Linda Kay
on 10/5/08 7:52 pm - Mooresville, IN
Good Morning!!!

I thought I would start today off... I haven't had a job since March 8th and I start a new one I am up early. Hubby can support us with his pensions and SS but I wanted extra money to buy Christmas and little extras I need. With 5 grandchildren Christmas is fun so I like to make sure there is something under everyone's tree!! Be well folks and enjoy the day!!

Linda Kay
on 10/5/08 7:57 pm - decatur, IN
good morning Linda Kay, I was typing while you were posting.  Great to see you over the weekend.  I got a chance to meet your daughter Lisa.  She was really sweet.  I had no idea she was the mother of triplets!  She has her hands full.  She will have so much more energy to chase those little ones now since she has had her surgery. 
Good luck on your new job.  What will you be doing?  How many hours per day/week will you work?  In this economy, every little bit helps.  Hope you have a great day.  Hugs to you, Karen
Linda Kay
on 10/5/08 8:18 pm - Mooresville, IN

Here is where you go to meet my grandaughters... Melissa's triplets.. I actually did not give birth to Melissa... she is my DIL but I love her as if she has been around forever...She is great with the girls but my son helps out alot by taking care of little things and by giving Melissa time away from them...It was so adoreable last night to see them do the Pledge of Allegence!!! Just blessed my heart!!!

Thank about the new job. as much as I would like the money... I havent worked for 7 months and I am a little wary of starting one all over again...

It was nice seeing everyone!!!

Linda kay

LaChelle R.
on 10/5/08 8:05 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning!  Congrats on starting the new job, Linda Kay!  I know you are excited about that!

Hope everyone is doing well this Monday morning.  I am up getting ready to wake the girls for school.  Jimmy is already gone to work, so it will be a day alone at this household!  Wooo hoooo!  I have to vaccum the carpets, finish up the dishes, and all the laundry needs to be put away.  I was just too tired last night.  Oh well, it will get done.

Take care, and have a wonderful and blessed day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 10/5/08 9:09 pm - aurora, IN
Good morning everyone
Im off to get the boys to school and get Joey from work.
He gets his heater and fender wells in today...
I spent the weekend with family..I did go to see Bucky Covington he was really good ive discovered i still hate big crowds but it was nice to be able to go and walk around....
Linda kay congrats on the job money money money....
LaChelle you look awesome
I sured missed you all yesterdayyyyy..
have a great day and stay safe..

on 10/5/08 10:14 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

Today marks the one year anniversary of when everything went wrong for me last year. With having the CT enteroclysis (CTE) on Friday, I do have hopes that we will finally learn something and be on the path of getting things fixed. I think I'm looking forward to them possibly getting some answers so much that I'm not focussed on the test itself at all. That's a good thing. I laid in bed this morning, rubbing my tummy, and thinking how hopefully, everything will be 'normal' before long. Some days, I hate to get out of bed. After laying flat on my back all night, my tummy is flat. As soon as I roll over onto my side & then when I get up, everything falls forward. Some days...I just want to enjoy the 'flat feeling' just a little longer.  So today I had a little bit of hard time convincing myself to get up & get busy. I was awake...just not willing to let go of that feeling. Perhaps it was knowing that today is the anniversary of it all.....?

But..I am at work now, tummy and all. I'll be catalogging what is in the drawers, etc in the new lab so we'll know what we have to bring with us when we move. I'll be heading over there after I have my breakfast and then spend the day there. If I don't get back on till later..that is why. Oh...I don't get good cell phone reception over there either. Now that is going to be a bummer!

I'm going to stop by Gail's after work. I'll post tonight & let you all know how she's doing.

Have a good day!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Jenny K.
on 10/5/08 10:26 pm - IN
Good morning all!
I had a great time at the exchange. Im a little shy when it comes to just going up to someone and introducing myself.  So I didnt get to meet a lot of you.  I was trying to look around the room and see if I recognized anyone. A few I did and a few I didnt.  I was amazed by some that I did recognize, you all have done so well.

I hardly got any sleep last night. Went to bed with a terrible headache.  Got woke up around 2 am by the TV. My daughter was up watching TV. I told her to get to bed, she had to get up for school in a few hours.  Still had my headache. Then I got up late this morning cause I had to get up in the middle of the night.  So it was rush, rush, rush for me this morning. 
I got me some Tylenol at the VP this morning and cut them in half and took them and the headache is a little better now.
Well I hope everyone has a great day.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/5/08 11:58 pm - Thorntown, IN
Hi  Everyone,
 Just checking in before heading down toAmy & the twins- we are going shopping for their first walking shoes today!!! They will be 1 yr. old on the 15th!!! I posted some photos of  them on here- so check them out. Oh, guess who is going to have their first birthday party- me! I am going to fix cupcakes ( using the low sugar mix) and let them go at it- hee~hee!!!! Mom & Dad get to do the clean up I get to do the mess up!!!!

WE LEAVE IN THE MORINING FOR MINNISOTA- WOO-HOO!!!! I AM SO READY FOR A BREAK AWAY!!We haven't gotten away since our OH getaway, and I need it- time to relax, reflect, read, do whatever I want- I even found out there is a Anytime Fitness up there so I am going to try to go and do my "routime" while away. I can tell the inches are dropping- and I lost 1#!.

I am still "pumped" from seeing all of you- and meeting so many of you for the first time!Now, don't be strangers on here!You know me- I use to be so shy, but not anymore- I loved meeting  you LeeAnn, Lisa, Jenny & Kim! Sue,Carol,& Robin,its been what- 6 mo.  since I saw you last- I didn't recognize you all- you have done fantastic!!!

Thanks for posting your reciepes everyone- even if the food was either gone or I was so late, what I did taste was yummy- now I will have to try those reciepes on my family! Oh Shanna- you are my new protien smoothie hero- I am making smoothies using my soy milk every am- yummy!!!
Gotta go- love to you all- stay healthy while I am gone everyone-I'll be thinking of you!!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 10/5/08 11:59 pm - Rockport, IN
EWwww Jenny.  Sorry about the headache.  I wish I could've been at the exchange to give you a big ole hug.  You've been my "rny buddy" throughout this whole past year.  Here's one over the internet though...(((Jenny)))...that's my first ever cyber hug!  You should feel honored...teeeheee.

This weekend was so super duper busy.  I had to run a concession stand all day Saturday for PTO.  Then I had to go help serve dinner at the Walk to Emmaus men's weekend.  My hubby was the head cook.  Then yesterday I went to church and to the closing for the Emmaus weekend.  I love going to those.  I bawled and bawled all through it. 

Saturday was Troy's birthday and yesterday was our anniversary.  They always fall on the weekend of the men's walk to Emmaus.  Troy always seems to work the fall walks too so we never get to spend our anniversary together.  Oh well...I'm just grateful I have a God loving husband who gives up special things to help others get closer to the Lord.

I've been straying on my walk with Jesus too and this weekends' events has brought a lot of it to light.  I've been really trying here lately to get my life back on track.  The things going on at church with the roof being blown off during the storm a few weeks ago have really brought the church closer together.  It's amazing how God uses times like this for his glory.  He is really awesome.

Well I'll close before I go into a sermon and offer an alter call.  I hope you are eached blessed today.

Jenny K.
on 10/6/08 12:47 am - IN
Thank you Jacqui for the cyber hug. I am deeply honored to get the first one ever. 
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

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