Hello and an update as to what is going on. (LONG)

LaChelle R.
on 11/6/08 11:48 pm - Erie, PA
Well, I am posting from the library.....since my internet is out at home as well now. It has been one of the worst weeks of my life, and I just don't know where to begin.  I guess the best place is at the beginning. 

First, I have had my identity stolen....many of you know of the troubles we have been having lately.  This goes back for several months, but we could never pin-point the exact start.  It started in July, just a little bit here and there missing out of our account.  We could always account for every penny that was spent.........but out bank couldn't account for the rest of the funds starting to dissappear.  Well, last week, I got a letter from the city of Baltimore, MD, in regards to me being in their ambulance in July......not me, just my identity.  The woman and I talked about the events, and figured out that it wasn't me, only because the birthdate wasn't the same as mine.  They even had the correct SSN and banking information.  Go figure.  So, our next step was to contact the bank and get that straightened out.  That just wasn't going to happen, since the credit union won't even freeze the account or watch for suspicious activities on it for us.  We have requested it several times, but they refuse.  I can't even close my account out, because it is in the negative.  Go figure.

Anyway, so, last Friday, while I was on the field trip with Molly, Jimmy calls me, and tells me that out power was shut off.  The payment that I had made was bounced by the bank.  The funds were in there the day I wrote the check, because we had just gotten paid that day, and I knew it was in there!!!  By the following day, my entire paycheck had been cleaned out of my account.  Thus causing every bill that I had paid be bounced by the bank.  Knowing that I had my identity stolen, and trying to talk to the bank that didn't even help, and they didn't do anything other than charge me $29.00 for each check they returned, and another daily charge of $25!!!  So, now, we had already talked to our church and explained everything that has happened, and they were able to get me a check to cover the power so it would be turned back on. This was Friday afternoon.  We got home from Lee Ann's and our power was back on at least, so that was a blessing. 
Fast forward to Monday.  I posted on here about the phones being turned off, and possibly the internet by then.....well, that happened.  No big deal.  I will survive eventually......but what happened on Monday was the biggest disaster ever.  We had planned on coming up to Indy to eat with everyone as soon as the girls got out of school.  I had to go to the local offices to try to get some assisitance and get things straightened out over the ID theft.   I called the prosecuting attys office, and they said for me to get in touch with the sherrif, which I did LAST Tuesday afternoon after finding out that my ID was stolen.  Unfortunately, we live in a county that Barney Fife would look like the Secret Service agents protecting our government officials!  The officer LOST my original report on the ID theft, so I was told to come back in and file another one.  So, with that being said, here we go, Jimmy and I, to Paoli to file yet another paper about everything.  We get there, and the Deputy Sherrif was asking me all kinds of questions, and we were discussing the events that had been happening since July.  Then, as he is typing, he says....."Well, now that is done, I have some bad news for you.  You have an outstanding warrant for your arrest on bad checks!"  WHAT?!?!?! WTF!!!!  I am under arrest????  Over the freaking checks that had bounced because of the ID theft...............talk about loosing it!!!! OMFG!!!  I came unglued, and totally freaked out right there in the office!!!  My bond was set for $400........and that was only for 2 checks totallying $14.73 for one, and $28.00 for the other one!!!  Holy ****!!!  So, Jimmy is on the phone with his mom trying to get her to wire bail money to the local Walmart, so he can get it and pay my bail......while I am taken to jail!  I get booked, and put into a holding cell for 3 freaking hours!!!  Then, I get my one phonecall, and talk to Jimmy for a few minutes while he was still waiting to get the cash raised to bail me out.  When it came time to go before the judge, they handcuffed and put ankle shackles on me, and walked me over to the courthouse!!!  And the judge wasn't even there!!!  The prosecuting atty, that I just had been talking to about my case of ID theft was the one that sat there, and set my court date, and everything else.  I said that since my ID was stolen, and I will get it corrected, will this be dropped?  He said if I didn't pay for the checks, no, they wouldn't drop the charges.....ok, so no big deal, I will eventually have enough cash earned to pay them off, but the bad part is that the bank is still refusing to help stop the activities on my account, although I have already stopped everything else.  I was lucky enough to stop the direct deposit onto my account for my paycheck, so the bank can't get that from me at least.   But, now I have to come up with over $1400 to correct the problems that this has caused.   Not only that, but if I do go to court, and they actually DO find me guilty of all the charges, I will loose my job!!!!  It is a class D felony, and you can't have a gaming badge with that in the state of IN.  I can't find an atty that will take my case, since I don't have any cash.  If Lee Ann hadn't helped us out on the 26th, we wouldn't have had any food for the past week either. Also, our church has arranged for us to go to the local food bank, and that helped tremendously.  Thank goodness the girls have already been getting free lunches at school, but it is the weekends that we have to scrounge around for enough for two growing girls to eat.  Jimmy and I have done without so much  just to make sure they have enough.  Luckily I am able to eat at work on the days I am there, so that helps me out too.  Now just the day to day events and the waiting is the hard part. We have already applied for food stamps and the assistance that we are elligible for, but the state said that it won't be looked at for another 30-45 DAYS!!!!  That will be the end of December!  WHAT IN THE HELL!!!!  Jimmy was able to find enough change in the couch for me to get $3.00 in gas for the car, so I could drive back and forth for a couple days.  A couple of people at work have given me a few dollars here and there, but the minute I get it, it is gone to everyone else that I owe.  I can't believe that this has happened, and I just don't know where else to turn.  I have heard that Orange county was added to the FEMA's list just the other day, but as far as any assistance with that, I doubt if we will be elligible, only because we didn't have any damage.  I won't have a day off to check into it until next week.  My boss has agreed to let me work as much OT as possible, and with me already scheduled for 5 days a week and 10 hours each day, I will need more than that to just get me by for 2 weeks at a time!
I won't be able to get back to the library until later next week.  I still have my cell phones on for at least 1 more week, or until I can get them paid.  I really would love to have my home phones turned back on, but that is almost $500, after the back charges, returned check fee, and the reinstatement fees!  What a crock of crap this little town is with their private owned phone system.  At least, with all the crap that has been going on, our landlord is being the most reasonable of everyone else.  He has cut our rent in half for the next two months, just to help out.  After everything I said about him before, I take it all back, because he is showing more compassion than any of the others of all.
I would love to hear from everyone......I miss you all so much.  If you all need me, please feel free to get in touch with me thru my cell phone.  I have unlimited text too, and would love to hear from each of you.  Please just keep us in your prayers.....I really need them now more than ever.  I have so many things to still be thankful for, and to have each of you as wonderful friends, that is one of the most important things of all.  Please pray that our daughters understand the reasoning behind the events happening to us.  They are young, and with everything that has happened this year, they really are starting to loose faith as well, and I never want them to do that.  God supposedly only gives us what we can handle, and no more........well, I have way much more than I can handle now, and I need God to carry me thru the rest of these trying times.  Please pray for me.  Thank you. I love you all.  Time to go to work, so take care, and God Bless.  I will talk to you all some time soon.
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
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