on 10/23/08 6:42 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning!

I'm fixing to head out to work.! I'm working today to make up for missing on Tuesday with Bill's surgery. If we weren't in the middle of this moving deal at work I would had just taken it as a day off. There is just too much to do though. I will probably work some this weekend too. I would like it to be when my boss comes in Monday that he doesn't instantly get stressed back up.

My visit with Dr. Gupta went fine. She said I was slightly anemic so I need to up my red meat & green leafy veggies. Not a problem. She didn't have all of the vitamin results in yet. That was nuts since I had them done ~3 weeks ago! We just set up next years appt for my 5 yr (wow..sounds strange, huh? 5 yrs!!). She figured I'd be back in within a few months over my stomach anyway so we didn't set that appt. up. We're just waiting on IU to get back with me. I'll probably call them today...again. nice laughing with you on my way home! I really needed that & enjoyed it!

Well..time to get it in gear! Have a good day everyone!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
(deactivated member)
on 10/23/08 7:21 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Good morning! You're certainly up early, Sherri! I hope you have a good day at work! I went to donate blood last Saturday, and was unable to, because my iron, while not anemic, was too low to donate. I chalked it up to the fact that a couple of days before, they took ALL that blood for my yearly labs. I'm probably going to go back next week and try again.

I'm up early this morning too. Got up at 4:30am to take out the dog. Then I've just been playing on the computer since then. I would rather not go back to bed for jsut a half hour. That would just make me sleepier.

I've got to work all day today, but not tonight. I'm kind of excited. Tonight I was invited to a graduation for one of my VR customers. I've helped alot of people get educations through VR, but no one's ever asked me to come help them celebrate before. So I'm looking forward to it.

Tomorrow morning, we are leaving for Louisville, KY. Mike has a tae kwon do competition, and we are going to watch. It will be nice to have the day off, and get to spend some time with the family.
on 10/23/08 8:32 pm - Sheridan, IN

Good Morning Indiana OHer's!

It's a glorious wet day out there.  This old house is cold.  Hopefully we can get some of that taken care of before it gets really cold.  But I heard there's snow in the forcast for Monday!?  Wow!  That's early.

I am off work yesterday and today.  We have Fall Break.  I'm sure glad I don't have to do meetings.  I needed the time off.  I worked at my part time job last night.  Then I went to Reflections Support group at St V's.  It was a great meeting.  We talked about grazing and some of the reasons why.  The last several years they have had many invitations for the Christmas Party returned because of the wrong addresses, therefore, they are going to send invitations to post ops 3 years or less.  All are still invited.  The party is December 9th at the Ritz Charles 6:30-9:30.  It sounds like a really good time.

I am going to pick up Michelle later this morning.  We are going to Stuckey apple orchard.  I never u pick.  So the rain won't slow us down.  They have the best cider.  I want a few apples too.

When I get back, I have some baking and cleaning to do.

Sherri, Have a good day moving.  That can be such a chore.

Linda V.,  Enjoy your weekend.

Everyone have a great day.


287          /271                 /154      /130-150
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
                                      Eleanor Roosevelt
LaChelle R.
on 10/23/08 8:50 pm - Erie, PA
Sherri, hope your day at work is stress-free.  I would love to have a job that I could decide when I could go in to work. The world would be such a better place, I am sure! LOL

Glad to hear your visit with your dr went well.  5 years!! Wow!! Congratulations on the great achievements you have made in the past 4 years already and the upcoming future!

Have to work a floor supervisor again today.  That is great, because it means more money.  We can always use that.

I only have more more day to work this week, then it is for our Walk in Louisville.  I can't wait!  It is going to be a fun and exciting walk. 

We are having Direct TV installed tomorrow.  We have had Dish Network for the past 2 years, but their service has really been poor.  We lost reception even in the brightest, clear days, with no wind.....and it would stay out like that quite often.  They would never repair the box or anything, so we decided to change over.  At least we will be getting $40 extra a month in our pockets!  And more channels too!  It was well worth the phone call to have it installed! We can't wait.  We have been without TV for 4 days now.....because we cancelled the other one.  Just didn't have the funds to pay the bill.  Oh well.  It's all going to be ok, because Jimmy got a letter from the resort.....they will begin the 2nd interviews next week.  He is so excited!  I am too! He ha**** the depressed state, and hopefully it won't be long before he is out and working again.  Keep him in your prayers!

Have a wonderful, yet rainy day!  It could be worse! SNOW!!!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Linda Kay
on 10/23/08 10:16 pm - Mooresville, IN
I got UVerse thru AT&T a few weeks back... while it is tough getting used to the new channels it has actually saved me a ton getting my phone, cell and tv and HIGH speed internet all rolled into one bill Canceling Comcast paid off for me!!

My birthday is in a couple weeks and my sister and I always go gamble for the night so I am going to try to win a free room and be down there to celebrate with her... So I ma be running into you.

Hope hubby does well with the second interview!! I had a good interview on Wed... praying that I get a call back too... I HATE not working... while hubby can support me he can not insure me.. I have already missed my 3 year ck up and not gone to a few appointment I should have...

