It's Thursday

on 10/8/08 7:53 pm - Sheridan, IN
Good Morning Indiana OHr's,

It's a great morning, although I am feeling a bit sluggish.  But this too shall pass.

I have another longer day today.  I am teaching my After School Enrichment class today.  I love teaching these after school classes.  They are so much fun for me and the kids.

I hope to go have a pedicure after I finish at school.  I so need it.

I am going to head out to school so I can get things set up for the day.

Ellen,  I teach first and second grade reading and literacy in Westfield.  I grew up in Sheridan.  My dad owned the local newspaper.  My mom taught in the Sheridan schools for 29 years.

Everyone have a great day!

287          /271                 /154      /130-150
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
                                      Eleanor Roosevelt
Brenda R.
on 10/8/08 8:18 pm - Portage, IN

Top of the morning to you Carol and my off IN loser friends. I am hoping that today is a great day for everyone.

Nothing to much coming this way today for excitement. I am working up at the church office for a bit this morning and then off to the Chesterton Tribune to get a news article and picture of the new pastor in the paper. I am meeting my sister for lunch this afternoon and that is something in itself. She has turned into somewhat of a hermit lately and when she suggested lunch I thought I was the one who always complains that she doesn't want to do sister things with me. I figured I had better get it while I can.

I am getting ready for my fast trip to Frankenmuth for 1 night. I was suppose to stay until Monday but with the stuff going on around here I thought that I wouldn't go. Finally after some thought and some cajoling on others part I decided to go for one night. I guess one is better than none at all.

I have to do some things before I get ready to leave for the church. I have to get the dishes in the dishwasher and going, I have to feed and water Misty, and I need to get Bill's lunch packed since I am not going to be home when he leaves for work. Come to think of it I will need to do his lunch again tomorrow since I am going to be leaving before he does tomorrow too. I will miss him while I am gone but I am still going to love my time.

I am sending love and hugs to everyone. I am keeping prayers going up for everyone and special ones for those in need of them. I am hoping that we all have a wonderful and blessed day today and we will meet back here sometime later today. How does that sound?

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 10/8/08 8:36 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning Hoosierville!

I have a short day at work today...I'm leaving at noon. I gotta be home by 1 to drink that Magnesium Citrate for tomorrows test. You all keep me in your prayers for that..ok? I remember clearly how much I hated that tube down my nose last October. I'll be kinda in la-la land when they put it in...but it will still be in there when I regain awareness. That, I'm not looking forward to at all. Starting at noon, I go on full liquids. The paperwork said I could have popcycles & didn't say sugar-free (but you know I will only eat sf ones!), just none with red food dye. It said I could have coffee/tea..but without cream or sugar. I'm wondering is Splenda or Sweet & Low would be ok....? I love my decaf ice tea...but I gotta put S&L in it.

I talked with Gail last night. She had her 1 week follow-up with Dr. Bergman yesterday (man, does time fly!!). Dr. B said she was doing pretty good. Gail has had some moments of pain but she also tried to cut her pain meds to half a dose. Dr. B reminded her that she ordered that amount per dose because she does not want Gail in pain...and you know how pain is. If you catch it early, great. If you don't, it takes more & more to get rid of it. So Gail is back on track of taking it as ordered..and feeling better now. Of course, she is still all bruised up. That's Gail's skin just being itself. I swear that woman can bruise just by a nurse considering putting an IV in her! LOL! Gail was in excellent spirits. She asked me to pass on to everyone that she loves all the cards, etc (Jenny...yours was the very 1st card she had recieved) and she also loves everyone on here.

You all have a very good day!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
LaChelle R.
on 10/8/08 8:53 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning everyone.  Today is my Monday at work.  Oh well, thats the trouble with having 3 days off........its ok tho! I don't mind.

Brenda, I LOVE Frankenmuth!  I have been there so many times, and just can't get enough!  I want to take my girls there next year.  They will love it too!

Sherri, my prayers are with you today, tomorrow, and always.  I know that wonderful drink you have to take today is nasty, but it is still better than having to drink a gallon of "Pineapple Go Lightly" crap that I had to drink once when I was having a colonoscopy...............UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH! To this day, I can't stand pineapple flavoring!

