me that one of my high school friends's house burnt down last night...OMG I thank god everyday for what I have and do not take for granted....But I must say. Both myself and my husband work extremly hard ( I work 6 days a week and he goes to school full time and at 1 point in time both of us has held 2-3 jobs at 1 time) for what we have which for most maynot be alot but I love it....( My little home...heheh) ionID=243&ArticleID=195151
Have a great day off to the airport and then to work....

xoxo Shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


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