Doctor Recomendations?

Amanda L.
on 11/2/08 7:25 am

Does anyone know of any doctors in Indiana that do a "package price" for the Lap Band?  I am going to have to self pay for this, so I have been searching (my insurance has turned me down 3 times and I dont want to wait another 18 months! Apparently my PCP doesnt know how to "document".)--the doctor I wanted to go with is just tooooooo expensive because everything is broken out, surgery, anes, hospital etc.etc.etc.  I have found a couple of doctors in Detroit and Cincinnati that do "all inclusive" pricing, but I would like to know if any of you had to self pay and had a good experience with a certain doctor.  Of course, price is an issue, but I also dont want to end up with someone who doesnt have a clue about doing this surgery!!!  HELP! 

on 11/2/08 8:07 am - Indianapolis, IN
hmmmm...let me you have MPlan? That was the excuse they gave me when they denied me. I appealed & they denied me I switched to MPan. Indiana law now states that it can only be 6 months of pcp supervised dieting....



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Amanda L.
on 11/2/08 8:19 am
Interesting....I have BCBS of Illinois.. I will be calling them again tomorrow.  Thanks for the info.  However, I still hate the thought of having to wait another 6 months, just to be denied again.  My doctor has written a letter stating that she has been seeing me for 18 months and we sent all of my medical records, but they say she didn't document enough.  I am just sooooo impatient!!
on 11/2/08 9:28 am - Anderson, IN
Mandyluse,  When you call BC of Illinois tomorrow ask them if they have an approved bariatric physician in Indiana AND ask them to send you the requirements you need to meet.   When I went to the Anthem website they specifically mentioned the REALIZE device... so if you're doesn't use that band... it could be the reason for the denial. 

Do you really want to start all over with a physician you don't know?  Think about the fills you're going to need, you'll have to drive to Detroit or Cincinnati. 

I think I heard Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie, Indiana is offering the lap band for $12,000.00 but I won't swear to it.

The girls at Dr. Gupta's office were very helpful in letting me know what was going on with my insurance... I'd call your physician's office and ask for their advise.

Good luck!!
         338               286                160          175
highest wgt/  day of surgery/ current wgt / goal wgt
       52 lbs lost before surgery!!
Amanda L.
on 11/2/08 9:38 am
I will definately ask them.  The are telling me that I have not met the required weight loss attempts requirements.  They are saying 18 mos, but another person *****sponded said state law is 6 months!  I have asked and asked for help from the surgeon's office, but they are just saying "sorry, your doc didnt document well enough!"  I went every month for 18 months, but she documented it as "diabetes treatment", not weight loss attempts, even though we discussed the weight at EVERY VISIT!  The insurance has now denied me and said that they won't take another appeal.  I just feel so defeated. 

I will check into the Ball Memorial thing.  I am also going to check around here.  My current surgeons office is $16,000 (not inc, anes.) and I just cant go there!

Thanks so much for the info. I appreciate it.
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