What Was Your "Last Straw?"
What was your "last straw," the moment you decided to look into having weight loss surgery? I remember mine vividly. My daughter and I had gone to the DCI Championships (marching band competition) at the Hoosierdome (RCA Dome) in Indianapolis. We had absolutely great seats, Emily was so excited to be able to see so well. Well, we got to our seats...and I couldn't fit in it. I mean, could NOT squeeze myself into it at all. There were people seated all around us, oh my gosh, talk about humiliation! We had to change our tickets and sat in chairs a couple of levels up, not NEARLY as good. On the way to the ticket counter I went into the bathroom and sobbed. I've had a lot of embarrassing moments, but none compared to this one. The very next day I started researching WLS. That was in June 2007, and I had my surgery May 29, 2008 and have never looked back. I wish I had done this years ago.
What about you? Do you remember what made you start looking into having surgery?
I would say the final straw for me was on a flight from California back to Indiana 2 years ago. I was sat in the emergency isle and the stewardess went to get me a seatbelt extender. I was then told because I had the extender it made me unable to sit there. Well I was mad because I told them when I checked in I would need one so why they sat me there I don't know. The stewardess from American Airlines went row to row until she found a couple who would trade seats with us because I was "too fat to sit in the emergency isle". I never did get an apology after I called, wrote and emailed the company... now I just refuse to fly with them.
Seems like we've had similar humilating experiences but we've taken the steps to correct it because we are strong!
highest wgt/ day of surgery/ current wgt / goal wgt
52 lbs lost before surgery!!

I had really never seriously considered WLS when it was done open, I was just too scared to do it. However, when I heard it was being done laparoscopically, that really helped me make the decision...other than the embarrassing moments, of course!
When she left me here to make decisions on mine own I started looking into this surgery. I didn't want to get to where I Huffed and Puffed just walking 10 feet. There was a woman in Lebanon that had the "Stomach Staple" job done and blew out her staples so it took something as bad as my BFF to die to make my "last straw" moment. I was so afraid because of that!
SO as Paul Harvey says HERE IS THE REST OF THE STORY! Now you know what my last straw moment was. What is yours ? Michelle
I also know a woman who had stomach stapling. It worked at first, but now she is finding she can eat more and is taking full advantage of that and she is starting to gain her weight back. I really hope she gets that under control. I don't think they even do that one any more, do they?
I had looked in to surgery in 2004, but it all seemed too overwhelming, the requirements and insurance approval and all that. I walked away from it. My last straw was in summer 2006, seeing a picture of myself with my kids. I just look like a mountain in that picture. I started calling to make some consultation appointments that week.
