Well that is it for Friday and I hope to see you all at the clothing exchange! TTFN!!
I worked late at school yesterday afternoon and can almost see the top of my desk again. Wow, the papers sure pile up quickly. I can't believe this is already October. This school year is flying by.
Tonight is our school's homecoming football game. My granddaughter who is 7 will be cheering at half-time. She attended cheerleading camp last Saturday. She is so excited! I am not looking forward to sitting in the cold outside. I don't think we plan to stay much after the new king and queen are crowned. My daughter is going with me so at least it will be something different to do.
I had posted last week that I was getting ready to go on my first date. Well, it has gotten postponed again. I am bummed. Trying to schedule 3 couples is crazy. So I am back to the waiting game again. I guess it will happen when it is supposed to happen.
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. We should have a lot of fun catching up with each other. I got out the small 2 ounce containers that I had for the newbies. Good grief I had a ton of them. I hope they all go to a good home.
Well, time to hit the shower. Hugs to everyone and prayers to our Miss Gail. I hope your recovery is quick. Karen
I just sent out e-mail invitations to my Tastefully Simple party, but the invitations show the wrong information. Please ignore those, and as soon as I get the correct information on there, I will send out the new ones. Sorry for the mix-up.
Hope everyone is doing well today. Prayers going out to those having surgery today, and those in need. Special prayers for Gail, who should be up and running around in no time at all....but not right now! Rest easy hon!
Time to get the girls hair brushed and ready for them to get on the bus. I have to work at 9 this morning, and then we all are going to go to the pumpkin festival again this evening. I worked until 5:30 yesterday, and then took Jimmy to the job fair that he was supposed to attend on Wednesday. He had a really good interview, and the gentleman that he spoke to was really impressed, and told him that he would be getting a phone call back in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed for him please, as he really needs to get away from Sonic! LOL That place is gonna kill him....or I will one!
Have a wonderful day all, and take care! TTYL
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
The boys dont have school today its are local fairs 100th year.
So our neice called and needed a sitter for her just turned 2 yr old ,so the boys are watching him.
I forgot to little kid proof my house so we went thru like a whirl wind putting everything up(now ill never find it).
Thank you for your prayers for Neils family.
Gail take care of yourself
LaChelle and Michelle dont you enjoy life so much more from being able to wash the windows to going to festivals and etc...
Still waiting to see if i can make it to the exchange (the clothes are ready to go)...
Everyone have a good day i gotta run to wally world and pick up joey he has to put a new heater in his car today...
Man i dont want to go outside ..
stay safe
I am so glad it is Friday. I am excited about the clothing exchange tomorrow. I need some winter clothes. I have a few pairs of jeans, but my youngest keeps stealing them. I need some shirts mostly and maybe some dressier clothes for the most part.
I cant wait to meet some more of you guys. I met a lot of people at the clothing exchange before last.
Well everyone have a great day and I will see you all tomorrow.
I talked with Pastor last night after I got home from my meeting. We said our good byes then since before I left for the meeting his wife called me to let me know that his dad had just passed away. It was fast since it was just a couple of months he was diagnosed with the malignant brain tumor, they had given him about a year but that are only guesses on the doctor's part. Britt is not going to be at church on Sunday now and that was his final service with us. We got the lay speaker to do it (the next one in line) and the cake and chicken for the dinner got canceled. I had tears in my eyes when we talked but he didn't know that. He choked up a few times and that made it hard for me too. I kind of relived how I felt when my own parents passed. I was 15 when dad passed and 49 when mom went. You are never prepared no matter if you have time to prepare or if it happens quickly. You never want to say that final good bye. Grief is very selfish since we grieve not for those who have gone on but for ourselves and the fact that we must go on without those we love.
Things here are busy and I am going into the church office to help out. Bill is working days and so we have a long evening ahead of us to kick back and enjoy ourselves. I don't for see a lot of things happening this week end. Bill is tired and so am I. I was thinking of Toto this week end but I am going to cancel that one too. It sounds like heaven to me to sit back and vegetate for a bit. Something that seems like the last time happened was soooo long ago.
I better get going. Time is ticking by and I have to get this butt of mine moving. How comfy I feel sitting here and chatting. It feels like peace here.
Oh news on the grand baby......should get to see baby Whoozit for the first time sometime this month. Her first sonogram is going to happen. When I am not sure. Shawn was over for the afternoon yesterday and they settled on a name for a boy......Caleb Taylor Lee, the Lee is for Sh awn's great grandpa who passed earlier this year. It is also for his grandfather on Bill's side. Taylor was also his grandmother on Bill's sides middle name. So the name for the little guy is full of family history for both of Shawn's side of family. That makes it special. They haven't decided on a name for a girl yet. But in my heart I know it is a boy. I wi**** was a girl since they are so fun to dress up but as long as the sweetie is healthy that is all that is important.
I am sending love and hugs to all. Prayers are going up for everyone and special ones are being said for Gail and for those others who are in need of them. Have a blessed day and remember to keep a song in your heart and a smile on your faces.
I HAVE to figure out what I'm bringing tomorrow!!! Jeesh...I have never had this hard of atime figuring it out!
I got a call from Gail last night. She was sitting up and not really feeling any pain at that They hadn't let her walk yet but I'm sure they did before the evening was up. They were waiting for her to get a little more steady on her feet. She was in good spirits and told me to tell everyone thank you for their prayers, and she loves you all.
Well..gotta change my bandages so Bill & I can get busy. He has an appointment at 9 in Castleton so I better get it in gear.
You all have a good day & I'll see you tomorrow!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Good morning fellow hoosier losers! I can't believe it but I am still pulling clothes out of my closet for the exchange. I went to Walmart the other day and bought two of the biggest tubs to bring clothes in and they are both full!!!! I sure hope someone can use them, they are size 24 if you know of anyone. I really need to purge my clothes a lil more, perhaps if I continue to come to the clothing exchanges that will give me motivation. I don't mind at all letting stuff go if I know someone will use it.
I have been helping my sister move into my parents house this week, its been a long hard week. Its hard not to become frustrated trying to carry stuff and working so hard. We did pretty good I would say for two girls lol.
I went on my interview for the temp job and was offered the job starting 10/13 or 10/20 at fed ex. Only five hours a day so I have to decide if its worth it to drive 30 miles a day for five hours. It would be extra xmas money but also wear and tear on my new car so I have to use my head on this one. I have another interview this afternoon so maybe I won't have to make a decision on the fed ex job. It has been harder than ever for me to find work this time, partly because of where I live and part because of the economy I guess. I am really excited about getting back to work though, I really enjoy working. Thats about it on my home front, hope you all have a great day!
Hugs and peace to all of you,
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

I can hardly wait till tomorrow- Sherri- I can't decide either! Part of me wants something hot- sweet-cool,


Gotta go- babies calling!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#