Mommy Lissa was in a wreck!!

Linda Kay
on 10/19/08 2:42 am - Mooresville, IN
She is ok but the van is totaled the girls were bruised up and traumatized and Scott has a severly sprained ankle... It wasnt her fault a 16-17 year old in Martinsville ran a stop sign.

Linda Kay
on 10/19/08 3:24 am - Camby, IN
Oh my!  I'm glad to hear she's ok.

               Twilighttwilight addict


on 10/19/08 4:42 am - Indianapolis, IN
Linda Kay,

I'm so glad no one was seriously injured. I hope the insurance is quick to replace the van. I know they have to be lost without it with triplets!

How is the teenager handling it? Hopefully it shook them up enough to make them more cautious...but not enough to make them terrified to know? Were they just not paying attention or was the sign partially blocked? We have one near our house that if you didn't know it was there, it'd be easy to run it because of the tree near it needs pruned back.

Thanks for letting us know!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 10/19/08 3:22 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Hi Sherri,

I am going to talk to my insurance tomorrow and pick up a rental van until her insurance makes a settlement.  I can only assume that my van is totaled.

The teenager was VERY upset and was crying hysterically.  I didn't make things any easier on her either because I was completely in mommy mode and was furious that she had put my kids in harms way.  I feel bad that I didn't even ask if she was okay.  I was just so focused on calming down my girls and making sure they weren't hurt.  At one point she asked to use my cell phone to call her mom and I snapped at her that I didn't know where my cell phone was and I wasn't about to leave my screaming kids to go find it.  One of the neighbors had one and let her use it so it was okay.

I can only speculate that she's very familiar with the area and just flat out decided to run the stop sign because she didn't see me coming.  (She lives just down the street from where we crashed.)  The stop sign was not blocked or hard to see.  My mom lives just a few streets from the accident and says that people run that stop sign all the time.  It's not a super busy street and people just kind of pause instead of stopping before they shoot across the street.

Once the teenagers mom got there she kept crying and saying "it's my fault and I could have really hurt them".  I felt bad for her, but I was so full of adrenaline and so frazzled that I couldn't even get myself to go speak to her.  I tried to convince myself tell her it was okay but I couldn't make myself do it because I was still so upset at her for doing this to us.  I know she's a kid and kids make mistakes, but at the time I was mad.  I feel really bad about it now, but in the moment I couldn't help it.

I just hope this is a learning experience for her and she is more careful from now on.  I am so thankful that we all made it though with just bruises and a sprained ankle.  The material things are not important and can be replaced.

"I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids." -Unknown

on 10/19/08 8:59 am - Thorntown, IN
Oh Linda
 How aweful! Please let Lissa know I am praying for them all& especially thankful thery weren't seriously injured!!! God  was certianly watching over them"He will give His angels charge to watch over you in all your ways" Praise Him!!!!
Having been hit before & injured, it is traumatic!!I hope the girls are ok when they are in the van/car again- and that their van is replaced quickly!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 10/19/08 3:32 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks Ellen,

We appreciate all the prayers we can get.  The good Lord above certainly was watching out for us!  I am so thankful that no one was badly injured.

It was very traumatic for the girls, especially Emily.  She always pays attention while I'm driving and is telling me things like "the light is green mommy, you can go" or "mom you went the wrong way" if I take a different way to mamaw's house.  She's very observant and I'm sure she saw u**** the car.  She was screaming immediately upon impact.  She keeps asking me about the "white things" (air bags) that came out of the van.  She's trying to understand it all and they talk about it constantly.  We had to go buy new car seats today since these were in a crash and she was telling complete strangers that a girl broke her van because she didn't stop.

We've borrowed my moms car until we can get a rental, and so far they aren't too scared to drive in it but when we first got in the car after the accident they kept asking if they were going to crash again.  I can only imagine what they are going to tell the teachers at school tomorrow!!

"I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids." -Unknown

Lee Ann B.
on 10/19/08 9:04 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Linda Kay I am so glad there were no serious injuries! Hope Scott is back on his feet again soon without pain! I know when Aubrey was in one (passenger in a van that wa**** and got entire impact in her side) it shook her up and has made her far more aware of what is going on when she drives! Someone was watching over Lisa and the girls and Scott! 

on 10/19/08 9:36 am - Kempton, IN
Linda Kay,
 Please tell Melissa that I am thinking of her and her family. glad to see that no one is in the hospital! I am sure the girls will be upset when they get in a van again! Have patience with them in that case it might be quite sometime before they forget it happened. May god bless! Michelle
Linda Kay
on 10/19/08 2:03 pm - Mooresville, IN
The girls came in to Walmart and said  " That girl broke our van!!" I had to kiss boo boo's and Alexa said "I hurt my butt" I said I aint gonna kiss it... she said  NOOOOO smile!! They will be ok...Mamaw Linda Kissed it

Linda Kay
on 10/19/08 3:46 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks everyone for your well wishes and concern for us.

I am very sore today in places I didn't even realize were injured!  My mom was super sore today and has what I call a seat belt tattoo.  She says she's bruised all the way across the front of her the exact size and position of her seat belt.  The girls have little bruises on their necks from the straps of her car seats and somehow Madison ended up bruising her thighs.  Probably the buckle that goes between her legs.  Daddy's ankle looks really ugly today and he's still not able to put much pressure on it.  My stepdad seems to have escaped with the least injuries...he said his knee is sore today but that's about it.

With 7 passengers in my van I'm so thankful none of us were seriously injured.  We are truly blessed!

"I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids." -Unknown

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