Carol, my heart goes out to you......I would so love to be a teacher.  I have often thought of going back to school just to become an elementary school teacher.  That is why I work at the girls school as often as I can.  I just wish more parents were as interested as their child's education!  There is such a great problem this day and age with that.  Many Thanks for all the teachers out here!

Have a wonderful day all! TTYL!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
(deactivated member)
on 10/8/08 8:54 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Hello all! Happy Thursday! I'm doing pretty good this morning, considering I woke up late. Today is mostly another day of work for me. Tonight after I get off from Sears, I will have my counseling appointment, though. That usually leaves me feeling better, so I look forward to those.

Sherri... ugh about the test. Sorry you have to deal with that again. Thanks for the private message, too :-) Tell Gail don't worry about the postage.

Brenda... Enjoy that trip to Frankenmueth!

Carol... I hope you enjoy the pedicure. I've never had one. My feet are very ticklish, so I don't think I would like it, myself. I like to get my hair done though, I find it so relaxing.

Lachelle... Have a good day at work!
Jenny K.
on 10/8/08 9:42 pm - IN
Good morning all!
It sure is chilly out there this morning.
Not much fog here, just some patches of it.  It is suppose to be mid 70's here today. 
Not much going on with me today except working. 
I had a really good salmon recipe last night, it is so good.  I will try to remember to bring the recipe and post it for those of you who like salmon filets it is sooooo good. It is called Simple Southwest Salmon and it is in one of my Splenda cookbooks.
Well I hear pogo calling my name to come and play games, so I am going to do that.
Have a good day all!
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/10/08 5:20 am - Indianapolis, IN

I like the new avatar.  I didn't recognize you at the clothing exchange and didn't figure out who you were until after we left.  I think this one looks more like you do in person.


"I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids." -Unknown

Jenny K.
on 10/10/08 5:39 am - IN
Thank you!
I didnt see you there either. I didnt know you were there until I saw one of the posts Monday that lead me to believe you were.  Sorry we missed each other. 
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/8/08 9:54 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Morning everyone.  What a surprise when I walked out the door this morning and it was so chilly.  I wasn't prepared for that.  All I could think of was winter being just around the corner. 

This is my Friday at work.  With being off Monday I didn't work my four 10's so am taking a vacation day tomorrow in order to have my long weekend.  I'm hoping to work in the yard this weekend.  Really need to get the flower bed done.

Carol, enjoy the pedicure.  I haven't had one in two years.  I did enjoy it, it was so relaxing.

Sherri, sending good thoughts your way for your procedure tomorrow.  I don't know if I could do it, but I guess we do what we have to when the need arises.  Glad Gail is doing well.

Brenda, enjoy lunch with your sister. and your trip to Frankenmuth.

LaChelle, have a happy "Monday" at work.  May it go quickly for you.

Linda and Jenny, hope you both have a good day.



Holly Knight
on 10/8/08 10:13 pm - New Waverly, IN
Good morning all.....

Doing my last bit of preotein and then off to shower, have a conference at the school.
Have laundry started, and am excited about the weekend getting here.
I went to Curves last night and got my measurements done.......last month I lost 7 pounds....7 inches, and .4% body fat.  I do not like how they measure the body fat, I don't always drink as well as I should and that directly effects the results.  I felt like I should have lost more than just the .4%.  But oh well....everything else was great and got me more motivated to conitnue pushing myself to go.
Lets is just busy stuff around the house......Friday is Curves....shoe shopping for the cruise, and some shopping for a special someone.....
Saturday I am working the second shift at Breakfast at church, and then taking the kids to DH at Home Depot for Fire Safety Day, and I am off to Monticello to get a new excited.  I have not seen Jason(my tattoo artist) since before I had my RNY.  I cannot wait to see his face when he sees me!!!!!  Days and things like that make all the hard days we go through so very worth it......
I worked on the Christmas list and I am closer to being done that what I thought I was.
Next on my list is a 26" flat panel for our bedroom, thinking the Veterans Day sales might be good, if not the will wait for the day after Thanksgiving, I am one of those nut cases that is out at 230 waiting in line......but I am looking for an Artic Parka...HAHA......I am so not ready for the winter to be here.  Supposed to be nice this weekend so enjoy it!!!!!

Love to all....Holly


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