Halfway through the Week
I have to get ready for school in a few. We are having safety week. We have a different drill each day. It's lots of fun.
I am working both jobs today. Right now I am finished at 5:30 which isn't too bad. I have to go shopping for supplies for my after school enrichment class, Slimy, Sticky, Stinky Science. It's lots of fun.
Well need to hit the shower. Everyone have a great day.
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt
Carol, my granddaughter is having safety drills at her school this week. She was excited about it. She was explaining the color drills and what they were to me. She's 8.
Ellen, hope you are having a great time in MN. You and Dana be safe.
Ms Sherri, hope you have a wonderful day today. I saw Floyd yesterday but forgot to ask about getting together for dinner. I"ll have to try and catch him and/or Brenda later.
I hope this weekend is supposed to be nice. I need to get my back flower bed built and the ton of bulbs I bought planted. Off on Monday for the holiday so maybe with the long weekend I can accomplish something. I need to get back up to the hospital and see my SIL too.
Wishing everyone a good day!
We got a good amount of rain yesterday and last night! Thank goodness! We really needed that, so that was a big help. Now the colors on the trees will really start coming out so beautifully! I have always loved this time of year, so anything to make it better is always a plus!
Time to get the girls up. Hope everyone has a wonderful day today! I will post results of my check-up later. I am going to ask a few general questions in regards to PS, since I am starting to really have issues......maybe insurance can take care of a few places anyway! We can only dream! LOL
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Good morning all!
I'm at my old desk, catching up with the board & my emails. I'll be heading over to my new area pretty soon (where I have no online hook-up yet). I discovered yesterday that if I'm in the lab, I have phone service on my cell..but not if I'm at my desk. Oh well, if I'm at my desk, people can call my work # to get hold of me (one I have my phone hooked up anyway).
Tomorrow, I'm taking off at noon. I have to drink that lovely prep Magnesium citrate at 1..and I think I'd prefer to be at home for it's after effects . Then Bill & I have our routine teeth cleaning at 3 & 4. I SO hope that I'm done going
by then! With the other colon preps I've had since June (3 of them), I took the 48 pills each time instead and with them, I really didn't notice any potty increase.
Tiffany is going to stay all night Thursday night. I have to be at IU hospital (downtown) at 6:30 am so it'd be easier on Tiff if she just stayed the night. Her dh isn't too happy about that but oh well.
Jules..I think we're going to hold off till next week to have dinner with Floyd & Brenda. They are busy getting ready for this weekends adventure and I'm gonna be doing all liquids tomorrow from noon on...and out of it on Friday. Send me your number and I can give you a call after we decide where & when. By the way..anyone else who'd like to join us is welcome as well. It usually is last minute type of thing when we get together with Floyd & Brenda but you all are welcome to join us.
Ellen..have fun in MN!
Gail...I hope you are able to read this today. We love you sweetie!
It's suppose to be National Fire Safety week so we're suppose to have fire drills too. If I'm over in the new lab, guess I'll find out where our meeting place is.
You all have a terrific day!!!!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I found out the oddest thing last night. My generic protonix is no longer a formulary medication with the state's Anthem plan. So instead of it costing $10 it would cost me $40. Okay that bites, but the odd part is that the non-generic is a formulary according to Anthem, so I can get that for only $20?!?!?! Oh well, $20 is better than $40. I think it would save them money actually to only pay for the generic, but they said something about it being evaluated. Maybe it doesn't work as well. So I have to call the doctor today and get him to call in either non-generic Protonix or Prevacid. I was kind of upset that I can't get the $10 generic anymore, but if it's only going to be $20 I can live with that. Especially since I'm saving now on my mood meds. I was taking two, and they cost about $40 for both. I talked to my NP, and we switched me to generics that Wal-mart carries for $4 each, so now only $8 a month. Anthem should like me for that. My previous combo cost them abut $800 a month!!! The great thing is that I'm feeling pretty good with the new meds. I'm not as tired as I used to be during the day, either.
Here in Vigo Co. they are hiring from the new modernization company for social services eligibility specialists. Mike emailed in his resume' yesterday, and they're supposed to be calling people today for interviews at the Work One center for tomorrow. I am really hoping he gets a call. Say a little prayer for him today. We need the job.
Have a great day all!
sounds like everyone is doing well today....
i am getting ready to go on a fieldtrip with my daughter this morning....asherwoods...not sure if any of you have heard of that...kinda a nature fieldtrip....frog ponds makin maple syrup and lots of lots of lots of walking....wow i sure hope i can do it....hope my legs hold out....then after that my daughter has a volleyball game in huntington...so busy day
doc called yesterday and changed my appt to an hour long ....said they needed to discuss my findings on all the MRIs and such....well i already knew that...but an hour long....wow so i go to the doc now the 10th 13th and 14th....lol too much!!!!
to everyone that is feeling under the weather...just had surgery...traveling....or just everyday struggles.......you will be in my thoughts and prayers....
big hugs and have an amazing day!!!
Well I hope Socki/Kim makes it thru her daughters field trip as I know she has concerns. Hope Gail is feeling better

