Previous abdominal surgeries b/4 WLS
Hi All!
I am wondering about how previous abdominal surgeries effect laproscopic WLS. I have had MANY abdominal surgeries, including a tummy job 10 years ago.
These include an apendectomy, c-section, tubal ligation, gall bladder surgery (done laproscopically) and a hystorectomy.
Any experience with this? I would appreciate any feedback I can get.
Thanks all!
I am wondering about how previous abdominal surgeries effect laproscopic WLS. I have had MANY abdominal surgeries, including a tummy job 10 years ago.
These include an apendectomy, c-section, tubal ligation, gall bladder surgery (done laproscopically) and a hystorectomy.
Any experience with this? I would appreciate any feedback I can get.
Thanks all!
I had gallbladder surgery (laproscopic), c-section and an appendectomy (open) before I had WLS. My surgeon warned me ahead of time that because of my weight and previous abdominal surgeries that there was a possibility she would have to do my WLS open, but she would do it laproscopically if possible. I was able to have it laproscopically without any problem.
Hope this helps!
I had gallbladder surgery (laproscopic), c-section and an appendectomy (open) before I had WLS. My surgeon warned me ahead of time that because of my weight and previous abdominal surgeries that there was a possibility she would have to do my WLS open, but she would do it laproscopically if possible. I was able to have it laproscopically without any problem.
Hope this helps!
There are going to be a few factors to come into play. One is the amount of scar tissue you have. Sometimes, there is so much that the safest sugery is an open surgery. Another factor is the surgeon. Some are more comfortable doing lap than others. The best thing you can do is discuss this in detail at your consult.
There are going to be a few factors to come into play. One is the amount of scar tissue you have. Sometimes, there is so much that the safest sugery is an open surgery. Another factor is the surgeon. Some are more comfortable doing lap than others. The best thing you can do is discuss this in detail at your consult.
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Prior to WLS I had two c-sections, one vertical and one horizontal, and a hysterectomy which was complicated by massive internal scarring. I was afraid that would have an effect, but it didn't cause any problems at all.
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