Wednesday's Getting To Know You Question?

Jo N.
on 10/7/08 9:36 pm - Crawfordsville, IN

Sorry about this being MIA.... I've got a lot on my plate both personally and professionally so I been scattered brained and preoccupied. But before I leave the house for the day - here we go.... questions time. Get Ready:

1. Are you voting and if so what ONE topic is the reason your voting for your candidate for President? (Please try to do this w/o naming their name as to not cause political drama on this thread, Thank You).

2. When you are down and depressed what "Little" thing can someone do to touch your heart?

3. Obiligatory Bathroom Question: Charmin Soft or Charmin Strong? Why?





My Answers:

1. Because of the lesser of the two "evils" I see a benefitory change for my children for the future with this man in office. 

2. A random hug

3. Strong because it leaves less lint trails on my tuss.



Have fun ladies, gals, and sirs.......

And as always....

Love and Blessings



P.S. Dawn thank you for the nice compliments about Q. We enjoy taking him out in public because he's just so funny and comical. He makes us laugh. THough he had a serious crush on Robin's daughter and whenever she sat close to him, he'd crawl over patting her arms and back and then hugging her. It was so cute. 

Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


LaChelle R.
on 10/7/08 9:46 pm - Erie, PA
1. Yes, I am voting.  The reason I am choosing my political candidate is the person is able to get their point across without alot of "double-talk".

2. A hug and kiss from my girls always brings me out of my funky mood.

3. Strong........because it lasts longer in this household! LOL
Hope things are going well for you, my dear.  I just got in the shipment of HPV Bracelets, along with several other goodies, so I will be sending you a bunch to share with all of your family and friends.  Just let me know how many you think you would want. 
Good luck next week on your check-up, since I know that has really been heavy on your heart, as well as ours.  We are all praying you get the "FREE" words soon!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 10/7/08 10:24 pm - IN

1. Are you voting and if so what ONE topic is the reason your voting for your candidate for President? (Please try to do this w/o naming their name as to not cause political drama on this thread, Thank You).    His commitment to his country.

2. When you are down and depressed what "Little" thing can someone do to touch your heart?
A smile from my son

3. Obiligatory Bathroom Question: Charmin Soft or Charmin Strong? Why?  Neither ... never really liked Charmin...guess it's a lint thing

Linda Kay
on 10/7/08 11:42 pm - Mooresville, IN

1. Are you voting and if so what ONE topic is the reason your voting for your candidate for President? (Please try to do this w/o naming their name as to not cause political drama on this thread, Thank You).Yep have for YEARS!!!  Experience

2. When you are down and depressed what "Little" thing can someone do to touch your heart?The girls touched my heart by saying the Pledge of Allegence PERFECTLY!! and when they sing a song just learned or when one of the 5 grandkids say.. "I love you " without being prompted!!

3. Obiligatory Bathroom Question: Charmin Soft or Charmin Strong? Why?Soft... because my tush is delicate.. :)


Brenda R.
on 10/8/08 12:34 am - Portage, IN

1. Are you voting and if so what ONE topic is the reason your voting for your candidate for President? (Please try to do this w/o naming their name as to not cause political drama on this thread, Thank You).   Part of me is voting for the lesser of two evils. I am going to vote for the person that I feel is best for leading this country into a better economy, a better union for the children of this country and someone who is in touch with the everyday citizens of this land. We need to start taking care of our own and not always those of others countries. We have so much need here.

2. When you are down and depressed what "Little" thing can someone do to touch your heart?   Usually just a random act of love and kindness can bring me out of my funky days. A smile or a hug or just a kind and loving word. But sometimes I am in such a deep funk that prayer is the only thing that can get out of it. With God those days are getting farther apart now and a distant memory most of the time.

3. Obligatory Bathroom Question: Charmin Soft or Charmin Strong? Why?   Without a doubt it is the Charmin Strong. There is less lint and it is lasts longer since it is stronger. I am all for thrifty when it comes to buying things. You may get some cheaper but Bill demands softness and I figure it is his paycheck that is buying it. How nice am I?

I so look forward to these questions. I like finding out what is going through all of my fellow wl friends are thinking. Then again you can find out how sick I am in my mind. But then again I suppose you all figured that one out long ago.

Special prayers are going up for you, dear one.


                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


O. Kufi
on 10/8/08 1:43 am
Hi All

I understand being MIA for the same reasons. Hope all are having a great day even better then their best day!

1. Yes I am voting but my heart has not settled on who yet.

2. My DH has a great sense of humour and can always make me laugh.

3. I don't use charmin but I always go for SOFT.

on 10/8/08 2:31 am, edited 10/8/08 2:32 am - Thorntown, IN
Hi All,
1. Yes, I am for the future of my grandkids .

  2. Randon acts of kindness- a hug, a kiss, a call/email, or just a smile.  Somedays prayer is the only thing- remembering God loves me- unconditionally.

  3. I use soft -cause my bottom is- hahahahah! 

Jo Jo,
 I am thinking of you- Q is such a sweetheart & ya know we all love you! Hang in there Lil Sister!!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
Lee Ann B.
on 10/8/08 2:42 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12

1. Are you voting and if so what ONE topic is the reason your voting for your candidate for President? (Please try to do this w/o naming their name as to not cause political drama on this thread, Thank You). Budget for this country ...we are in a mess!

2. When you are down and depressed what "Little" thing can someone do to touch your heart?
 A card from a friend and a smile from my grandson. I am lucky enough to get to wake up to it everyday from him!

3. Obiligatory Bathroom Question: Charmin Soft or Charmin Strong? Why? Neither...alegic to the stuff...but always like a soft one!

on 10/8/08 5:27 am - Anderson, IN

I am new to the question of the day.  How fun! 

Are you voting and if so what ONE topic is the reason your voting for your candidate for President? (Please try to do this w/o naming their name as to not cause political drama on this thread, Thank You). I have to admit that my voting history is a bit sketchy.  I think I am going to go vote this time though.  I have found as I get older I seem to care more. I still don't care ENOUGH but more than before.  I think it is the lesser of two evils.  However, I will be voting based on HEALTH INSURANCE.

2. When you are down and depressed what "Little" thing can someone do to touch your heart?
Getting to go someplace ALONE with my husband.

3. Obiligatory Bathroom Question: Charmin Soft or Charmin Strong? Why? We don't use Charmin b/c of "charmin balls."  I believe this is the lint factor that everyone was talking about.  We always buy the double rolls b/c we go through SO least a roll a day. 

"Life is hard.  Afterall, it kills you."- Katherine Hepburn
SW 387.1/ CW 229.1/ GW 190 (Updated 7/27/10)

on 10/8/08 5:41 am - LaGrange, KY

1. Are you voting and if so what ONE topic is the reason your voting for your candidate for President? (Please try to do this w/o naming their name as to not cause political drama on this thread, Thank You).

2. When you are down and depressed what "Little" thing can someone do to touch your heart?

3. Obiligatory Bathroom Question: Charmin Soft or Charmin Strong? Why?

1. I am voting for the person that I feel I have moer in common with on a moral level.

2.  A hug goes a long way or praying with/for me.

3.  Ummm both? LOL It depends on the week.

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