Good Morning its Hump Day

Gail O.
on 10/28/08 6:46 pm - indianapolis, IN
Good Morning All,
I hope all kept warm and slept well. I go to see Dr Bergman @ 2:30, Glad to be going, I still have quite a bit of swelling but I guess thats normal.
I really need to get into my see counselor, I had another
Panic Attack, at 1:15 am this time again I almost went to the hospital, my heart was beating so fast, I was hot & cold at the same time. I am sorry to vent here but they scare me. Prayers please that this too shall pass.
On a positive note my BIL may get to go home soon, he misses Coal City and the farm but some things for his family will have to change.
My wish for everyone today is to smile. Love to you all.
Hugs & Blessings, Gail

Special Prayers & Healthy Wishes to Those in Need

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @

on 10/28/08 7:13 pm - Kempton, IN
HI! Don't apologize for venting to me and others here on this forum! That is what we are here for!
 I am so sorry that you had that attack! I hear that these panic attack feels different for each and everyone. They also sound very scarey. You need to just come on here and vent anytime you feel the need. Glad to here that your BIL is doing better.
 I am going to get ready for work here in a little bit. Boy it is starting to get confusing! Of course I never hooked a TV or anything that goes with it, that is Don's job! He has always done it and now I am going to have to learn it so I can tell others how to do it. I am going to have to do it over the phone and without any notes. I am old and have a bad memory so that is why I am confused! Wish me luck and say lots of prayers for me as I will truly need them!
 I am glad it is going to warm up this weekend but that isn't going to help after this one. I am so cold all the time and the room where I have been in training is freezing! It takes me all night to get warm and that is with a space heater and a electric blanket!BBBBBRRRRRR!
 Have a great day all and just think only 2 more then it will be the weekend! Michelle
LaChelle R.
on 10/28/08 7:47 pm - Erie, PA
Good early morning to Gail and Michelle, and to those yet to post.  I am up earlier than normal, since I have to get ready to go on Mariah's class field trip to Squire Boone Caverns today.  I am excited, since it is a new place for the two of us. We neither have been before, so this will be a new adventure for us! 
Spoke to the sherrif yesterday afternoon.  He filed the report, and has started the process of contacting the PD in we can find out who to start prosecuting.  Oh well, it will all work out eventually.  Just keep praying........thats what I do!  Our accounts are frozen, and several of the creditors that we were supposed to pay yesterday understand.  That is good at least.  It is sad that this is becoming more of a common happening in the world.  I just hate the fact that anyone has to go thru it.  I wouldn't wi**** on my worst enemy.
Hope everyone has a great day. Gotta get in the shower before the girls get up, so I can have some ho****er! heheh! Mean, aren't I?!?!? LOL  Take care, and TTYL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 10/28/08 8:03 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good Morning all!  A bit on the cold side this morning.  I knew it was supposed to be colder out so this morning I pulled out my cuddleduds tops AND bottoms to wear.  Did keep me warm on the walk from the parking lot to the building.  I was worried about maybe getting too warm in the office but as cold as it has been in here this week, I don't think that will be a problem.

My brother and his wife called last night, they are up visiting from Florida.  They came over and then we all went out for dinner.  Went to Chic Fil A so my granddaughter could play in the playground while the adults talked. 

Not much going on today.  Need to run by Sams Club on my way home to pick up a few things.  I may see how cheap their gas is and fill up there.  They are usually cheaper than the other stations around town.

Gail, so sorry to hear of your panic attacks.  You can vent anytime sweetie, you know so many people care about you and will be there for you if you need them.

Michelle, keep warm today.  Good luck on the job, just have confidence in your ability, I know if I can learn new stuff, you can too.   I have faith in you.

LaChelle, ID theft is so awful for the ones involved.  I do hope it gets straightened out very quickly for your sake.  Keep hanging in there kiddo.

Hope everyone has a safe, warm, peaceful day. 


Lee Ann B.
on 10/28/08 9:00 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Just a quick note to say good morning! Hoping the temps warm up today. I am going to Spring Mill with my grandson and taking pics of him with all the fall colors! beautiful camera shots there! hope everyone has a good day. Prayers to theose in need...congrats to those *****cieved and hugs for those who want! have a good one!

on 10/28/08 9:27 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

I love getting here at work when no one else is here. It's nice having a few minutes to relax...especially with all this moving stuff going on (It is ME time for me We got most of the stuff moved yesterday. Today, our pc's & other desk stuff will be moved. Hopefully, the lines will be turned on when they do it! I guess I'm just lucky that they are still on right now. Tomorrow, there will be a few odd & end things to move, but not much. Then comes the REALLY BIG job...organizing everything in the new lab & putting our things where we want them. Trust me, HUGE job!!! Today is going to seem easy compared to last week & yesterday. That's good. I have an appointment with the company doctor at 10 to continue my desk restriction (as if I've been keeping to it with this packing stuff). The usual doctor isn't in so I have to see a Dr. Scruby. All I could think when they told me his name is 'Scooby Doo'! LOL! Wish me luck. I heard he's really old and seems to think that people are just trying to get out of work when they see him. I can always flip up my top, and take off the bandages...huh? I have my next appt with Dr. Bergman at 5:10. They wanted me to come in earlier but there was no way I could have today. something bothering you that is causing these attacks? I know how horrible they can be. When I lived in Clinton, I went through about 3 months of having them. I know what brought mine on...the HORRIBLE boss I had then. She's up here in Indy now too and I've ran into her twice. Each time she was like 'Oh Hi Sherri!' with a big smile on her face. I gave her my very best 'bite me' glare and walked away. I do NOT have to kiss HER butt anymore!! I hope you see Carey pretty soon. Maybe he can help you pinpoint it.

