Thursday morning
Well..I was abe to get off of work early yesterday. They had taken our computers, phones, etc...and our new offices weren't completed yet! So...we had nothing we could do. Dr. Bergman's office had wanted me to come in earlier if I could so I was able to call them back & get in at 2. Sorry we missed you Gail! We stopped by GFS so I could get the Halloween goodies (chips & fruit juices). Then we went to see his mom. We were hoping that by going earlier that we would get her pre-med but she was out cold so we didn't stay too long. We went home and I got to RELAX for awhile! Woo-hoo!
Dr. Bergman said that if my leg fills up again with fluid that she's going to submit it to insurance & take me into surgery to remove that pocket that keeps filling up. We've been deeling with it for over a year between draining it with a syringe & cutting it open twice.
Dr. Wittle's nurse called me yesterday and my mock pill swallowing has been moved up. I'm going to be at her office at 8 this morning. I'll have to have the 30 hour x-ray then ~2 tomorrow afternoon. I know they are hoping it doesn't get stuck at all. Me, knowing that it will dissolve, I'm hoping that if it is something that is obstructing stuff that it will get hung up enough to show up in the x-ray.
By doing the pill thing this morning, it gave me some extra time. I'm gonna jump in the shower...hmmm...maybe I'll take the time to shave my legs! LOL! I can't relax and have an AchievOne. I couldn't drink anything after 10...and can't until 2 hours after I 'swallow'.
Happy Birthday Ellen! Love you sis.... wishes tomorrow!
All of you newbies: If you don't have your info into Floyd for the Hoosier Directory, do it very soon!
You all have a good day today!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I am one of those people that once I wake up I can't go back to sleep right away. I've already had a bottle of water and some calcium so I guess not all is lost. My dogs are happy to be out of their crates this early. They were not happy about the cold.
I had my scope done one Tuesday. NO ULCERS! Whew!

Today is dad's dialysis (like always) and then getting my nails done at 3pm. I think I am going to try making some chili this evening. I HOPE it's not a trigger food. I have found 2 things that I just can't be around..... spaghetti and this potato/sausage dish. I will actually take bites of these things. SHAME! So, I told my husband that we are just going to have to not have those very often. Potatoes are not a big deal for me b/c I don't normally care for them. The only time I like them is in this dish. But my pouch was not digging them. I kept going in there and getting a bite.....ugh. Made me feel icky and that is what I get!
Hope everyone has a GREAT day! I have to get candy for the kids tomorrow. I have put it off b/c we all know having candy around is NOT good. Although, I don't really crave sweets. I want REAL food. I am going to buy candy I don't like. This will make it easier for me to resist, right???

I wouldn't get too big of a tub of anything. Your taste buds change..alot. I would however get Biotin. It's a vitamin B that helps with the hair. Once I started it, I never stopped & boy am I glad. I would had definately have been bald by now with as many surgeries as I've had!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Well, see ya'll later!
Good morning to everyone else. Today is back to work for me. Only for one day though, since I have tomorrow off as well. I took it off for Halloween, but it also winds up being Molly's field trip, so 2 for 1! Woooooooo Hoooooo!
Hope everyone has a great day today. It is going to be cool, but not as cold as yesterday was. And even supposed to be getting warmer by tomorrow afternoon. I hope so, because the girls have fairly thin costumes to wear tomorrow evening.
Not much of anything else going on today other than me working. Have a wonderful and blessed day all. Prayers going out to those having surgery this week.......Rick, bnonte and Sharon are a few that come to mind right offhand. If I have missed any others, you are also in my prayers. Good luck to all! We are all there for you in spirit! God Bless!
Take care and have a wonderful day!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
I am going to spend the day with my bff Ella. We are going to Toto and shop and have lunch. We were going to go to Michigan City and go to their Big Lots and then to lunch but yesterday we decided to do Toto. Toto is a just a little town with a couple of pretty big junk shops. I use the term junk loosely since it is more like close outs and seconds than junk. I could go down there all the time but since it an hour away from us we don't hit it as much as we would like. Bill has been wanting to go down there for a while but we will get there before Christmas for sure. He loves it down there. I first went there with my old school friend Carol and her mom. I had never even heard of it. Back then there was a lot of shops down there but during the years they have closed. I love the ones down there. I collect Mary's Moo Moo's and I can get them there for half the price. It use to be a lot less than half but during the last couple of years they have gone up in price just like everything else. But believe me I will take half price. I am so looking forward to spending time with Ella today. We use to have a lot more time together but anymore our lives are so busy with other things that we have to plan times like this. That is alright since we both have lives now and we still get time together and that is the important thing.
Tonight Bill and I are meeting his cousin and hopefully his wife at the Waterfront. It is a bar that we use to go to on Saturday nights and shoot pool and listen to the band. Tonight we are shooting pool and listening to karaoke. That should be fun. I sang karaoke one time and was so scared that I thought I would die. I don't think that is going to happen again any time soon. ha ha
I have been up since after 4 this morning. I was going to get my c~pap out and start using it since I am thinking that might be the cause of some of the problems that I have been having. I have no energy and I think it might be that the sleep apnea is still there. I stopped using the c~pap on my own. I thought that it was fine and I think it might have been but now is causing problems. I not only have the no energy but I am getting a lot of headaches too. I know that when I had the test my oxygen level dropped a lot to below 80% and so that might be cause of it too. I have to get it out and start using it. Maybe that might help. I know that it isn't going to hurt that is for sure.
I guess I should get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone. Special ones are being said for those in need of them. I am including you in them, Sherri and Gail. Sherri for the tests that she is going to be having and for Gail and her situations. I know that God will take care of everything. Have a wonderful and blessed day all.
Good morning all.
Not too bad a walk from the parking lot this morning. I purposely didn't put any heat on in the car cause I figured if I got too toasty warm I would hate the walk in the cold. And I did layer up too.
Not much going on today so far but we'll see how the rest of the day goes. My supervisor has been gone, but her boss drops by and makes special requests. We seem to be a more reactive office than a proactive one. I don't like it but hey, it's a paycheck.
Going to be busy when I get home tonight. I'm having the women's fellowship at my house in the morning so I need to get the place straightened up. I don't know about anyone else, but I seem to accumulate so much clutter. I've moved twice in the past three years and pared down each time. But it still seems like I have a bunch of "stuff". I even have boxes in the garage that haven't been opened up yet and my last move was in January. I need to get out there and go through the stuff and fill the shelves at Goodwill again.
Sherri, you actually went home and relaxed? I can't believe it. If they do the surgery on your leg will it heal completely then? Good luck with the mock pill, hope it shows something and they can get fixed.
Good luck to those having surgery today or tomorrow. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay warm.
Good Mornin', y'all.
I'm looking forward to the warm-up that the weatherman promised. The new front door we ordered came in yesterday, but now the installer can't get to it until Tuesday. I hope the warm hangs around until then. I can't imagine having this huge hole in the wall while the door is being installed if it's going to be cold. That will be our last outdoor maintenance project for the year. Time to start on all the indoor projects...
Our church is doing a "trunk or treat" on Friday. We are decorating our cars and passing out candy from the trunk of the car. We are going with a cowboy theme. I even got a cowboy hat and bandana for the dog.
Happy Birthday, Ellen! Enjoy your day.
In honor of Ellen's birthday, let's all enjoy today.
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...