Be well all.
Linda Kay
on 10/23/08 10:53 pm - decatur, IN
Well, good morning to everyone here.  It's fall break for me from school.  Had parent teacher conferences on Wed night until 8:00 p m  and then we got out yesterday at 12:30.  Off today.  I have to get my boots in gear and make sure the living room and kitchen pass inspection since Richard is picking me up tonight for our date.  We have talked on the phone almost every night and that has been nice.  He has also invited me to attend church with him on Sunday with breakfast afterwards.  So two dates in one weekend.  Then on Sat. night I am going to a Christian Singles activity with 3 other girlfriends.  I scheduled this about 3 weeks ago.  I went to it last year and had a really good time.  They have a dinner, murder mystery performance, silent auction, and dance.  Its mostly people who are 35+ and I was made to feel very welcomed last year even though I did not know anyone.  So this party animal has her plate full this weekend!!!
Emily is with her dad this weekend so I have no nana duties.  Yeah!  Prayers to all the newbies.  We have had quite a few recently joining us.  That is so exciting!  It is pouring down rain today here and it is pretty chilly.  I am so much colder this year than I was last year.  I have some errands to run a little later and then some pampering to do before tonight, so I better get going.  The big question is.....should I let him hold my hand in the movies?  HMMMMM...we'll see what happens.  Hugs to all..Karen
shanna B.
on 10/23/08 11:01 pm - camby, IN

Good Morning all,
Thank God its Friday. ( even though I wok closing shift all weekend) Tyler ran into school this morning for 9 am meeting for football. Tonights the first night of football sectionals. I hvae to work so I don't get to go. But It's supposed to be cold and rainy so I probably wouldn't have to went w/ bella anyway.

Went a bought a few more electric heaters for the house. Anything to keep that gas bill down. It was 80 plus degress in here last night. Terry was testing them all out to see how they worked. THEY WORKED ALL RIGHT! I have the fireplace going right now. It's sooo cozy. I love my fireplace.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay dry and Warm.
xoxox Shanna


Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


Brenda R.
on 10/23/08 11:24 pm - Portage, IN

Good morning Sherri and all. I am hoping that today is a wonderful day for everyone.

Bill has just tonight to work and then is off for 9 days vacation. I don't think we have anything planned but I do know that he wants to clean the hallway closet. It is so full of junk if I don't see him for a while I better call the Mounties! He is liable to be lost forever in there. I am not sure where all the junk comes from~oops! I think it is from me. Bill is not the pack rat~I take the honors for that one.

Today is rainy and cold. At least it is cold to me. I just can't take the cold anymore. I use to love winter and not this year it is going to be a lot different. I am going to invest in a electric blanket. But my gosh are they expensive. So much more than when I bought the last one we had. I was never one for a electric blanket and this year I think I am up for it more so than Bill is and he is so cold  blooded it isn't even funny. Strange how things change. ha ha

I am going to stay home today. That is going to be a wonderful experience for me. I do have to talk to Pastor today but I am hoping that the phone is going to be fine for him. It is for me. It isn't that far to the church but still and all it will take a half hour out of my day for the round trip. Thank God that the price of gas is down, at least for now. I am sure that it will go up soon. Like after the election.

Misty is back to normal. She has had a week of being strange or should I say more strange than she normally is. I think that flea dip did a trip on her. I wish that she would have called me first but she didn't and now I know. I never had to have her dipped before and now I know that it won't happen again. I think that she has gotten use to the added love and attention that she has gotten the last week. I am sure that we can keep that up for her. She is thriving on that and so she is going to be a bear to deal with if she doesn't get as much. I am not one that is going to deal with that so I can pay just as much attention and love on her just as much. She is just so bent out of shape when I leave. I told Bill that we are going to have our hands full if and when I get a job. There will be no living with her.

I guess I have better get to going. I have some things that I want to get done and over with. Now is the perfect time to accomplish them. I am sending love and hugs to all. Prayers are going up for everyone and special ones for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day and remember to keep a smile on your faces this fine Friday.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 10/23/08 11:47 pm - Kempton, IN
Hey everyone good morning! It is really raining good here for a change and I am sure that will bring the leaves down. I am sorry that they hadn't gotten to their peak color yet. I love the fall with the leaves turning all different shades of red and orange. It is my time of year not too hot not too cold!
Well as you have already read Carol is coming to pick me up and we are going to Stuckeys apple orchard. It has been along time since I have been there. I got some free apples the other day and am going to make an Apple Crisp for the neighbor boys going away party. He signed up for the guards and it is time for his boot camp. I am worried that he will have to go to Iraq and he is such a nice boy! 
 My DH will be home later today for the weekend. I hope we don't get in another argument this week end like last weekend. Wish me luck! 
 Well got to run so Carol doesn't have to wait on me and get out in the rain. Have a great weekend all!
And Karen you can let him hold your hand but that is all! TTFN!! Michelle 
on 10/24/08 4:36 am - Indianapolis, IN

On (and maybe on my profile too), there is a recipe for Pear Crisp. It works well with apples too. You might wanna give it a try so you can make a healthy crisp & enjoy some of it too!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
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