What Was Your "Last Straw?"
I had first talked to my doctor about WLS back in 2001. That was when I started my physician supervised diet. Honestly, that was more his suggestion than mine. At that point, I was still doing good. In 2002, I had to have my gall bladder out. I was a little crushed when the surgeon said I fit the 3 F's...Female, Forties, and Fat. Ouch. I could handle being 40, but fat?? I continued with my doctor's diet plan although I kept gaining weight. In 2003, after 2.5 years on it, I tried to get approval for WLS. MPlan denied me. They didn't like the way my doctor kept his notes. They wanted me to do an additional 18 months! I switched that January to Anthem. In the meantime, my sister had put in for WLS, was approved, and had the surgery. She was doing great on it. That encouraged me to try again. That next summer, I tried again but with Anthem and was approved with no problems.
There wasn't 'one last straw' for me. I had the walk of shame from a roller coaster at King's Island. You know...too fat for the safety bar. I was embarrassed, got off of the ride and went and had an elephant ear or something similar to soothe my bruised ego. I've had to ask for extenders on airplanes. I've had to tote around my c-pap. Back in 2001 though, I had made a list of all my medical conditions and thought 'this is nuts. I'm looking at several surgeries here if I don't do something'. And that is how I approached it with my doctor. But when I was denied? I stuffed my face again to 'help' deal with the disappointment. For me, it really was a cumulative decision. It's one I have NEVER regretted. And that, for me, is saying alot (read my profile).
There wasn't 'one last straw' for me. I had the walk of shame from a roller coaster at King's Island. You know...too fat for the safety bar. I was embarrassed, got off of the ride and went and had an elephant ear or something similar to soothe my bruised ego. I've had to ask for extenders on airplanes. I've had to tote around my c-pap. Back in 2001 though, I had made a list of all my medical conditions and thought 'this is nuts. I'm looking at several surgeries here if I don't do something'. And that is how I approached it with my doctor. But when I was denied? I stuffed my face again to 'help' deal with the disappointment. For me, it really was a cumulative decision. It's one I have NEVER regretted. And that, for me, is saying alot (read my profile).
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
In May of 2007 I decided I would like to live a more healthy lifestyle. I had not been to a doctor in over ten years at that time so I made an appointment. While sitting in the exam room I was reading a poster that stated "smokers who quit will have 90% the lung capacity of a non smoker in five years"....wow I was impressed. I thought the damage I was doing by smoking for the last 30 years was irrepairable. I quit smokng shortly after the doctors visit, and by the end of 2007 had reached a new all time high in my weight 288 lbs. After seeing myself in holiday pictures I knew it was time to put my complete focus on my weight loss, I didn't want to be taking 13 pills a day like my mother was. I started going to Curves and joined the weight loss challenge at KMart, the first couple of months I did really well then it was as though I had hit a brick wall. I tried really hard, I ate well and continued to exercise but I was not losing weight. My mom mentioned she would like to check into weight loss surgery and that set my wheels in action. I had tried about ten years ago and was denied due to an exclusion in my policy, so I had little hope as I picked up the phone to call my insurance company. To my surprise they answered "yes" we cover surgery and the only qualifications you need is a letter from the surgeon stating that it is medically necessay......omg. I thought for sure I would be waiting for five years to get my five years worth of medical records (remember I had not been to the doctor in ten years). I scheduled my consultation that day and was approved in no time at all. From consultation to surgery was three months. I am so blessed to be able to have this opportunity to improve my quality of life. I cannot wait to take my son to Kings Island next summer and ride a few rides with him, something I have not ever been able to do!!
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
my name is Ellen. I live about 25 mi. from Lafayette & Indy. I have been married to my "blind date" for 43 yrs.
have 3 wonderful daughters & SIL's, 9 grandsons,2 grandaughters!!
I have been obese all of my life- my all time high was 289#. In 2003 I tired to have baritaric surgery, and was denied because my PCP at that time didn't believe in the surgery nor kept records of my attempts at weight loss !!!
To think I went to him for 15 +yrs!!
Most of my life was consumed with -pain low self esteem,depression, self hate, many pills / shots / diet clubs / starvation / liquid diets- on & on til l nearly died. I became a severely ill person- high blood pressure; pre-diabetes; 3 major back surgeries; took tons of pain meds.- 18 to be exact by time of surgery & became addicted to several; had heart problems;sleep apenea; had severe depression, Triginimal Neuralgia, Fibromyalga, on & on.
