Hump Day

on 9/30/08 7:36 pm - decatur, IN
Good morning to everyone out there!  Wow!  It is Wednesday already!  This week is flying by for me.  I am sure many of you are feeling the same way.  Today at school the K, 1, 2 kiddos have their school pictures.  I got Emily's hair cut after school yesterday so she would look a little more pulled together for her pic.  Found her a new outfit last week on clearance at K-Mart so she and I are happy campers.  We had our walk - a -thon yesterday at school to raise money for the PTO.  All 1,2,3 graders were out together at that time on the track.  It was a blast.  The kids had so much fun.  The air was pretty nippy.  I had on jeans, sweatshirt, and a lined jacket and was still a little too cool at times.  I got in 6 laps which was a mile and a half.  I was glad to walk that far and was even more excited that my autistic deaf student was willing to go along with me.  He usually goes half a lap or maybe a whole lap before he collapses to the ground and screams.  He is making good progress and is able to tolerate more in his little world.  I was so proud of him.  But let me tell you I was pooped out after that!  The afternoon crawled by slowly since I was so tired.  Maybe I am not in as great a shape as I thought.  Hmmmm...well time to hit the shower a little earlier than usual.  Emily wanted to shower this morning before school so her hair would look perfect for her picture.  If I want any ho****er I need to scoot in there.  She hasn't quite mastered the concept of sharing the ho****er.  Hugs to all today.  Karen
on 9/30/08 7:41 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Hey Karen,

Jumped on the board and didn't see anything for today so I did one too, sorry.   Glad your walk-a-thon went well.  I admire your ability to work with the children.  The older I get the less patience I have.  I don't think the disciplinay problems lie so much with the kids, but the lack of parenting skills most younger parents have.  That and how society is today.  (Is my age showing?)

Have a great day.

LaChelle R.
on 9/30/08 8:48 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning to all!  Hope everyone is feeling well today.  I am exhausted, but ok.  I got called into work yesterday morning, and let me tell you this, I don't like slow days in the casino!!!  I was standing floor in the slow section, and it took every bit of strength to keep from falling asleep!  I got off work at 7, came home and made chili for supper, ate, and went to bed at 9!!!  Talk about tiring!
Well wishes and thoughts going out to all those getting ready to start their journey, or having surgery soon.  Gail, honey, you are in my prayers!  Love ya, and miss you so much! Take it easy tomorrow, and you will be the "HOT MAMA" you have always been, just with a whole lot less to worry with!  I can't wait to see ya and hug ya again, but it will be awhile before we can, I guess!
Keep your fingers crossed for Jimmy today.  The new hotel/water park/resort here in town is having their job fair today, and Jimmy is going to apply!  I am tempted to, but after yesterday at work, I think I am going to stick it out for awhile.  Anyway, Jimmy is applying for Housekeeping supervisor over the hotel.  He is excited, and really hopeful!  He likes Sonic, but just isn't fond of the staff he has to work with. No one wants to work anymore, and still get paid!  He doesn't tolerate that at all, so off they go!  Keep him in your prayers, since this job will be almost DOUBLE in the pay!  Plus benefits and vacation pay! Wooo Hooooo! 
Have a wonderful day!  Not much else for me to do today, except get fitted for new glasses.  I tried the contacts for 6 months, and they bother my eyes too much, so I am going to go back to glasses and be done with it!  I like them so much better anyway.

Ohhh, before I forget, I will be having a "Tastefully Simple" party here in a few weeks.  I will be sending out e-mails once everything is set up! 
Have a great day all!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Holly Knight
on 9/30/08 10:20 pm - New Waverly, IN
Lachelle.....You will love the new Tastefully Simple things out for Fall.  I am a Consultant, and people are raving about the new items.......Wish I would see you this weekend, but hoping we will soon....Maybe I will drag my DH down to see you....a quick weekend away for us.....


LaChelle R.
on 9/30/08 10:29 pm - