
on 10/6/08 12:49 am - IN
Has anyone on here gone through or is going through menopause? I feel like I am but not sure.
Jenny K.
on 10/6/08 12:55 am - IN
I went through menopause due to having a hysterectomy. Not fun at all!
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/6/08 1:11 am - aurora, IN
I called the ob/gyn because i think i am.
I have the sweats ,the mood swings and  etc.
She says with my age and family history i very well could be..
Im 45 and my mom and gmal and all went thru early menopause..

on 10/6/08 1:15 am - IN
My periods had never been regular UNTIL my 3 daughter**** their teen yrs. My poor hubby, 3 weeks outta the month he had to deal with 4 crabby asses!! Now, my periods start and within 2 days they are down to almost nothing, Im crabby, cry at the drop of a hat--when I have never been a cryer--just feel like blah. What is weird for me is, today I am holding back calling my hubby, I have this feeling that I want him to come home...dont know I want him here with me....its weird...dont really feel depressed, but have never been depressed so dont really know what that feeling is...
on 10/6/08 1:17 am - IN
my mother was 45 when she went through menopause, but hers lasted maybe a few months. I have ahd sweats for a couple days...thats it on the hubby did say i felt warm to the touvh this morning, he thought i was running a fever but i felt fine.....what do they do for this menopause crap??
Jenny K.
on 10/6/08 2:23 am - IN

It sounds like you are probably in the beginning of it.  There are herbal things that my mom took that helped a lot with her hot flashes.  Go to a health food store and ask them what they have.  I think what she took was called Change O Life.  There are things you can get from Walmart and places like that as well. 
The bad news is that this can last several years.  They say once you have gone 12 months w/o a period that you are through your menopause.  My mom would go 11 months then start on the 12th month.  Good luck on dealing with this.

 Caduceus    Caduceus 

Hope P.
on 10/6/08 2:35 am - Middlebury, IN
I had a hysterectomy at the age of 26 (emergency surgery) and went on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Taking Premerin for 17 yrs is what kept the menopause symptoms away. But now (the last 2yrs) I have taken myself (monitored by the doc) off the meds and am going through menopause.
woohoo!  I
t's especially fun at night when I can't decide if I want blankets, or don't.   Sometimes Peter wil ask me if I feel OK, I say why, and he'll say I'm all red in the face... That's when I'll know it's coming and start stripping ahead of time  In the car, I'll have the heat turned of on my side and Peter will have it on high on his side. Night sweats are when I get the most aggrivated, totally drenching my side of the bed keeps me from getting the sleep I need.
I haven't had any horrible issues with mood-swings (no one DARES to tell me I do! )
What to take for it? Well. Premarin (Rx-2 different dosages) is the most common med to perscribe, but there's a company called Arbone that had a topical cream that I used when the doc weaned me off the meds. Its called Prolief (sp??) for those of you that still have your plumbing, and Phyto-Prolief (sp??) for those that don't. A little pricey, but if you don't want the medicine...
Hope this helps, bonus to having menopause...NO MORE MONTHLIES!!! Haven't had one for 19+ yrs and never missed it once!! (sorry to any guys out there)
Stay cool   

For if God is with us, who (what) shall be against us?

Annette C.
on 10/6/08 3:19 am - Danville, IN

I am NOT going through menopause.  How dare you suggest such a thing.  I'm only 49!  
How are you feeling today?

What mood swings?   I'm not being unreasonable.  My husband is the one with problems!

Have a lovely day.

OMG!  Do you think I'm going through menopause?

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

on 10/6/08 3:40 am - Martinsville , IN
I went through menopause at age 38, it took me about 3 years to get over the symptoms flashes were horrible.  Now life is good no periods and no sympotoms lol.


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

Linda Kay
on 10/6/08 8:08 pm - Mooresville, IN
I was 27 due to a hysterectmy.. that was the physical menopause.. but guess what ladies... we get to go thru the emotional, mental one again in our later years..I had the hot flashes on and off for years... now since RNY.. I am so cold I would give a dollar for a hot flash!!heheh

Just remember nothing lasts forever... If you confront what is going on with your body it does make it easier.. I am going to go thru NOTHING that God and I can't handle together..

Linda Kay
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