Sunday Morning!
Today is another work day. But I don't have to be there until 10:45 am. So I have a couple of hours to myself. Everyone else in the house is still sleeping, so it really is to myself. That's kind of nice. I don't get that too often.
This week is my and my son's birthdays. I will be 32, and he will be 11. He was born the day after my 21st birthday. I was started in labor on my actual birthday. No big party for me that year! I joked that I was going to have my '21st' birthday party on my next birthday, but it turned out I was pregnant again with my Lucy by that time,... lol. Anyway, I love birthdays, so I think this will be a fun week. We won't be able to spend as much on them this year, but it's still such a celebration of life, to know you were born that day, and came into the world.
I am cautious about my mood right now. My nurse practitioner switched my mood medications. I was on two that were about $800 a month combined. Now, I do have insurance, but still that's alot. She switched me to generics from the Wal-mart $4 list, and for this month I spent $8 combined, without insurance. Much more affordable. I just really hope they work. She thinks so, and I have alot of faith in her. I'm just trying to trim extra spending anywhere I can.
I talked to my hubby Friday about his goals. He's applying all over for now, but he's thinking about going back to school for a year to get a 'transition to teaching' degree. I told him I fully support him if he wants to do that. I think it would be a great idea. It would be a hard year, but we could do it. Teaching would be a great profession.
Today is the big Pumpkin Festival Parade. The girls and I are so excited to be riding in it!!! They always have so much fun in them! I can't wait either, because I will get more excercise just walking!
I got to see Jen last night. She and Kenny are home for the festival, and we ran into each other at the bingo tent. She is really looking great. She is feeling well too, with the baby taking all the nutrients that it needs. She doesn't know what she is having yet, as it is still too early to tell, but she will let us know eventually! LOL She has been so busy with work, she doesn't even hardly know her name anymore! She does say hello to everyone tho!
Time to take Jimmy to work, and then the girls and I will get ready for church and then the parade, so have a wonderful day. I will try to get some pictures and post them today! Have a great day all! Take care and TTYL!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
I trust you all are enjoying your weekend. I know some of you have to work..but I hope you are having good days there!
I think it is just amazing how many people was at the exchange yesterday. At about 10:50, I looked around and there were mabie a dozen people there. ~11 people just kept coming in! By 11:30, I think there was well over 50! Robin..did you happen to try to do a headcount? And so many new faces!! Wow! Just so fantastic!!
Ellen....the decorated bucket I had got myself, I'm going to put it in the RV's bathroom to hold my magazine & puzzle books. Yep....I'm a potty reader! That's a nice decorative way to have them close at hand since our RV bathroom is bigger than the one in our home and I can't reach the sink once I sit down. I know it's not the 30th yet, but I do wish you a very (early) happy birthday! Are you still going to be in Minnesota to celebrate it?
Karen...thank you so much for the vanilla spice lotion. It smells so absolutely yummy! Thank you for picking me up some more of my veggie chips. I've already gotten in to them! LOL! I do hope you and ----- are able to connect up soon! You'll have to let me know how it goes.
Jodi..good luck at the docs this week. I hope you get some good news. I loved seening Quin (as well as his parents) yesterday. When he reached over and hugged me, that just melted my heart! So very, very cute.
Holly...I hope you had a good remainder of the day. I know we didn't get much opportunity to talk but girl, I think you are looking fantastic!
Robin...your avatar on here does not do you justice! You are so beautiful, inside and out! I do appreciate all you do..not just for us with the clothing exchange, but also with your church and the focus on helping those who need it. was very good meeting you yesterday. I hope your intollerance issues all get better & better. In the grand scheme of things, when I went through my lactose intollerance (which only lasted about 3-6 months), that ended up being just a minor inconvenience in comparrison. I do hope that is the very worse that happens along your journey. I can't wait to see the pics you took yesterday with that nice camera!
I know, I know..there are SO many more who were there!! Linda V, Linda Kay, Lisa, Michelle, Deb (you're a sweetie!), Dawn, Kim, Kathy, Vicki, Cindy (Lee & Perry), Shanna, and on & on & on....
I missed those who couldn't be there as well!
Floyd & Brenda..I hope you had a safe & productive trip. I have some stuff for you guys for the newbie's welcome bags.
Gail...I will give her a call in a little bit if I don't hear from her. She does send her love to each of you.
I know the distance, work schedules, health problems, etc kept others away..
Misty..I hope you're feeling better!
LaChelle..Don't work so hard hon! I know...easier said than done!
Brenda R...I hope things are starting to shape up for you & your church.
Cheryl..miss you sweetie
Jan...I hope you two are enjoying all your mini-trips!
The list of those who couldn't make it also goes on & on...unfortunately!
You all have a terrific Sunday! Be kind to each other...but also be kind to.....
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I felt so good, that when I walked in that people knew who I was......
The food was wonderful, fellowship was absolutely amazing......
Ellen, Thank You so much for getting me back to 465...I am glad that I was able to help you find your wallet, and my much needed pampering before we left!!!!! Tell Penny I will be in touch very soon. I am beginning to wonder if Indy will ever be done with all the construction work......
Lee Ann...I cannot thank you enough.....I am super happy that I am stocked on EAS for almost 6 weeks......let me know when you are heading to Carmel and we will see what my stock looks like then.....
Everyone is changing so much, and we all should work on getting the avatars freshened up....makes it easier to recognize people!!!!! If anyone needs help we can always take pictures at the exchanges and help you get them posted.
BTW, I have this massive bruise on my left shin, I cannot figure out where that would have came from!!!!!
Just finishing my protein up, would love to cuddle on the couch with my dogs and a warm blanket, but have laundry and other projects calling my name.
Love, Holly
I wanted to sleep in today, but the thought was on my mind that I had "new" clothes in my closet. I couldn't wait to get up and try some things on. I picked up mostly size 18's because I had on 20's yesterday and noticed they were a lil saggy in the butt. I got up and the very first pair of size 18's I tried fit...holy cow! Its been over five years since I dieted down to an 18 and that was only for a couple months lol. Hubby was telling me how proud he is of me and how pretty I look, its been a long time since he has said that to me. I am so excited about the changes in my body and hope they catch up in my mind sometime soon.
I will work on getting some pictures posted today that I took yesterday. Perhaps next time we can all get together for a picture that would be so awesome. Maybe between dinner and the beginning of the exchange would be a good time for a group photo? I can't believe the amount of people and clothes that were there yesterday, it was very impressive.
I still have my grandkids this morning they were suppose to leave at 9 early but that didn't happen. I am thinking I will take them over to the pumpkin patch and let them pick a pumpkin. Have a great day everyone.
Hugsss and peace to you all,
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!