It's Monday!!

on 10/19/08 9:05 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

Well..I got to work with a page full of written 'need to do' stuff on it and a folder of stuff from my boss. I also had 3 emails from him waiting. He's in Honduras this week. He went with his church to build houses & stuff. With our lab move being next week, he was about spastic over all of it last Kelly & I are relieved that he's gone this week! LOL! We shouldn't have any problem getting his list done. I may come in and work next weekend though since I'll be missing some time this week.

Shanna...I do hope Terry's surgery is a 100% sucess!

Tomorrow is Bill's cornea transplant and his mom's spinal surgery. They both will be learning what time their's is today. I hope Bill's is early in the morning and her's late in the day...that way Bill will have some time for a nap before we head to the hospital for his mom's. Bill will have a follow-up on Wed. morning. Then on Thursday, I have my 4 yr (it was 4 yr on 9/17) with the nut & Dr. Gupta. She'll be checking out how my open wound on my belly is healing up then too. So...even without the lab move stuff, this week was going to be a busy week anyhow.

Gail...I brought apples with me today so I'll swing by after work. I'll call you when I'm on my way!

I hope you all have a good day!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Gail O.
on 10/19/08 9:39 pm - indianapolis, IN
Good Morning Sherri & All,
I go see my PCP this am, I plan on calling Dr Bergman these drain tubes are hurting really bad.
My prayers will be with Bill in the morninng I am praying this surgery is sucessful. Sherri can't wait. Love to you all. Hugs & Prayers Gail

I will check in later, love ya

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @

LaChelle R.
on 10/19/08 10:34 pm - Erie, PA
Morning all.  As you may have read from my "Prayers Needed" post, it has been a rough night and day yesterday and today.  It will get better, I have faith!

Shanna, praying hard for Terry's successful surgery.  I know the doctors have God's hands helping them.

Sherri, praying for Bill and his mother as well.  And as always for you, since you are their rock!  Hope you are doing well.

Gail, it is so great to see you able to be up and posting again! I have missed you so much, and so glad you are able to get around a little more!  Hope they take those drain tubes out soon!

Lots of things going on today.......tonight is my "Tastefully Simple" party.  I will post a link to the party, if anyone would like to order anything!  Feel free to check it out, and either let me know, or order directly from the site.  Thanks in advance!

Another prayer is needed, just a small one, but still a powerful one!  Jimmy is really having a hard time right now.  His boss is really "using and abusing" him, and Jimmy is really getting fed up with the whole idea of being a manager at a fast food chain.  His strength is weakening quickly, so pray that he gets the call from the new resort soon!

Take care, and stay warm and safe!  It is going to be a beautiful day today!  Get out and moving and enjoy it!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Brenda R.
on 10/19/08 11:02 pm, edited 10/19/08 11:04 pm - Portage, IN
Good Monday morning Sherri and all my fellow losers.

Today is just another Monday to me. Nothing much happening. I got Bill off to work a couple of hours ago and just sitting here surfing on the net. I like to do that when I am here by myself. I can get more done that way too.

Sherri, I am keeping Bill and his mom in my special prayers. Please keep us posted on how things go for both of them.

Gail, I am so glad to see you up and posting. I pray that they remove the drains soon and that you can be more comfortable. It won't be long and those pretty red dancing shoes will be a cha cha chaing. Know that prayers are special for you my dear one.

So far things here is going well. I hurt my back on Friday doing laundry and so Saturday when we went to the pumpkin patch I was walking around like a little old lady~hey wait a minute~I AM a little old lady, so no wonder I looked like one! I am still walking hunched over and very slowly but it feels a bit better. I have to be so careful of my back. It is so fragile. The doctor told me once that if I fell I would probably break it so I am very careful with that.

