on 10/13/08 10:05 am - Kempton, IN

HI ALL! As you probably already know I had an appointment with the Care Group(cardiologist). My doctor was a woman. I can't remember her name! Anyway she look at the EKG from last week during the stress echo test and showed it to me. There were abnormal beats all over the place and there were alot of them together. Which I guess doesn't mean anything because she didn't seem to  concerned about it. Then she suggested a TILT TABLE TEST which I had heard of in the St. V's support group up at Frankfort. You lay on the table and they slowly stand you up by tilting the table to the standing position. They strapped me to the table so if I passed out I would not fall and knock my teeth out. Well that was interesting also. Before the tilt my heart rate was 64 but when they stood me up straight my heart rate shot up to 103 beats per minute. My Blood Pressure never went up while this was happening. SO she is concerned but not alot as far as it causing my "spells". She does think it is a problem but since I didn't pass completely out anytime while having the spells or today during the TTT then it should not be that. She did send me home with a heart monitor to read my heart rate and how it is beating during one of my spells. I need to push a button when I feel it coming on. Then I will have to call a 1-800 number and hold the phone up to the monitor to let it read what the monitor recorded.
 I have to do this until 10-27 if nothing shows up I will then keep the monitor 2 more weeks trying to get something on it that would be helpful.
 IF nothing shows up then it is on to a neurologist because this doctor thinks that it maybe tiny little seizures. Wish me luck with this thing because if I start going into the spells and can't push the button I am in trouble! Have a great night! Thanks for all the prayers! Your OH Friend Michelle

on 10/13/08 11:25 am - Camby, IN
Good luck with this Michelle.  Sending plenty of positive vibes your way!

               Twilighttwilight addict


Lee Ann B.
on 10/13/08 12:27 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Glad to hear that you are at least making headway on the testing. I am telling ya that all the tests they are doing and monitors is what they did with my 17 yr old. She did pass out on the TTT and scared the crap out of me. She also wore the monitor and had to pu**** when an episode came on. All this will either lead them to the cause or rule out part of it. Just have patience and when you get the warning signs you told me about pu**** Don't wait until it is full it at the first sign so it won't be too late! Keep us updated and we will keep praying! How did Don do at work?

LaChelle R.
on 10/13/08 12:53 pm - Erie, PA
Hope they can find out something soon with all the tests.  I know you are getting frustrated with everything, but just hang in there, and keep praying! We are all praying for you too.  Jimmy said that it was nice meeting Don, and that the next time you two are down, he really would like to go fishing with Don!  Go figure, these men and their fish! LOL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 10/13/08 2:05 pm, edited 10/13/08 2:06 pm - Kempton, IN
Well thanks for the info about you girl and that TTT it went fine for me as far as staying concus. It did show the dramatic increase in heart rate though. It went from 64 to 103 in seconds. When lying flat it was 64 and when they stood me up it went to 103. That is something I am really concerned about. My father had his first heart attack at 50 and was dead by 60. I asked this woman doc if this arthymia problem was hereditary and she said no.
 Anyway I am to wear this heart monitor for 2 weeks and send it back in and then I go back for the results on the 27th of November. If this doesn't show anything then it is to a neurologist as this woman doc thinks it is some kind of seizure. SO I guess we will find out soon!
 Hey Don's first day went pretty well but he is still not enthused about it. It is different than any other type of repair work so far and he said the co-workers are very friendly. He does have a phone interview on Wednesday evening and would like to get an offer on that as it is in Washington State! that is far away! 
 Hey tell Jimmy that Don is just over at Millersburg and if he would like to fish off of the bank to give Don a call some evening and maybe they can go over to Tucker Lake and throw in the poles. Don gets off at 3:30 and I know he would like to get away from my cousins and their hot trailer. He could call Don @ 765-577-0041 and they could get an evening planned. She is going to have her grand kids from Thursday on so Don would probably like to get away from there on those evenings. I am not sure but I think he is coming home on Friday evening but Jimmy could call and see. Talk to you gals later! I had a nice time on Saturday and hopefully we can do it again soon! Michelle
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