BIG HUGS TO ALL!! Michelle
Started out busy this morning at work. Wasnt at work 20 min. and got an ambulance call. So just got back from that not too long ago.
Not much else going on today. Friday will be my 1 yr surgiversary. I cant believe it has been a yr already. Time sure does fly. I weighed myself yesterday and I am still losing. Some of my family members are not very happy about that, but I am not trying to lose anymore. I am eating 5-6 meals a day of higher calorie foods and I am still losing. I am at about 128. I keep telling them when my body decides to stop, they say you gain some back. Oh well, they just need to shut up and leave me alone.

Prayers to all those in need and I hope everyone has a great day.
It is cold and rainy here this morning. It was pouring rain yesterday and today doesn't look much different. I know that rain is needed but there is still so many that is working on getting through what happened a few weeks ago. There was so much flooding then that they don't need more.
I went grocery shopping yesterday. I spent $75 at Aldi's and that is just 4 bags of lightly filled groceries. I just can't believe the prices. They just keep going up and up and no end in sight. I still don't know how families do it. I can hardly do it with just Bill and I and of course our Misty. I am just so glad that Misty won't eat canned food. She only like Purina Indoor formula. She won't even eat another brand of the indoor stuff either. She is one picky kitty.
I have a church meeting tonight and then they are done until next Tuesday. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It seems to be getting brighter and brighter too. I am soooooooo happy about the light. I must remember to go to the light!!1
The new pastor seems to be working out well. He is so nice and so far all of the news that I have heard has been positive. I am so glad about that. I wasn't sure if he would fit in or not. Sunday is the big day though. Keep my church in your prayers if you would. It is a big change for them and I am praying that they see the positives of change.
I guess I had better get to going. I have some things around here that needs to be done and I should do some laundry too. I have to pack for my one night at Frankenmuth. I am so looking forward to getting away by myself even if it is only for one night. I will take one night as opposed to no nights.
I am sending love and hugs to all and I am keeping you in prayers. Special prayers are going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful and blessed day and I will chat later on.
We made it to Minn. Thank goodness the sun is shining today- we drove thru hard rain all the way from upper Illinois, to here! It took 10 hrs.(650 miles) and is a long trip- but so glad to be up here. Our kids were waiting for us- SIl had made venison chili for dinner, and it was good! I know we were both dog tired last night. it is so pretty up here- they have had there first frost, so the trees are all in fall color.
Wendy is working & the guys are out fishing/doing there "man thing" so I got on here to check in with you all. I will try to get on when I can- never know what the days might bring.Please keep my SIl in your prayers- his work as decided since he had no sick days left (used them for Dr. appts) he hasn't gotten a paycheck since Sept. 15, and may not get one when he goes back- he has to "repay" for his time off- huh?

Carol- what grade do you teach- are you art Sheridan school? Willow is in am. kindergarten & Jax is in 3rd. grade. We need to "chat". it was so good to finally meet you.
Kim- enjoy the field trip- sounds like alot of fun. Don't forget to rest now & then. I got easily wore out during my first yr. so had to take "rtelax" breaks- as I told my grandkids.
Sherri- hope your tests show what is going on and you get all fixed up soon- it has been one long year for you- time to enjoy your life again!
Jodi- I am praying that it is nothing and you hear good news.
Gail- hope each day finds you stronger, and better!When I get home I hope we can get together.
Julie- I know what you mean girl- hope it isn't the flu! Stay as warm as you can!
Dawn, When is you eye surgery? I am thinking of you lil Sister.
LaChelle,- 9 months has flown- I bet the Dr. will be so pleased with your recovery- enjoy your day!
Linda V. Oh, I am so glad things are beginning to look up for you.& praying Mike gets the job My Ins. has gone to generics too, and one of my meds. is going to change- 84.00 a month is too much for us! There is a generic previcid- it is good. So glad we could catch up alittle at the exchange.
Jenny- Yup. your body will level out- listen to your Dr. & Neutritionist- they know what works & doesn't! Just remember they are concerned and don't know how this all works. Just reassure them they have it under control, and you are ok.
Linda K- hope you find work you'll enjoy soon! I am giving my daughter the soup reciepe- since they have so much venison, they are looking for new reciepes to try.
If i missed anyone sorry- I do think of you all!! Well- gotta go- have a great week everyone!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#