Tuesday moning
Well got to go get ready for a long day of training! Wish me luck and say a prayer for me! You all have a great day! Michelle
Good morning everyone!
I'm with Michelle..last night was way too short! I got out of work late, picked up Bill, went to see Jean (Bill's mom), we went to dinner, got lottery tickets...and then it was after 8! I was in bed by 9. I have a feeling all week is going to be like that.
Today is the first 'move' day. They are moving large equipment & boxes today. Tomorrow, they'll be moving our desk pc's & stuff (what they call the 'people move'), and Thursday, the rest of the boxes & stuff that we don't have ready for them today. That means we are going to be extremely busy just trying to get the rest packed up. It was nice having Brian back yesterday..some help to pack with! Kelly took the day off...and boy do I plan to tease her butt over that one! I worked on getting the large equpment 'decontaminated' so they could be moved while Brian packed and tried to take care of other stuff. We work good as a team.
I sent Dr. Gupta's nurse a note about the Afferent loop syndrome. I had gotten a call yesterday from Dr. Wittle's nurse (the new GI). He would still like to do the camera pill on me but is still afraid of it getting stuck...so we're doing like a moch test first. starting at lunch tomorrow, I'll be on a all liquid diet and nothing to eat/drink after 10 pm. On Thursday, I can only have sips of water with my pills. At 3, I go in to swallow the mock pill. At 9 pm on Friday, I go for an x-ray at IU to find out if the pill is still in me & where. I asked what happens if it gets stuck. She said that she was 'pretty sure' it would dissolve. Pretty sure??? I included that in my note for Dr. Gupta too. Since we don't have the normal gastric juices, I wanted to be sure I'd have enough of the right kind to dissolve it...just in case. If this pill makes it through to the toilet, they'll schedule a time to drop the camera pill in. From what I've read, they do that with endoscopy..they place it directly into the intestine so I don't have to swallow it or worry about it getting stuck in my stoma. So..it's been a GI week so far!
Oh..I had gotten a call from Dr. Bergman's secretary too. She wanted to move my Wed. appointment from 5:10 to 10 am. There is just no way I can do that with the move going on this week. I'm still getting alot of fluid from my leg though. I hope it doesn't close up before it's done draining..but I have a feeling it's going to.
Well...time to get busy!
love ya's!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Today is a busy day. First, gotta head back to the bank and get things straightened out there. Thanks so much for all the information and links. I am taking copies of everything with me. I have all the statements from the banks, and even the past ones that we started having trouble with, but just couldn't pinpoint it until now. Then, Jimmy and I both have dentist appointments at 10 am. We haven't been in awhile, and it is way overdue for a good cleaning and some repairs on one of my fillings. After that, Jimmy has a face to face meeting with the manager at the casino. The meeting is about the dice sliding incident, and then about rehiring him. Please keep him in your prayers for that. Jimmy is so nervous about it....I just hope he doesn't freak out and it not happen. Thats it for the day, except for "BOO" Bingo at the school tonight for the kids. It is free, and have tons of fun and games for them! They always love to attend, and always win prizes!
Hope everyone has a better day today! I will update everyone on what I find out later. I have already been warned that it is a very long and drawn out process to fix an identity theft, and I am not looking forward to it, but I will survive!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
A bit, okay a lot chilly this morning. I'm ready to jump ahead to April and know warm weather is coming.
Sherri, do hope the pill thing works for you. Sounds like Bill and your MIL are doing well. Glad to hear that. I didn't see where you took any "me" time to relax and regroup over the weekend. You can't keep up your pace, you do need to take care of yourself too.
Michelle, hope today is a better day for you. I know whenever I've been in training there are some voices that have put me to sleep.
I've got some audits to do today, so guess I best get to it. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay warm.
I havent been on in a few days. I took Fri. & Mon. off and had a 4 day weekend. It was so nice!
We had our town halloween parade Sat. and it was nice. I walked through it beside the ambulance and passed out candy to the little kiddos.
I have 6 more work days after today to be here at EMS. I still am staying as a volunteer that will be kind of weird as I was the boss, now its going to be some of the people will be my boss. Oh well, something I can live with. We tease each other about that.
Nothing much going on today just have the boring class that we have to attend for FEMA, but I am not going since I am leaving its not something I can finish before my last day here. So what is the point in wasting 3 hours of my life that I would never get back today...lol
Well everyone have a good day
Good Morning, Well today is my 2nd day back to work after surgery and I really wish I could have taken another week off. I am still sore and really tired, not to mention getting my 2yr old going in the morning and having to lift him.
Not complaining though, everything is going well after surgery. I haven't had any problems from the surgery. Went to the southside support group last night, my goal is to go every month. I really like the group there.
Hope everyon has a good day
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Well I have the day off...I need it! My face is still swollen and it is bruised really bad. Looks like Mark gave me a hard uppercut! LOL Not as much pain today. Glad I don't have to go thru this again! whewwwwwwwwwww
I have been up getting the kitchen cleaned...mopping...and got some beef stew cooking in the crock pot for supper. Fixin to head to the bank...and then home and might make some grape jam or jelly. I am gonna make an apple pie for supper. Today is Mark and my anniversary....2 years. Yesterday was my bday and Mark got me a pair of PINK John Deere gloves! I love them! He also got me a small jewelry box that has a red rhinestone high heel on top! He said...kinda like the ruby slippers...since I was born in Kansas. I got him the Ted Nugent book "Ted, White and Blue" and tickets to the Indianapolis Philharmonic Christmas Program for our anniversary.
Hope y'all have a smiley day and rowdy night! STAY WARM!
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
Hi Janene,
Did you get your Birthday greeting from me on My Space , I was thinking of you , And Happy Anniversary to you & Mark . Love to you. Hugs & Blessings Gail
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @ www.MySpace.com/gail7616