
on 11/5/08 7:43 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning all!

First, a reminder:
If you are interested in coming to the Ornament Exchange (Dec. 6th) you NEED to go to Brenda's thread from yesterday and reply to her. If something  comes up and you aren't able to make it, that is understandable. But give Brenda & Floyd a heads up if you do plan on coming!

My endocrinologist upped my synthroid again. I'm now up to 175 mcg. The 7.03 result was an improvement. I didn't know it until yesterday but the last test in June it was 9. Dr. Gupta called me yesterday too. She does not believe it is the Afferent Loop Syndrome for the same reason I didn't think it was the Afferent pain with eating. She did say that it has been a long time since I've had an upper GI done though so she recommended I talk with Dr. Wittles about it tomorrow..and for it to be ordered with me standing up. I FINALLY got it through to her that if they want to see what is going on, they need me standing for the tests since I lay down to get RELIEF from the symptoms. Anyway, I see Dr. Wittle (GI) tomorrow. My pcp is going to be following up on all the other bloodwork that was off.

Well...hope you all have a terrific day. I'll be..unpacking MORE boxes!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/5/08 9:37 pm - Thorntown, IN
Morning Everyone,
 I am sooo sore today!!! I went to my fitness training last night & really over did it- my legs are screaming!!! I did 25 squats & then 25 stretches with a 6# medicine ball, other exercises for my upper torso, then 25 more of each and I could hardly get out of bed this am. My Fibromyalga is flairing so bad I have lumps in my legs-ouch!!! I smell like Icy Hot,my new cologne-hee~hee!

Sherri- Did you get the photos I sent? Pretty cute, huh?! i tried to put them on here but couldn't get them to upload. I can't believe Dr. G is just now thinking of a upper GI! Glad your Endo. upped your synthroid- mine was 5.0 ,which is pretty stable, so you are getting closer. Hope they can figure out the rest for you.

My SIL isn't doing too well, so I am asking for prayers again- her hemoglobin was so low that they gave her 3 pints of blood. Also, my nieces 125c & ultrasound came back bad,so she is going to St. V's for a 2nd. opinion. With her Mom having Ovarian Cancer,she is scared to death.

For all those having it tough right now- I do understand!!!! We too, are learning to live with less, and how to stretch the $$ to the end of the month- sometimes harder than others. Thats why we have cut out so much- with both of us unemployed(he's on SS now) and a limited income, we have learned what comes first, & fun times last. It is amazing what you can find to do for FREE/little or nothing anymore! Plus, I have become a pretty good bargin shopper/coupon cutter now.

You all have a blessed day- keep the sonshine in your face and hope in your heart!!! Newbies, & pre-opts, remember to trust that your day will come! It took me 21 months to get approved/go thru the therepy,, etc. Newly Post-Opts  walk, sip, rest, get your protien in as best you can!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 11/6/08 12:57 am - Indianapolis, IN


Did you send the pics today? I'll get them when I get home probably. I'll let you know if I don't.

They want my thyroid between it's got a little ways to go. Your TSH would be considered too high for my doc's standards. Mine was holding fairly well below the 4.0 mark (with ~137-150 mcg synthroid****il 10/07..that just totally screwed it up I think.

I SO WANT to be a normal girl again..just as much as one particular young man wanted to be a real boy!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/5/08 9:59 pm - aurora, IN
Good morning everyone
Today im going to clean up my room im in between sizes right now so i have clothes everywhere.Looks like my closet upchucked..
Today is suppose to be the last nice day so im gonna try and get the yard finished when the boys get home from school.I just seen the weather report mixed snow coming later this week..
Sherry im glad they are listening to you about doing the test standing up,only you know your limits(which i dont think you have any)you amaze me with your strength.
Ellen I hope you neice is okay, i clip coupons like crazy it does help it saves us alot of money 1 week i didnt use any and wow ,so the next time i did and over a $100.00 diffrence..
Everyone else have agreat day and stay safe..

Jo N.
on 11/5/08 10:57 pm - Crawfordsville, IN

Good Day Everyone, 


Still batteling a huge RSD flare up that has basically had me bed ridden for a week now. With this new front coming in isn't helping either. The bottom of my feet are raw and swollen. My hands are swollen and achey too. 

I have to go see a neurologist soon - I fall asleep when driving. I can do short drives here in town but anything with more then a ten to fifteen minute drive time I fall asleep. Not get sleepy or feel sleep but literally falling asleep at the wheel. My PCP has ordered me not to drive unless it's in town only.

My new fill since my dilation and impaction was canceled for today and rescheduled for next Tuesday. I'm anxious to start loosing weight again. I've gained nearly 35 lbs from all this. 


Gage got on the honor roll. 

Area bowling for state placement for the Special Olympics is this weekend. I'm hoping both Gage and Matt place to go to State. 

I"m proud of all of my boys!!!!!

Hope everyone has a gracious joyous day. 


Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


Brenda R.
on 11/5/08 11:37 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning all! I hope and pray that today is good to each and every one of you.

I am just sitting here and watching Oprah and going through the posts from the last day or so. I do have to get moving since it isn't getting any earlier.

I am staying home today and getting serious about doing some things around here. It has been put off for to long and I need to do some pick up and omg~dusting. I need to dust this furniture so bad. You could write a novel on some of it. Well, maybe not that bad but close, very close!

It is cold here this morning. It is about 57 and it is to get to only 67 today with rain~storms at times. And it is suppose to get VERY windy. I hate it when it gets windy. Things go blowing away that isn't suppose to blow away. I just told Bill to make sure he puts his chair on the patio away because I am not going to go chase after it. It is really nippy out there compared to what we have been having. I love not wearing coats and not freezing to the bone. Oh well, when you like in IN you take what you get when you get it.

I better get going. I want to eat breakfast while it still morning. I am sticking to a more stringent plan for the next few days to see if I can get the couple of pounds that popped on off. I have lost .8 pounds of it so far but I want the rest off and even more. I guess the honeymoon is over for now. I just have to do what I have to do and put one foot in front of the other and I will get to where I am going. I have to remember that!

I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up with special ones for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day and keep smiles on your faces.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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