Well...Miss Gail should be in la-la land about now. I think her surgery was scheduled to start at 6:30. I hope her nerves calmed down some for her. I do have a favor to ask of all of you....Gail is starting to look to the future. For those of you on MySpace, you may have noticed that she is getting tired of being alone. She made a comment to me that she had been out of the dating scene so long that we all would know more of what she should be looking for than she would So...give it a little thought & then send me an email ([email protected]) and let Gail know what qualities you think a man should have that would be best suited for Gail. Sure..have some fun with it, but keep Gail's personality, etc in mind. I'll print them off and bring them to her Saturday. I am assuming she won't be online much which is why I'm suggesting you send them to me instead of to her. If you want to put 'RE: Gail's Ideal Man' in the subject line, that would be good. I've already let her know which quality I think would be a good one of the main ones...old enough to get in a bar but young enough (and healthy enough) to take her dancing.
I'll let you all know when I hear from Michelle. In the meantime, you all have a good day today!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I like the idea about Gail's "Perfect Man"....I will try to send you a short note before I head to work in a few minutes.
Off to work in a bit. I have to get there and sign the EO list, so I can hopefully get out at 5 and take Jimmy to the Job Fair today. He had to wor****il the job fair was over last night, so he missed it. I was ticked, but oh well. What else can I do.
Hope everyone else is doing well today. Prayers going out to all those having surgery soon. Especially for our wonderful Miss Gail!!! She is our rock on here, and she will be feeling better in no time at all! Thoughts and prayers headed her way now!
Take care, and have a wonderful day! I am off to work now.
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
It is too darned chilly this morning. I even went as far as trying to start my wood stove last night. My girls brought in the wrong wood so it wouldnt get going so I gave up. LOL!
My mom and dad had their's going this morning.
Sherri- How long is Gail going to be in the hospital? I thought when I am down there for the exchange if she is still in the hospital I could stop and see her. I would love to see her again.
2 more days till the exchange. My daughter is cleaning out her clothes as well and told me I could bring them to the exchange. I will have to look them over though to make sure they are ok, no stains, rips, etc. I thought that was nice of her to do.
Well everyone have a great day!
If everything goes as planned, Gail should be released tomorrow morning. For the type/size of hernia she has, usually it's a 1-nighter. Abdoplasty is usually a 1-nighter as well so it's not expected for her to need to stay past tomorrow. If she is still in on Saturday, I can let you know at the clothing exchange. I'd hate for you to make the trip there & her not be there.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Mornin' Posse!'s COLD! I know....quit will LOVE this temp come January! LOL
Off to work in about an hour, but gonna put Brenda's chicken fajitas in the crock pot before I go! I LOVE my crock pot! Works out really well since I am working now. So if y'all have a good crock pot it to me please! My family eats almost anything as long as it doesn't eat them first! LOL
Sherri...what a fun idea! "Gail's Prince"!
I will see what I can do and get it off to ya.
LaChelle...HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGS (just needed to do that )
Jenny...Cuddle time huh gal! BRRRRRRRR
Ellen...Hope you are feeling better gal....
Y'all have a smiley day and a rowdy night!
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
Looks like another beautiful day! Little on the cool side but I will take it over the humidity anyday! Hope everyone gets out there and enjoys it! I am off here early to go in and open the need to finish one more batch of billing. I sat on the computer for 14 hours yesterday and finally gave in and said thats it! My eyes were crossing! But I figured out an easier and more condensed way of doing it! Dale went and got me a cappucino from McD's this am and I have my gal of water ready to go with me. I need to up fluids big time. My loss stopped and I am wondering if that is why....PS Cappucino has 110 cal and 11 grams of protein in a large! 1/2 cal of tea and protein to boot! I'm in....Enjoy the day...its a new one for everyone!
I am healing up some now & my face is not as swollen- woo-hoo! I got some stares at the store yesturday- no, hubby didn't beat me up- hee~hee!! I hope to be able to cover it up with makeup soon. Other than that, I am doing better & busy .

I am excited about the exchange- I can't wait to see everyone- now I just have to go thru all of my clothes and get tehm together. My daughter gasve me a couple of bags to bring of hers/her firends as well. They are bigger sizes, but someone waiting/starting out might need them. I still don't know what I'll bring.

Going down to check on the twins today. Can you believe the tiwns will be 1 yr old soon?!

Sherri- Men- ok, now theres a subject!

Everyone have a great day and I'll see you soon,

starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#