Good Morning All
DS on 11/14/12
Gail...great to see your smiling face back on here! Just isn't the same without ya! Hope everyone has a good day. I am off to the cardiologists with hubby at 1 and then on to Clarksville to do some shopping before I go to the support group at Nortons! Hope all a happy day....prayers to those in need! Wow...are the colors on the trees up there as pretty as they are here/ Lots of golds and reds! My fav time of the year! Off to travel.....
so my computer at home is not working again :( i have been doing o****il this past weekend. i started feeling horrible! ache, cold, hot, everything, and my stomach was cramping so bad i could hardly move. yesterday i called dr jones office and they said it shouldnt be from the surgery, it is probably my endometreosis (they took me off my med for it). so now i am living on pain med again, and i can finally walk a little bit. did anyone else have anything like this??? hope all is well with everyone else. hopefully i will be back to work soon and be back on here!
have a great day!
have a great day!