My Friend, My Prison is no more...
Well as many of you know I LIVED in my big old comfy chair for the past 8 years. It has seriously fallen apart over the years and we've had to nail it together, tie it together, and even sewed it in a few places. As you can imagine from me weighing 557lbs it took alot of abuse from my weight. It didn't have any springs or insides anymore so we stacked about 13 blankets in the bottom and put a big piece of foam in for the seat. It had pillows stuffed in each side from God only knows how long ago. I found a couch pillow I hadn't seen in years in it. We of course had a chair cover over it so it didnt look nearly as bad as it does in the pics. Well yesterday was the end. I took a hammer to it. It was kinda hard because for so long I NEEDED that chair--I was uncomfortable in anything else. I LIVED in it. Slept in it, ate in i****ched tv in it, ALL day ALL night EVERYDAY. I did cry when I took my first swing at my old buddy. It was hard to break down something that had been such a good friend to me. My husband said why are you crying, I said because this chair was my friend. My husband called it stolckhome syndrome. He said NO it wasn't your friend Angie it was your prison--you were trapped in this thing, beat the crap out of it--that part of your life is over. So I did. When we got it to the front door and at the steps I kicked it out the door and down the steps. When it landed I literally exhaled. Man it felt soooo good. I can't tell you the weight that was just lifted off of me.
Sunday Deb C is giving me an exercise bike that I will be putting in it's place right in my living room. NO more sitting--unless I'm exercising!!! (thanks so much Deb)
Sunday Deb C is giving me an exercise bike that I will be putting in it's place right in my living room. NO more sitting--unless I'm exercising!!! (thanks so much Deb)
I remember when I saw you after your surgery and you were up and WALKING with NO PROBLEM! Poor Walter didn't know what to think! LOL
HE IS RIGHT! It was your prison not your friend. Beat the crap outta that chair and have a big ol bonfire!
You are an amazing woman...beautiful, with a heart of gold. I am blessed to have you as a friend.
luv ya gal
I remember when I saw you after your surgery and you were up and WALKING with NO PROBLEM! Poor Walter didn't know what to think! LOL
HE IS RIGHT! It was your prison not your friend. Beat the crap outta that chair and have a big ol bonfire!
You are an amazing woman...beautiful, with a heart of gold. I am blessed to have you as a friend.
luv ya gal
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
Angie, I am so proud of you and what you accomplished. You have done so well and hubby was so right. It was your prison, but I do understand your sadness in the beginning. Even a prison can be our friend if that is all we know. It was there for you when you ate and it didn't pass judgment on you like others would or even yourself. We always judge ourselves harder than anyone else does.
You have broken free of your prison and you should hold your beautiful head up high and be proud of you! You are such a role model for everyone. Be proud honey, be proud!
You have broken free of your prison and you should hold your beautiful head up high and be proud of you! You are such a role model for everyone. Be proud honey, be proud!