In Jan. 2004 I found a wonderful PCP who was so supportive! I had to be on a med. supervised diet for 12 mo. plus go to 2 support group meetings a month for 10 months due to my Ins. requirements. It was the BEST thing I could have done- it helped me prepare for the many changes to come and find support /answers and hope from others who "had been there- done that".
My "last straws" was when we went to the Grand Canyon & I couldn't walk around -I had to have the guides run me around & walked with a cane wherever I could go. Also, 3 months earlier, my back surgeon told me " if you don't get the weight off your back, you'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life within 6 months".
On Oct. 25, 2005, I was given a LAP RUNY by Dr. Inman.I walked down the hall at 271# into my new life!!! I have NEVER regretted my decision to have this life changing- life saving surgery.My BMI has gone from 48.0 to 24-1, I have dropped from a 26-28 to a 14-16 lost over 100# and 75 inches!!
I have regained my self confidence, playfulness-am able to play with my grandchildren, be active,& being able live life as a healthy- NORMAL person
! I LOVE the friends I've made on here- we laugh, cry, share, encourage, & support each other- thats what I've found here- "family"!!

I have been obese all of my life- my all time high was 289#. In 2003 I tired to have baritaric surgery, and was denied because my PCP at that time didn't believe in the surgery nor kept records of my attempts at weight loss !!!

Most of my life was consumed with -pain low self esteem,depression, self hate, many pills / shots / diet clubs / starvation / liquid diets- on & on til l nearly died. I became a severely ill person- high blood pressure; pre-diabetes; 3 major back surgeries; took tons of pain meds.- 18 to be exact by time of surgery & became addicted to several; had heart problems;sleep apenea; had severe depression, Triginimal Neuralgia, Fibromyalga, on & on.
In Jan. 2004 I found a wonderful PCP who was so supportive! I had to be on a med. supervised diet for 12 mo. plus go to 2 support group meetings a month for 10 months due to my Ins. requirements. It was the BEST thing I could have done- it helped me prepare for the many changes to come and find support /answers and hope from others who "had been there- done that".
My "last straws" was when we went to the Grand Canyon & I couldn't walk around -I had to have the guides run me around & walked with a cane wherever I could go. Also, 3 months earlier, my back surgeon told me " if you don't get the weight off your back, you'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life within 6 months".
On Oct. 25, 2005, I was given a LAP RUNY by Dr. Inman.I walked down the hall at 271# into my new life!!! I have NEVER regretted my decision to have this life changing- life saving surgery.My BMI has gone from 48.0 to 24-1, I have dropped from a 26-28 to a 14-16 lost over 100# and 75 inches!!

(((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#
Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


What a great story! Thanks for sharing it.
Jenny, I in all honesty can't remember a "last straw" or anything like that. I was one that was dead set against wls and was never going to have it. I knew a girl who had stomach stapling done in Chicago and the staple gun went nuts and stapled all her internal organs. She was in ICU for weeks and was not expected to live. I was completely baffled when I heard her say that she would do it again in a minute. I just couldn't understand someone saying that. To be honest I thought that she was insane.
My husbands cousin heard about Lap Band and wanted me to go with her to a presentation for it. We went and I was kind of impressed. That is saying a lot for me. Bill's cousin on the other hand never ventured past the presentation. I went to a presentation at Methodist Hospital on the surgery and went with my bff. She was very impressed and so was I. The doctor who ended up doing my surgery talked and I heard him answer questions and the ones that I had too. I had to make an appointment to see him first because of the health problems that I have. Mainly the heart problem. If there was a reason I would have been rejected it would be because of the Cardiomyopathy. I went in to see him for the band. He told me that he thought that rny would be the best. I took some time to decide but the remark that Ella, my bff said to me was what really made my decision. She said to me that I am maxed out on insulin and pills and I have so many co morbidity's she wanted to grow old with me and make our plan of going into a nursing home come true. We always have said that we are going in together and share a room. Bill and Rick our husbands had to share their own room. We shared rooms with them long enough and it is going to be our time then. We are going to sit in the hallway in our wheelchairs and make fun of other people. I went forward and never turned around and looked back. I had the open rny and had a bit of setback right after surgery but I have never looked back or regretted it for one second. I would do it again if I needed to and I let everyone know that it was the greatest decision in my life. I feel that God was working through Bill's cousin to get me to this point. Low and behold she has never had surgery for this and probably never will. She is right at about 400 pounds now and I wish that she would but she just isn't to that point now. She may never be and I must accept that. I know that God brought me here and I am going to be eternally grateful to Him for that.
That is my story and I am sticking to it.
