Need vitamin help
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
My endocrinologist told me to take my vitamins at least 4 hours after the synthroid and the calcium at least 4 hours after that...that way, nothing cancels out the good of the other ones.
I use the Kroger off-brand childrens chewable vitamin myself. As your nut if you can take something else. The calcium petites are the one I have a hard time with. They feel like they get stuck. I don't like the chewable wafers though so I do what I gotta do....
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I am almost a year and a half out and I rely on the vitamin schedule that Clarian Bariatrics advises.
This is quite serious. You must get the vitamins in - whether you like it or not. Don't like them? Can remember? - Too bad. Get over it. This is about NUTRITION! Sorry if that's so harsh but you went through this surgery to get healthier but not taking the vitamins risks your health again. If you're eating 3 meals a day - you should be able to remember that about 30 mins later - you need to take vits too after you can drink again.
See link from a story I just found on the web about what can happen when you get too low - and the culprit for this story is only 1 vitamin....
Woman Suffers Serious Vitamin Deficiency After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Daily I take
*Bariatric Advantage multivitiamin
*500 mg calcium (CITRACAL CALCIUM CITRATE W/ VIT D - the vit d helps absorbtion take calcium CITRATE not CARBONATE - as the citrate is more readily absorbed. this means no Viactive. Wrong form of calcium.)
*Spring Valley Super B Complex - (I get this one at walmart -make sure you get the super B complex and not just a "B". I bought the wrong bottle once and didn't notice until my bloodwork came back with deficiencies.)
*1200 mg Fish oil
mid day
500 mg calcium citrate
Bariatric Advantage multivitiamin
500 mg calcuim citrate
bariatric advantage sublingual b-12 (a monthly injection is also an option for this one)
before bed
Bariatric Advantage 18mg iron (this should not be taken w/in 2 hours of calcium as it will inhibit calcium absorbtion)