Food Impaction & Esophagus Dilation UPDATE
A weigh in before the swallow showed I've gained 48 lbs since everything, meaning mostly since the begining of my pregnancy (December of 2006), thru my cancer treatments and so forth till now. I have an appointment on November 6th for a fill. Idealistic, I'd like to approach Dr Clark's assistant Julie (who does all the fills) with a conversation thatI'd like to at least start with a 1 cc fill and go with small fills there after, like .25 cc's to .5 cc's. Do you think that's out of touch with reality to ask that??All I know is I'm eager to start loosing weight, especially after seeing how much I've totally gained, it's depressed me so badly I cry every morning getting dressed because nothing fits me but Matt's t-shirts and some old sweat pants. 200 lbs people, that's where I'm at right now.Then on top of that - I've been having bad RSD flare ups. Today the flare up was so bad that I had taken 12 pain pills (Norco's 10/325) by noon, my feet and legs are so swollen my skin is shiney(sp?) from being stretched, my pain level is thru the roof, my skin sensetivity is unreal and also thru the roof. Needless to say, I'm really not with it today with the depression and the pain.
But.... my kids.... just WOW! Q keeps me laughing as he explores life in general and his surroundings. He's a real comedian, I swear. He naturally comes by it. Gage's empathy and love is empowering and as always gives me the modivation(sp?) to keep a sunny outlook. I feel so blessed having my boys. And Matt is a great nuturor(sp?) and makes sure I know he loves me. So... I know logically life is blessed and I'm loved..... but.... this pain and discomfort caused by this RSD flare up and then the depression from this weight gain. I guess also I'm just starting to understand all I've gone thru this past year. Looks like it's either time for professional ears... or.... spend some time on the phone with some great friends and see if they'll listen to me talk this all out.
Welp.... sorry for the rambling. I just really want to let you all know what happened update wise about my esophagus dilation and food impaction. So right now I'm gonna enjoy dinner time with my family and then fun bath time with Q. Perhaps we'll go to be early.
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
I dont know anything about the band. I just wanted to tell you I am thinking about you and hoping you get to feeling better soon.
I did not realize that was you at the clothing exchange until I saw someone talking about it on here shortly after. Then it clicked, oh that baby was little "Q". He is such a cutie and I am sure he could make someone feeling their worst laugh. He was amusing, watching him go all over the place.
You sure dont look like in your pic what you looked like in person, that is why I didnt realize it was you.
Next time I will know.
Get to feeling better and I am praying for you.