My husbands cousin heard about Lap Band and wanted me to go with her to a presentation for it. We went and I was kind of impressed. That is saying a lot for me. Bill's cousin on the other hand never ventured past the presentation. I went to a presentation at Methodist Hospital on the surgery and went with my bff. She was very impressed and so was I. The doctor who ended up doing my surgery talked and I heard him answer questions and the ones that I had too. I had to make an appointment to see him first because of the health problems that I have. Mainly the heart problem. If there was a reason I would have been rejected it would be because of the Cardiomyopathy. I went in to see him for the band. He told me that he thought that rny would be the best. I took some time to decide but the remark that Ella, my bff said to me was what really made my decision. She said to me that I am maxed out on insulin and pills and I have so many co morbidity's she wanted to grow old with me and make our plan of going into a nursing home come true. We always have said that we are going in together and share a room. Bill and Rick our husbands had to share their own room. We shared rooms with them long enough and it is going to be our time then. We are going to sit in the hallway in our wheelchairs and make fun of other people. I went forward and never turned around and looked back. I had the open rny and had a bit of setback right after surgery but I have never looked back or regretted it for one second. I would do it again if I needed to and I let everyone know that it was the greatest decision in my life. I feel that God was working through Bill's cousin to get me to this point. Low and behold she has never had surgery for this and probably never will. She is right at about 400 pounds now and I wish that she would but she just isn't to that point now. She may never be and I must accept that. I know that God brought me here and I am going to be eternally grateful to Him for that.
That is my story and I am sticking to it.
Wow, this is quite a question, and one that I didnt actually have to think about.
I was orginally approved in 2003, and never went thru with it. I guess the time just was not right for me at that point in my life. I was only 23, and I felt that I could lose weight on my own.
Fast forward to 2006, I went to get me some new clothes. Being over 400 pds, I was shopping at Casual Male. I knew I had to do something when I could not find anything to wear there. I was devastated. I am not usually an emotional person, but I just sat in my car and cried. I tried on a size 56 pair of jeans, and they didnt fit. 6 x shirts were tight, and it just crushed me.
I came home, prayed, talked to my family, and decided to move forward. Looking back now, I know that it was the right choice, I, like most of you would not change a thing. It was the best choice, and as you all know again, it hasnt always been easy, but still something I'd do again at the drop of a hat.
Thanks for the though provoking thread.
God Bless you all....
I was orginally approved in 2003, and never went thru with it. I guess the time just was not right for me at that point in my life. I was only 23, and I felt that I could lose weight on my own.
Fast forward to 2006, I went to get me some new clothes. Being over 400 pds, I was shopping at Casual Male. I knew I had to do something when I could not find anything to wear there. I was devastated. I am not usually an emotional person, but I just sat in my car and cried. I tried on a size 56 pair of jeans, and they didnt fit. 6 x shirts were tight, and it just crushed me.
I came home, prayed, talked to my family, and decided to move forward. Looking back now, I know that it was the right choice, I, like most of you would not change a thing. It was the best choice, and as you all know again, it hasnt always been easy, but still something I'd do again at the drop of a hat.
Thanks for the though provoking thread.
God Bless you all....
"There are two things to aim at in life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind has achieved the second." Author unknown.
I had somewhat decided a few years ago to have surgery, but my husband and I wanted to have kids and I was pushing 35 by then, so the family thing had to happen first. My son was born in 2005 and my daughter in 2007, and in early 2008 I decided it wastime. I had this "cadillac" health insurance that my employer spent loads of money on, so I knew it would not be a problem. Imagine my shock when I found out WLS was excluded! $18,000 a year in premiums for a family of 4 and no WLS. I kind of retreated for a few months, bt my belly was not going away, and I was having more and more of a problem withthe exhaustion, depression, etc.
After those few months, I decided that my health was important enough to self-pay, and I got in for the consult and started the ball rolling. So, for me, there was no last straw really, many things in life that pushed me toward it but it had been in the back of my head for a few years. A cousin had RNY 4 years ago and I also had gone to a seminar with a friend (who sadly did not follow through). I knew that I was only going to get BIGGER without WLS.
By the way - can you link to the other post? I would love to read more of these!!
After those few months, I decided that my health was important enough to self-pay, and I got in for the consult and started the ball rolling. So, for me, there was no last straw really, many things in life that pushed me toward it but it had been in the back of my head for a few years. A cousin had RNY 4 years ago and I also had gone to a seminar with a friend (who sadly did not follow through). I knew that I was only going to get BIGGER without WLS.
By the way - can you link to the other post? I would love to read more of these!!