Good Morning its Hump Day
Gail, I hope that you are feeling better and are able to find the cause for your attacks! My hubby used to have them, I know that they are scary! I hope that you have some resolve from them, soon! Vent away sweetie, that's what we are here for! We love ya! Hugz
I am at work today! My hubby brought me in early. That way I can work at my own pace and finally have things done, when they are suppose to be! The students are doing better with me BUT they are struggling with the fact that my sight isn't right on! I know that it has alot to do with there ages and all, but it does affect me some times! I am still a work in progress! Will I ever be done, lol!
For the most part I am doing better and am on my way, hopefully! I am still having lots of blurred/double vision and lights are way too sensitive for me! I feel like a hermit! I have to have as many lights off as possible! Nothing like working in a DARK kitchen! Oh well, at least my boss is allowing me to continue and has been extremely flexible! As long as I am safe! My coworker is doing the slicing and dicing! That's a good thing! I love my job, at least i have that!
Hope everyone else is off to a great day! I have thought about many of you! I will be thinking of those having their surgeries and hoping that those that have recently had theirs are feeling better and that they are getting comfort in knowing that each day does get easier!
I am off to work some more! Hugz to everyone! Have a GREAT day Hugz Dawn
(gotta love SPELL CHECK)

Good Morning Friends,
Just a quick Hello, Thought I would Pop in and say Hi! BRRRR Cold, I am shivering. I need a Parka!
Gail, I take Zoloft for my Panic attacks. Seems to help alot. I haven't had one in a long time. Hang in there Girlfriend. Well I am at work so I have to keep this short, That and I can not type for some reason this morning.
I have a personal trainer session tonight, lower body ouch! I did an awesome workout on Cardio and burned 400 calories. Felt great......
Hope everyone is doing well. Halloween is Friday and I am looking forward to walking around with Bella and really getting to walk and not just here and there. I was prolly 274 last Halloween...( down from 284) so I felt better but not as great as 148.0 feels. WOO HOO! Trick or Treat here we come....We have been Practicing.....Trick or Treat smell my feet give me something Healthy to eat! LOL....
MOms and Dads.....Halloween shoutout. We will be posting Halloween pics of kids so make sure you take a pic. or 2. I am a picture taker so I usually take 50....LOL
Hope you have a great HUMP day.
SHerri....good luck with the "test"
Ellen...smooches. I did get your voicemail. Sorry i missed you. I believe support group is next wednesday. xoxox SHanna
Gail....BIg soft gentle hugs to you.
All my new Friends...Happy healing, happy surgery or just Be Happy!
ps. How come my Avatar keeps changing back and forth. Is this doing it on your screen, too or just mine at home?
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Nothing much happening here today. Bill is on vacation and so he is home all day too. Maybe if I am lucky I can talk him in to taking me out for lunch. That would be nice.
My GF's (who we both consider family, her brother was my brother in law, and we grew up together,our parents were good friends and we share family also) step grandson was beaten to death a year ago June and this boys murder trial is going on now. Christopher was at this Mark Easter's party and talked to his girlfriend. Well, Mark didn't like that and told Christopher to leave. He left and Mark Easter made the remark that he was going to kill someone tonight and went after Christopher. He beat him to death and pounced on his chest and left foot prints on his body. Christopher was about 5'6" and 159 and Mark Easter was about 6' and 289 pounds. Easter is now saying that he killed him in self defense and that just makes me so angry. I would like to go to the trial but I know that I would get upset and Dana and Andy doesn't need that. He was Dana's son and Andy's stepson and they don't need the upset. I would appreciate any prayers that can said for this situation. I pray that justice will be done. I will keep you posted on how it ends. Thanks in advance for the prayers.
Gail, I know how scary the panic attacks are. I had them before and thank God they are a part of my past. I hated when I had them. They are just plain terrible. I pray that they go away and never return. I hope that your doctor can help you with them. It sounds like you are coming along well with the surgery. Please keep me posted on what the doctor says. I am keeping you in my prayers. You are a sweetie and you mean a lot to me. Just remember that you can vent here any time that you feel the need.
I guess I had better to movin' since Bill is feeling rejected by my being on the computer. He wants all my time and attention when he is on vacation. It seems like if I stopped suddenly he would have to be surgically removed from my bee hind! Oh the times when I was single sound good sometimes. But then it is good with him too. We always want what we want and if we get it we want something else.
I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for all. Special ones are being said for those in need of them. Have a wonderful and blessed day everyone!