Home made noodles
Hi! I know this may not be the best place to do this but I am going there anyway! I am starting to make my homemade noodles again this year for Thanksgiving and Christmas and wanted to offer them to my many friends on the Hoosier Losers Board. I know that alot of us can't eat them but there are others that can so I am offering them to you. I will be making them, rolling them, cutting them and packaging them in quart ziplock bags all for $5.00 per bag. Since I don't use a pasta machine I can cut them as thick or thin as you would like. I did this last year and only posted on Kokomo for sale and they were such a hit that I thought I would branch out a little. I will be making them up to about Dec. 20th and can deliver large quantities for a fee. Since it is for my OH Family I will charge only a small fee to deliver. I would not do that except gas prices are so high and my Dh has been out of work for a long time. Let me know if you would like some and how many. Then we can figure out how to get them where they need to go! Thanks again! Michelle