A Great big Thank You!
I just wanted to drop a quick note and say Thank You to everyone who made my Pc Party a BIG HIT! Sherri: Thank You so much for you Order
You Rock! Hope you are feeliing better.....
Ellen,Brenda, Floyd,Antoinette,Tracy,Chris,Jana, Cindy ( and Family) and (Friend)Her name Escapes me....I hope you all had a great Time, I know I did. It was great to see everyone.What a wonderful visit we had. If anyone has a party, just let me know because I think I might have opened a big can of worms...LOL ( hmmm goodies)We will see you at Ellen''s Party next month! I will keep that day open. Ellen this time I will get there before its almost over! LOl Have a great day. I think Bella, Rebecca and I might do something Fun tonight....Cindy, have a nice evening( wink, wink)
Dawn, I place your order also.....Sorry you missed it but Have fun w/ the faimly. I'll call you to meet up wirth you. Thanks Again
xoxoxo shanna

You Rock! Hope you are feeliing better.....
Ellen,Brenda, Floyd,Antoinette,Tracy,Chris,Jana, Cindy ( and Family) and (Friend)Her name Escapes me....I hope you all had a great Time, I know I did. It was great to see everyone.What a wonderful visit we had. If anyone has a party, just let me know because I think I might have opened a big can of worms...LOL ( hmmm goodies)We will see you at Ellen''s Party next month! I will keep that day open. Ellen this time I will get there before its almost over! LOl Have a great day. I think Bella, Rebecca and I might do something Fun tonight....Cindy, have a nice evening( wink, wink)
Dawn, I place your order also.....Sorry you missed it but Have fun w/ the faimly. I'll call you to meet up wirth you. Thanks Again
xoxoxo shanna
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Had to pop in and tell you about Lia Sophia. You'll love it! Nearly every piece of jewelry I own is Lia Sophia. My daughter had a test in kindergarten that was asking what store you go to for different items: hammer (hardware), shoes (shoestore) jewelry (Lia Sophia). My consultant loved it when I told her that!
Try to book a party. The hostess benifits are amazing!!! That's how I get so much.
Sounds like your party was a hoot! I need that pumpkin dip recipe. I love pumpkin flavored stuff!
Love you Sweetie,
Had to pop in and tell you about Lia Sophia. You'll love it! Nearly every piece of jewelry I own is Lia Sophia. My daughter had a test in kindergarten that was asking what store you go to for different items: hammer (hardware), shoes (shoestore) jewelry (Lia Sophia). My consultant loved it when I told her that!
Try to book a party. The hostess benifits are amazing!!! That's how I get so much.
Sounds like your party was a hoot! I need that pumpkin dip recipe. I love pumpkin flavored stuff!
Love you Sweetie,
Oh Lil Sister- what a fun day!!!
! I had such a great time- and it was so good to see everyone & meeting Christie & your friend.!!!
I need some of your reciepes- the pumpkin dip & muffins
would be great to take to our church get-togethers/bible study!!
I am already trying to figure out what to have her make at my Party- the 23rd!!!Thanksgiving or Christmas goodies- geeze!
I have never had aPC. party before-went to my daughters or ordered but couldn't go to them. Now, oh boy, I'm hooked!
It was great to catch up with everyone & see you all again!
! See you all again soon- so many parties,so much fun!
Jana- count me in too- I love jewelry!

I am already trying to figure out what to have her make at my Party- the 23rd!!!Thanksgiving or Christmas goodies- geeze!

It was great to catch up with everyone & see you all again!

(((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#
Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


OMG, I was checking my spam section of my email a minute ago...( which I usually delete w/out reading and I have an order from my bestfriend from high school. SHe saw on Oh that I was having a party and wanted to place an order. How cool was that. So I am having joanna hold my order for a day or two longer so I can get a few payments picked up and to her. SO prolly Tuesday. If anyone wants anything. I know I recieved about 3 or 4 emails from people who wanted to place an order, you have until tuesday. Email me with it and I will forward it on th Joanna. Thanks Bunches again you guys rock!
xoxo shanna
xoxo shanna
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.