Help with removing tape marks from body.....

on 10/5/08 5:33 pm - South Bend, IN
I am having a hard time removing tape marks from my body. I have so many tape marks on my arms from the IVs and on my belly from the drain site. My belly is starting to hurt a bit. I would like to know what everyone uses to get the tape residue off and maybe a better way to keep gauze on my drain site. Was thinking of an Ace bandage and wrapping it around and around? Thoughts?
on 10/5/08 7:33 pm - decatur, IN

Laura, I think I found baby oil to be the most effective way to get the tape marks off.  Since you are so recently out of surgery I wouldn't worry too much about those around your incision yet.  Was your surgery laproscopic?  If so, then you probably have more of the puncture type incisions.  You may still have drain tubes.  The gauze they probably gave you at the hospital should have a slit cut in it so it will fit over your drain tube.  I was so concerned about infection, that I still used tape at home until they completely closed up.  I wore my surgical binder for about a week after my surgery, I was fully cut open, and the binder helped keep my guaze in place too.  When you shower continue to wash with the antibacterial soap too.  Hope this info helps.  You are doing great!  Keep up the good work and welcome on the looser's bench.  Karen

Linda Kay
on 10/5/08 7:58 pm - Mooresville, IN
I have an allergy to adhesives.. bandaids just eat into my skin and leaves sores.. I usually let them just rot off to keep the skin intact but when it gets miserable I use alcohol and then baby oil or a lotion on a wash rag for the roughness. Good luck I know it isnt fun!!

Congrats on your decision for WLS here is hopeing you have a safe and happy journey to a new and better you!!

Linda kay
on 10/5/08 8:38 pm - Indianapolis, IN

I used a dap of lotion to remove the adhesive. I did a  little bit of it at a time so that I wasn't rubbing the skin raw. I was also very careful not to get any of the lotion into the incisions and made sure to remove all of it's excess. Last year, I ended up with glue all over my belly, both legs, and up & down both arms & hands. It took me about a week to get it all off.

My skin is very sensitive to the glue now. When I had my thigh lift, I had blisters from the steri strips even. I use paper tape as much as I can. Even that has caused my leg to break out though here recently. I would continue using gauze on your drain site..but I'd try paper tape to hold it in place. As Karen said, the binder will help keep it in place some too. When my legs broke out last year, I had used Stayfree Minipads as a cover for them. I stuck them to the inside of the compression garment so that the pads covered the incision. You may want to try that with your binder. All the adhesive is on your binder that way, not your skin. Since I had a hysterectomy back in 2003, it WAS strange buying! Ah well..I have daughters that I could give the ones I didn't use to.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Holly Knight
on 10/5/08 10:24 pm - New Waverly, IN
I used the Goo Gone, orange scented oil stuff...smelled good and worked wonderful!!!!!  Gave blood last week and used it to remove the adhesive from from pressure dressing!!!!!! 


on 10/5/08 11:50 pm - PLAINFIELD, IN
surgen told me to use nail polish remover..
on 10/6/08 12:06 am - South Bend, IN
Yes, the adhesive I was referring to was the tape that I use for the drain site. To hold the guaze surrounding the hole. I am still changing that 3-4 times a day and the tape is gettting very sensitve.

I was not sent home with my binder.

I had laporoscopy. I have not touched the other or changed the other sites at all yet. I was told to not take off hte sterile strips if I didn't have to or if they didn't fall off. I haven't even changed the outside bandage yet.

So mainly I was talking about teh tape adhesive around the drain site..

I will have my sister go and get me some paper tape and then try all the remedies to remove the adhesvie.

Thanks to everyone.
on 10/6/08 5:30 am - Indianapolis, IN

I would pass on the nail polish remover idea. Nail polish remover is acetone..and it can irritate your skin (as is stated in the MSDS for Acetone). With your skin being sensitive already, it can cause some dematitis issues. Yep..I work in a lab and we handle Acetone with Nitrile gloves on (unless we are trying to remove our nail polish).

Stick to trying the less abrasive oils, lotion, etc.

You might want to change that outter bandage so you can be sure you aren't having any reaction to the steri-strips.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 10/6/08 10:41 am - South Bend, IN


What I have done so far was to just stop using tape at all. My mom had some ace bandages, so I just wrap that around the bandage to hold it together. My other sites are fine.

I will try the lotions or baby oils.


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