Misty is getting on my last nerve and that is a fact. She has been doing nothing but playing in her water and food dishes. We even got her different dishes and that is no help. She is just making such a mess all the time I am ready to hang her on a sky hook. Yesterday before we went to church I cleaned up her messes 4 times and Bill cleaned up either 1 or 2 times. That was in a 2 and a half hour time frame. I told her that I was leaving her no water while we went to church and if she got thirsty to go to the dripping bathtub faucet that she likes to play in and get some drops of tha****er. She is playing in the faucet in the tub and she makes darn sure that she is soaking wet and then she comes to me and shakes and then I am soaking wet too. She is on my last nerve and that is almost frazzled. I just don't know what to do with her. This morning she has made messes and I have cleaned them up 3 times already. So I was talking to a friend up in Michigan and she said to take her squirt bottle and spray her when she is making the mess. I heard her a while ago and went out there and she had moved her water dish and there was water and food all over yet again. I got the bottle and squirted her. She kept going from one side of my chair to another and each time I would squirt her. We were just dancing around the chair, I bet that would have been a video for sure. Finally she got the brains to high tail it down the hallway. It was about an hour before she came out. She found out tha****er and food is on the cabinet since I am going to have to make a new something or other to put the dishes on. I am thinking newspapers since they can absorb so well.

I better get to movin'. I have some things to do around her this morning and if I don't get going the day is going to be over. I do want to watch The View this morning. That is one of my favorite shows in the morning and I have been missing it. I am sending love and hugs to all with prayers going up for all. Special ones are going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day and don't forget to smile pretty everyone.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


LaChelle R.
on 10/19/08 11:10 pm - Erie, PA
Brenda, just a suggestion, but it might help with Misty.  A friend uses a timed feeder for the dry food, and a HAMSTER WATER BOTTLE for the water for their cats.  The water bottle is an easy solution because only the water comes out when the cat licks the end, just like any other animal does in a small cage.  It is really easy to train them to drink from, and there is little to no clean-up at all.  As far as the timed feeder, you can program the feeder to dispense dry food at certain times, or every few hours.  Just check into the PetsMart or PetCo closest to you, and view all the different options.  Hope she isn't hanging from the sky hook!!! LOL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Brenda R.
on 10/19/08 11:16 pm - Portage, IN

Thanks so much for the ideas, LaChelle. Bill in fact did mention about the hamster water things yesterday. I kind of wondered if she would figure that out. I guess she might if she was shown it a couple of times. She is getting to be soooo frustrating. She isn't on the sky hook yet but check in again in little while, she might not be so lucky!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


LaChelle R.
on 10/19/08 11:21 pm - Erie, PA
She will eventually figure it out.  You will have to keep an empty water dish underneath the bottle for a few days, until she actually realizes that the water is now at eye level instead of having to bow her head down.  Once she has it figured out, you can then put away the empty water dish once and for all.  My friend, Heather says that the cats are really easy to train to drink from them, and they can easily be cleaned and refilled in just moments.  And, it is easy to fill and go, and not worry about it for a day or so if you were to go out of town overnight.  That is, unless Misty likes to drink the water constantly! LOL  Crazy cats!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 10/19/08 11:57 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning all!
Sherri, I'm sure you will get a lot accomplished with your boss out of the way, just don't overdo it girl.  Will keep Bill and your MIL in prayer for successful surgeries tomorrow and you fo ryour appts later this week.

Gail,  Hope you can get the drain tubes problem taken care of.  When you are in pain everything feels bad.

LaChelle, do hope you have a very successful party, prayers going out for Jimmy and for Maria and family.  How awful for them.

Ellen, hope you enjoyed your time with the twins.  I can't believe how big they are now.  Glad you made it home safely. 

I am already tired of the cold for this year.  I turned my heater on over the weekend.  Even my puppy was cold.  Last night I was looking for her and she had curled up around the heater in the bedroom.   Meeting the Women's group tonight at Applebees for a surprise birthday party for one of the ladies.  There will be about a dozen of us going.  When we got to church yesterday morning all the power was out.  Service was very different.  No microphones, no music, no slides, no water, (run on a well), and NO HEAT!  Glad I wore one of my heavier jackets.

