My secret elf
I just wanted to let my elf know that I think you are the BOMB! I was discussing elf stuff with Shana yesterday while we were visiting over lunch. I want to let you know that your packages have really meant a lot to me. The items you send are always so neat. Especially the promotional items you send. I'm a chapstick monster! I love it! I'm addicted to it! I keep chapsticks everywhere in the house and in our vehicles and in my desk. Troy thinks the toothpaste roller is the best gift we've ever recieved...period! I have my mirror in my purse. Troy and think you are either in the medical field or in the promotional items field.
Just wanted to give you a "shout out" because you are great. I'm so glad you're mine.
Oodles of love to my Elfie Baby,
Just wanted to give you a "shout out" because you are great. I'm so glad you're mine.
Oodles of love to my Elfie Baby,