Michelle...electronics are WAY easier to put together than they use to be. With pc's, you just match color/shape of plug to color/shape of outlet. It's really hard to screw that up. With TV's, it's about as easy too until you start putting DVD players & surround sound in. Just remember that you want your source 1st (satalite or cable), your viewer last (TV) and everything else goes in-between. If you want the surround sound to go through the DVD player too, you'd have csble=>surround=>DVD=>TV. Just try to think about what needs to go through what. When it comes to the speakers (auxiliary, etc), there's usually writing on the back to identify each..and then again it's matching shape of plug to shape of outlets usually. Trust me, lots of women put this stuff together too! LOL! When all else fails, look at the pictures &/or read the instructions...Hahaha!

Well..I get to eat breakfast today so I'm going to the cafeteria and eat a GOOD one! not just my sf oats today! Starting with lunch, I can only had liquids until 10 tonight (more like 8:30 since I am usually heading for bed around then). tomorrow, I can only have the "smallest sips of water" & my meds. I go to swallow that mock pill at 3. I don't know how/if my diet will be limited after that.

Ok..time to get it in gear! Have a great day guys & gals!!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 10/28/08 9:38 pm - Richmond, IN

Good morning! I've been up transcribing for about three hours, now taking a break and playing on OH. Can't do that for long, though. Doctors are not patient people! 

I'm sipping on my hot Click (LOVE that stuff). My day will consist of working, then going to lunch at my aunt's house, then trying to teach her how to use her new computer. I know just enough to be dangerous, hope I don't confuse her too much.

Gotta get some exercise in sometime today, maybe I'll bundle up and walk when I get home.

Hope everyone has a terrific day!

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

Jenny K.
on 10/28/08 10:19 pm - IN
Good freezing morning everyone!
Not much going on with me today, just working.  As soon as another person gets here, I need to run to Muncie and do some running for the EMS station.  The assessor screwed our company's taxes up so I have to go and get those fixed.  We are non profit and they have us paying.  Then I have to go to the social security office and get me a replacement SS card, that I have never gotten replaced since my purse was stoles a few years ago. Then I have to go get some reflective address signs and #'s to make some address signs that people buy from us so we know how to find them. 
I guess one of our board members has a couple politicians coming tomorrow. Mike Pence and Bill Davis just to show them our station. Why? I really dont know. 
Tomorrow night I am going to a class to get certified in giving TB tests. 

*Gail I hope you get to feeling better real soon. 

Everyone have a great day.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

Melissa H.
on 10/28/08 10:37 pm - Danville, IN
Good morning all. Gail, sorry to hear about your panic attacks, hope your dr can help. Also glad your BIL is doing well.

I plan on speding the day home playing with my cutie pie little boy. Seems like all too often we are running all over and never get good play time. Hope everyone stays warm! I'm ready for summer again! At least it will warm up a little bit before Halloween.
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

Check out my WLS blog at:

on 10/28/08 10:39 pm - Thorntown, IN
Morning Friends,
 Going to take care of the twins then off to the Drs. for my b12 shot- boy, I need one bad! I have been dragging lately- might be cause I'm bumping up my exercise routine & working out harder,plus the babies keep me hopping! They are trying to walk- oh boy, the fun will really begin when they do!!!! Still no heat in their house- just space heaters & rooms are blocked off to have some heat- I nearly froze there yesturday! Please pray they get it on  before this weekend- they applied for help but no answer yet.
Went to Dr. Inmans Mon. I was up 10#!!!! I was so shocked- I'm working out , eating right ( most of the time)& gained! I did lose 7" so I guess there is some results- but I'm really not happy with the scales. I was told- "don't worry about what the scales say. It is normal to re-gain 15-20# after you have maintained a few years".
HUH??!!#$%^&@@#$%   So, I have been tracking my food/exercise on Sparkpeople for a month & am going to take it to the dietician & see what I need to do differant. I do know I am getting physically better- my Trainer has changed up my routine and I can lift heavier weights, lift heavier ones, so that is great.

Gail, Sweety,my heart goes out to you. I have meds, I can use when I have them, but luckly haven't needed to for years. I do hope you find out what is causing them and get relief soon. Call me anytime,/ pm. me, and we'll talk, ok?You are one special lady, and deserve to feel helathy ,happy, & whole. Take it a day at a time, and know that God is right there with you thru whatever "storm" you face.
Sherri- It sounds to me like you are doing much more than "desk work"!!!!Try not to over-do (I know, easier said than done) and here's hoping you get the needed results to feel better with that test. I do wonder if it isn't that loop problem you wrote about. So glad Bill & Jean are doing better. Take care dear Sis, & call me when you get time.
Well, got to go- everyone have a great day- stay WARM & healthy. I 'm sending out prayers and ((((((((((hugs)))))))))))to you all. Speedy recovery to all of those who had surgery & good luck to all those who are working towards your goals- you can do it!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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