Getting To Know You
2. I like the Left Behind series as well. I don't read alot of books. No time.
3. It's bad enough that the DH takes the laptop in there from time to time. I would have to build an outhouse for myself if there was a tv in the bathroom now.
Happy Hump day every one. The week is half over!
1. Im disappointed in America...but hoping for the best. Hope he will do a better job keeping his word now than hes done in the past. Also, hoping he gets some better friends.
Very glad to be done with BUSH
2. Anything self-hel*****n fiction.
3. Sure why not. I dont like them in the bedroom!!
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1 How do you feel about the outcome of the election? I am estatic. I worked hard for that man and was in tears last night that I can tell my biracial child with absolute conviction that in this country the color of your skin will never hold you back. My husband, who was born in West Africa was beside himself with happiness. He says that when he sees Obama, he sees our child and the opportunity that this country embodies. I pray for Obama every day that the good Lord can give him the strength and protection to bring about the change he and this country need.
. Favorite Book: Franny & Zooey by J.D Salinger
Favorite Authors: Stephen King & J.K. Rowling
3. Can't do the t.v in the bathroom, that's where I get my reading done. ;-)
1.How do you feel about the outcome of the election? Just once I would like to go to the polls and feel REALLY positive about my vote. I always feel like I am just voting for the lesser of two evils. I did vote for Obama. But I am VERY uncomfortable with all the comparisons with MLK that hit the news today. UH??? I'd love it if he proves to be a man of like character....but that remains to be seen.
2. Favority Book and/or Author? I read a lot. My house is covered in books. I read mainly suspense/thrillers. I like Dean Koontz. I use to love Stephen King but I don't like his post accident work. I think that hit on his noggin' followed by writers block changed his work. He seems jumbled now. I read some biographies. I read the Left Behinds series and enjoyed it. Basically, if it is a book, I will probably like it.
3.This is a big contervsary topic in our house..... Should there be a tv in the bathroom? I am not a bath kinda gal. I don't like to take baths. They make me feel dirty. So, there is no need for me to have a TV when showering. I don't take long enough with my other visits to enjoy a TV either.
Well I am not as surprised as most blacks that a black man was elected. I feel that most blacks think that all white people are still like Archie Bunker. They don't give us the credit we deserve in that aspect. I also think that there are a few people out there that would like to see him shot to death and I think that will happen. Then we will have to have Joe Biden as president. When I went to vote I didn't vote for Obama or McCain as neither one of them impressed me. Sarah Palin would be our president if McCain died while he was president and that could very well happen given McCains age. I feel that we are ready for a woman president but Palin has no real experience in running a country. I do think that if she is mentored correctly she will one day make a good V.P.
Favorite Book and Author is a hard choice because I love Danielle Steel but anymore her books are sounding alot alike. My favorite author is LaVeryle Spencer but she retired a few years ago so has nothing new. My favorite book is Evergreen. Can't remember who the author was. I also loved the LEFT BEHIND series.
About the TV in the bathroom I have friends who have a TV in every room including the 2 bathrooms, along with a phone! I personally don't see the reasoning behind it. So if ya want a tv in the bedroom then you have to go with personal preference. I personally would not have 1 in my bathroom it is way too small.
Thanks for the tough questions and have a great week! Michelle
1. We just elected a Socialist as President of the United States. It's disappointing to me that so many people ignored his past associations and what little record he has which proves he is a far left radical, and voted for him solely because of the color of his skin. How is that any less racist than voting AGAINST him solely because of the color of his skin? I truly believe most people who voted for him have no idea why, other than the hype surrounding him. Most of the people I know who supported him cannot answer me when I ask what he has achieved in his life that makes him a good choice for President. Oh well, it's done now. I think a lot of people are in for a rude awakening in the next few years.
2. Jane Austen, Leo Tolstoy, Ayn Rand
3. Absolutely not!
1.How do you feel about the outcome of the election?
I, like Michelle, thinks we could very well be having the VP be the president before very long (and for the same exact funny is that?). So...I did not vote for Obama because I thought he was all that and syrup on top. I voted for him because I think Biden would make a better president than Palin. I really don't know much about Biden at all but Palin just didn't seem too intelligent. Myself, I was/am a Hillary fan but I would not vote for Palin just because she's female (nor is that why I voted forHillary in the primaries). I have two bi-racial grand-daughters and that had nothing to do with my vote either. I know that I am tired of the 'this is the way it's always been done' mentality in Washington so only time will tell..but I think we are in for some changes.
2. Favority Book and/or Author?
I love to read. The Left Behind series was excellent..and given the results from Tuesday, scary. Trust me, it was really on my mind. Did we just elect the charasmatic world leader that the series displayed?
I'm a huge Stephen King fan. I am finishing up Duma Key right now at work on my breaks. I liked his Gunslinger series & The Stand the best.
Nothing says 'awe...' like Nicholas Sparks. Or ooh-lala like Danielle Steel! Basically, if it's not an instruction manual, I read it! LOL!
3.This is a big contervsary topic in our house..... Should there be a tv in the bathroom?
Ummm..that would really cut down on my reading & Sudoku time!! Bill could probably use one in his bathroom since he's not able to read in there very well anymore. Myself, no. And if it were up to me, there would not be one in the bedroom either. We compromise. I go to bed early...with the TV off. He comes in later and turns it on and tries not to wake me up. I don't want one in my kitchen either.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
1.How do you feel about the outcome of the election? I am skeptical. I heard so much about Obama not looking at the flag and not saying the pledge of allegiance. I don't know how much of that is true. But how can we have a president who doesn't respect our flag. Will he take the oath by swearing on the Bible?? I have some concerns.
2. Favorite Book and/or Author? Nora Roberts is my favorite author. What can I say... I love a sappy love story. I love to read biographies also.
3.This is a big contervsary topic in our house..... Should there be a TV in the bathroom? No having a TV in the bathroom is a bit much.

1.All authority is authorized by God~ God is in control, & we need to pray for our country to turn around and remember that ! I did not vote for Sen. Obama, but I will support him as my president.
2. Anything by Nicholas Sparks, Karen Kingsbury, Nora Roberts, inspirational, historical ( love the Queen Elizabeth series) and biblical.
3. No Way- I have enough trouble getting my turn now.Besides ,some days the smell would kill you!

starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#