Good morning all!
Shoot! I had this long thing wrote up and poof! It was gone!!!! Grrrrrr!!! we go again!
Dr. Fecht..the GI I didn't like...called yesterday. It was a total surprise. He just got back from vacation and had me on his mind. sweet. hmmmm....after a month....? Anyway, he had an idea of something else that might be wrong with me. Yeah..out of the blue. It makes me wonder if he wasn't at some convention and was comparing notes with other GI's and he told them about my mysterious case and one of THEM came up with this idea. Anyway, however he may have come upon it, I'm glad he did. He said it may be '(something) loop syndrome'. Anyway, with what he was talking about, the juices, etc from your stomach can drain into this loop. The loop can get kinked and cause a stricture...which can occur rather if you eat or not, can cause diarhea, and occurs when the patient is upright. Sound familiar? I looked online for the 'something' that he said and all I could find was 'blind' loop syndrome. I don't really think that is what he said though. It said that that causes bacterial build-up and if an anti-biotic doesn't take care of it, then surgery is done to straighten out the loop so stuff can't get hung up there. If that is it, lord knows they tried about every anti-biotic there is for 'just in case' and none of them affected that at all (just made me nausious!). He is going to be contacting Dr. Wittles (the IU guy) today. Considering Dr. Wittles has been trying to figure out what to do next for the past 2 weeks, I'm sure he'll welcome any suggestions at all. I somehow feel though that they aren't going to be able track it down until someone does a standing MRI or something similar. All the tests they've done, I've been laying down. Shoot, I lay down to get RELIEF from the syptoms! And they need to do it in the late afternoon when my stomach is distended. It's like they are trying to repeat the syptoms..but they aren't doing ANYTHING that normally causes the symptoms. It would be wonderful to get a call from IU today saying that the tests they've already done confirms what Dr. Fecht said. boss returns today. I hope he's at least a little pleased with the progress. I worked my butt off last week and it seems like you can barely tell it. That's aggrevating...but normal for when you are moving.
I hope all has a good day today!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Hope everyone is warm this morning. It is very cold this morning. It will warm up later tho, but for now it is rediculious! Time to get used to it I guess tho....tis the season!
I will be posting pictures from the walk yesterday afternoon. It was such a wonderful day! So thankful to be able to walk for such a wonderful cause too! Many thanks to Lee Ann, and the rest of the KY board! Leslie drove over 3 hours to come walk with us! Talk about commitment! It was awesome!
Have a wonderful day all. Nothing planned other than paying bills with the non-existant paycheck that Jimmy will be getting. We will survive, we have to! He has filed for his unemployment again, and hopefully that will get started up soon. The sad part was when he was drawing unemployment before, he was bringing home a fairly good amount each week. When he started working, he was barely bringing home the same amount in a 2 week period that he got paid weekly from unemployment. Of course, his unemployment ran out, and he even tried for an extension, but couldn't get it.(We never found out why either) Keep your fingers crossed that it will be reinstated soon!
Have a great day!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Sherri, I really hope they're on the right track this time. I hope they can test for it without having to go in for like, an exploratory surgery. You're in my thoughts, girl!
Happy Monday everyone!
Did anyone else think there might have been a little snow mixed in with the rain this morning? I know it was sure cold and windy. I pulled out my winter coat, plus layered up and wore a thermal t-shirt. I'm ready for April.
Sherri, i hope that between Fetch and Wittles they can find your problem and resolve it. You've really suffered long enough with so many problems it's your turn to have some smooth sailing on these troubled waters of life. Hope Bill is doing well, and your MIL.
LaChelle, glad you enjoyed the walk over the weekend. Will pray for Jimmy and his getting rehired. Just hang in there kiddo. I know that is easier said than done. You aren't alone in this struggle.
Linda, good for standing up for yourself. Glad things worked out well in your staff meeting. And also glad you and DH worked out your problems. It does make life a bit easier when you don't have that stress to deal with.
Ellen, Hope you have a good day. I know you are so busy with Penny and the kids and all that is going on there. Give me a call if you need me and I can help.
Hope everyone has a great day. Stay warm, stay safe, be blessed.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Mornin' Posse!
I can't say its a good mornin' though. I am in so much pain its ridiculous! I felt great all weekend...still some swelling...but this mornin' around 3:30 BIG TIME swollen...and black and blue! Only on the right side of my mouth. I tell ya...this is NOT the way to go to fill in those wrinkles and saggy jaws! I am sitting here waiting for the dentist office to open at 8 and I am THERE! I also have a doc appt. today to get my year labs done. Somewhere in between I have to go to work...LOL
On a slightly TMI note...I went bra shopping Saturday...FOUND ONE I LOVE! and OMG here is the kicker...I am a 42DD!!!!!!!!! Dang feels so good tooooooooo....went down from a 50DDD....Lord those puppies were heavy! whewwwwwwwww
Sherri....hope those docs get you fixed up soon! I wanna really hug you this year at the St. V's Christmas Party! Heck we might even dance! LOL Doc Huse told me this year is suppose to be a big one....they will be celebrating 10 years! go gal! Way to stand up for yourself!
laChelle....smooooooooooch looking for a surprise in the mail soon!