Spent Friday afternoon visiting with my SIL at IU.  She is awake now, but was so aggitated.  She kept asking my brother to please take her home, she can't understand why she is in the hospital.  His condition depends on her condition when he's with her.  But he stays faithful.  I know God has everything under control, but sometimes it is just so hard for the families.

Everyone have a good, safe, peaceful day. 



on 10/20/08 12:11 am - Rockport, IN
Mornin' Everyone!  I'm the only one in the office today so I'll probably have a little more time to post.  I have meetings this evening though so I guess that will make up for the time goofing off this morning!

I had a fantastic weekend.  One of the best of my life.  I'm going to figure out how to do a blog on my OH page so I can start documenting some of my wow moments.  I had a lot of them this weekend!  I just want to shout them out to everyone I see! 

I also have a job interview tonight at 8:00 pm so say a quick prayer for me.  I really, really, really want this job.  I was told this weekend though that I'm "over qualified" so that's against me for some reason.  Oh well...if it's God's will it will happen.  I always have my job right here.

The contractor is supposed to start on the roof at church this week!  I'm so excited.  The community has really pulled together to support our little church.  One church sent a check for $1,000 and another had a porkchop dinner yesterday for us.  It's amazing how people come together in times like this.  God really does wonders through tragedy.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!  It should be a lovely fall day today with lots of sun shine!

Oodles of love,
on 10/20/08 12:14 am, edited 10/20/08 12:29 am - Thorntown, IN
Good Morning everyone! 
  What a weekend- we had 35 people here for the twins birthday party. They were soo cute- Bethany is just like her Mommy- doesn't like noise, flashing cameras and cried almost the whole time!!! She touched her cake & that was it- she doesn't like sticky stuff. Aiden loved the cake, and was a real mess- so much so he had  to have a bath 'cause he had a green cake- looked like the Grinch! He sure didn't like getting cleaned up- he wanted to keep playing in it!We couldn't believe they didn't get anything alike, and lots of things they needed- their first  walking shoes,too! They really needed them, took a few steps!Today it is off to the Drs. for their 1 yr. checkup and shots- geeze, more crying! 

Shanna- Been praying for you both & hope everything went well. By now Terry's surgery should be over- hope he can Hear/listen better. Although, I agree, they do have "selective hearing"-hee~hee! Atleast my DH does.

LaChelle, sorry to hear about your friends fire. Thankfully they have ins.& weren't home. I bet their church will pitch-in to help as well. I know it sure helped Dawn & her family. Let her know we are praying for them. I'm also praying Jimmy gets that job soon, remind him God is in control and does have a plan!I know- patience isn't my middle name either.Hee~hee!

Sherri- Sending big hugs and prayers your way- I hope that tomorrow goes well and Bills & your MOl surgeries are quick and they heal well. I know Bill is ready to have it over and able to see again. Sending lots of healing prayers for you all.Looking for good news for you soon- hope your Drs. appt. goes well!

Gail- thinking of you- hopefully you'll get those drains out and that will relieve alot of your discomfort & pain. 
Brenda- cats- what fun!I have 4 KOI in the pond- those are my pets, & I am safe around them- hee~hee!! I fell over my daughters cat's water bowl- so the idea LaChelle gave you is great!

Jules, I know what you mean- I FROZE yesturday! I love the fall but NOT the cold temps. The get-together with your girlfriends sounds fun-enjoy!

Sprat-girl, you got my prayers. I want to hear more about your wows- blog them on your profile if nothing else! I showed Dh the flyers you sent and hope we can go down their sometime- I want to roam the paths/gardens /area. If we EVER do, I'll let you know when and maybe we can hook up!!

I'll be with Penny  tomorrow while they do her surgery- she hopes they remove her ovary do she doesn't have to continue going thru this~so do I. Please say a prayer for her, too. I'll be with them all day, so may not get on here till late.
Hope everyone enjoys the fall weather and has a great day!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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