Newbie Food Issues

on 10/30/08 9:51 pm - Mooresville, IN
I'm glad to hear someone else had the mashed potatoes too.  I didn't know if I should have them or not, I emailed Jessica and Ellen @ St. V's Dietary, first Ellen said I could, so I did, then I get an email form Jessica last night, saying no, not to eat them. So Confused!  Any way, that email from Jessica came last night, AFTER I ate them for dinner. They were really good, but I didn't feel so hot last night, so maybe I should wait a little longer.

I'm just going to try to pull my big girl panties up and "Deal With It". :-)
Jenny K.
on 10/30/08 10:07 pm - IN
It is suppose to be the instant potatoes, not real mashed potatoes. I ate the instant ones. Is that what you are eating. I would make it up and put a tad bit of butter and a little FF sour cream in it.  It was on my yellow sheets, so Im not sure why they are telling you not to eat it unless they have taken it off in the year since my surgery.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/30/08 10:36 pm - Mooresville, IN
Yes, I did the instant (I'd love to have real...but couldn't justify all of that time for 2 tablespoons of food).  I'm not much of a sour cream fan on mashed potatoes, but a little butter and lots of pepper.  Yummy. :-)
Leah P.
on 10/30/08 10:00 pm - Indianapolis, IN
I know what you mean with the emotional issues with eating. I was freaking out the first week after my surgery. Here I was so nauseated and I didn't have anything to soothe myself with. Food was my best friend and now what was I supposed to do??!!  All my life if you had a stomach ache or nausea you ate some saltines and had some 7 up.  But I couldn't even do that either! I was a mess. I am 3 weeks out now. Everytime I sat down there would be a commercial on TV for food. I noticed them more after the surgery.  I did alot of crying and thinking "what have I done!!!" It was so hard that first week.  Truthfully, it is still hard but I am able to deal with it better. I don't think I was mentally prepared enough before surgery.  By the end of that first week I was angry at myself for letting my weight get so out of control that I had to do something so extreme to get healthy again. I have altered my body. To some extent it felt like an alcoholic not drinking. The thing with that is we still have to eat.  So I picked up my crochet and started an afgan.  I went to the library. I have been reading alot, Geneen Roth has some great food addiction books. And I have been praying alot for strength. Its so hard knowing I can't just sit down with a bag of potato chips and munch away.  But guess what... I have lost 33 pounds in 3 weeks.  I am diabetic.  My blood sugar is nearing normal WITHOUT any insulin or oral medication. 
Try to do something that will keep your mind occupied.  It will help. Pick up the phone and call someone.  If you'd like my number I will be glad to give it to you. 
YOU CAN DO THIS! We can all do this together!  You deserve to be healthy.
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 10/30/08 10:27 pm - Mooresville, IN

Thank you for really touched my heart.  I'm soooooo glad to know that someone else has been there with the same feelings.  I get so upset when I drive by a resturaunt or see a commercial on tv and know that I probably won't ever  be able to eat those things again.  Food was my best friend, not just food, but junk food.

I've been so mad at myself for doing this. I've also thougt "What have I done to myself".  I'm just weak when it comes to food.  You are exactly right, it was like alcoholism.  I tried to explain that to all of my friends and family who couldn't understand why I just couldn't stop eating the junk. An alcoholic and walk away from alcohol and just not look back (not that I'm saying it's that easy...but you know what I mean) But you HAVE to have food to live.  I too, know I was NOT emotionally prepared for this.  I'm a fixer, and everytime I've done something wrong or that I didn't agree with, I could later change it, or appologize for it, and find someway to make it "right". I feel like this is one thing I can't change.  It's done...over I HAVE to deal with it. 

I AM thankful for this surgery, I know it will improve the quality of my life.  I will continue to pray for strength.  Thanks to everyone who's offered advice and support during this week.  I've really NEEDED it and I APPRECIATE it very much.

on 10/30/08 11:38 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Girl, I think you seriously need to come to some of our get-togethers!! Some people question why we have food pitch-ins at our clothing exchanges. In part, it's a socializing thing. But more importantly, it's a way to show pre-ops/newbies that there IS food after weight loss surgery! We learn from each other how to enjoy what we eat...but eat what is healthy and good for us!

I don't go to fast food places (other than Wendy's chili or taco salad). But I can find something healthy to eat no matter where we are pretty much.

Consider your pouch to be like a newborn baby's tummy. A baby needs the protein from the milk/formula to thrive. So do you. You wouldn't feed a newborn a Big Mac. Your tummy can't handle it either. Eventually though, you will be able to handle part of a burger..maybe not the bun, but the meat anyway. Give yourself time to get well..and get healthy.

Before I had my RNY, at lunchtime, I had went to each of my faves..and ordered my faves. As I sat there in my truck eating it, I explained to it why I could no longer eat it. It was kinda like a funeral and I was telling my good friends good bye. I have not craved a whopper a single time. That is as much of my old life as ciggarettes is.

YOU need to have a heart to heart with yourself. Seriously, look in the mirror and tell yourself WHY you had this surgery. Do it every day, as often as you need to.

BTW..I was told instant mashed potatoes were ok (I used cream soup like a gravy for them), scrambled eggs got hung up in my stoma though. Have you tried string cheese? I lived on that for awhile. I have a part in my profile for may want to check it out.....



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 10/31/08 3:57 am - Mooresville, IN
Thanks Sherri,

I will check out your profile. 

I can do without gravy...have never liked it.  I wish I could have scrambled eggs, but I'm afraid to eat them this early on.  They aren't on my list until week 5.  I had some low fat cheese earlier this week, I didn't feel well that evening, but I don't know if it was from the cheese or not.

I'd love to come to a swap/gathering, how often do you have them?  BTW, do you still attend a support group meeting, and if so, can I ask which one(s)?

Thanks a bunch!
on 10/31/08 4:48 am - Indianapolis, IN

We have clothing exchanges ~every 3 months. We'll be having an ornament exchange the beginning of december. We have several activities through-out the year as well as impromptu dinners (like the one I posted about for Monday evening entitled 'Twas the night before voting'.  You are welcome to come to any of them. Kids are welcome at most...although the ornament exchange & hot tub party (~Feb/March) are more adult oriented so it'd be a good time to get a sitter for the night if you have kids at home.

No..I don't go to any of the formal support group meetings anymore.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Angel D.
on 11/1/08 12:51 am - Kokomo, IN
Just a thought on the protein powders, if you can tolerate hot liquids that is a great way to get them down. I mix my protein powders with some milk then make up either SF Hot Chocolate or Decaf Coffee and mix that with the milk/protein mix. Just a thought,


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