Posse, y'all have a smiley day and a rowdy night! STAY WARM!
luv ya
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
I start my seasonal job with Fed Ex on Wednesday. I am always intimidated by going to a place for the first time, not knowing where to go. I am nervous but really glad to have a lil extra holiday cash. I am hoping to get some forced exercise while working because I have been slacking on my Curves the last three weeks.
I had my 3 month anniversary for my RNY last week so I went to Curves to get weighed and measured. I have lost 70.5lbs since last Janurary and 57 1/2 inches thats a lot of inches! Our Curves puts our losses on a balloon, the balloon has streamers that are as long as the inches you have lost. The lady called the steamer the longest one in history lol.
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
I had a really bad panic attack last night, I haven't had one that bad in a while. This morning I feel drained . But I wanted to you all how much I miss you. I love you all.
Hugs & Blessings, Gail
Special Prayers & Healthy Wishes to Those in need.

Have a great day, I try to get back later.
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Morning/Day Everyone,
What a great Fall morning!!!! Cold COld COLD! I'm eagerly looking forward to snow arriving and winter being here... ONLY because the sooner it gets here... the quicker this will be over with and I can anticipate spring and warmer weather. I hate this time of the year and then the coming winter. It really aggravates my RSD badly. I've been popping as much of my pain pills as allowed since Thursday and still feel as though I've taken nothing. The pain is just that intense. Bottoms of my feet and creases of my hands... soo soo sooo swollen. I finally had to take an ativan to calm my nerves because the depression from the overwhelming pain was making me cry and I needed something to calm my nerves. What an emotionally crappy weekend.
Okay, now that I've pissed and moaned about that... let me mention the good stuff that made me smile and/or laugh this weekend. Matt and Gage did awesome in their matches for the Special Olympics Fall Classic held at Hamilton SouthEastern High School in Fishers on Saturday. Although on seperate teams they both played volleyball. Matt's team got a gold medal and a trophy and Gage's team, although it was their first time playing together and all junior age members, got a silver medal. Gage also got called on at the last second to fill in a vacant swimmers position for a 25m freestyle relay and for not practicing swimming since May... helped his team recieve a silver medal. He also helped the other teams and Special Olympic officals by line judging other volleyball matches.He even got in the water and helped a more disabled athelete calm down and convince her she was capable of swimming and winning her race..... and then she did! I was really proud of him for stepping up and maturing emtionally like that. He's such a great kid. Meanwhile, Mr Ham & Entertainment Specialist, Quinn..... pushed his stroller for hours (literally) non stop, laughing and giggling along the way. Oh, and talk about flirting... OMGosh! he's such a HUGE flirt!! He's finally got all his first year primary teeth in and they are slowly turning white.. but they are in. He's been knawing on the back right, so I think molars are coming in now. He's growing confindent in walking... now holding on just one/a finger. He just amazes me with his happy, giggly, full of life attitude. I'm so grateful GOD blessed me with him.. and that he saved my life.
Tomorrow I have to be at St Francis South Campus at 8 am for my barium swallow. I'm crossing my fingers big time that it shows that my dilation is resolved and that my food impaction is gone too so that I can keep my appointment for the 6th to have a fill. My non restriction has me self consciously grazing constantly and I've really packed on the weight. I'm up to 200 lbs now. Oh the mental torment that that weight gain has given me!! But this past year has be physically rough on me... so.... starting fresh and new with an empty band and a new appreciation of life (in general) gives me a new hope and admiration for my band and weight loss.
Sherri, I agree with you in our pm... We Both Sure Do!!! hahahaha! Also I hope they find something soon to give you some type of relief. I mean seriously, a year already and nothing... nothing... nothing... and every doc keeps assuming your content (or should learn to be content) with living like this much longer. Your being much more patience about this then I would be.
Lachelle, I really admire your conviction in your spritualy growth and participation in cancer projects. In messages to me... you tell me that you'r proud of me in my survival of cancer... my friend I'm proud of you... seriously..... you rock girl. Keep doing what your doing because every little bit helps and hopefully soon they find a common denominator in all cancers to erradicate it. Thanks so much for thinking of me - the bracelets. Next year I'm determined to get with you and do a cancer walk with ya!! I'm serious about that... it's a commitment from me to you.
Gail - I found the cutest card for you the other day so..... I'm gonna be mailing it to you when you least expect it... hahahahahahhahahahhaha!
Blessings All
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"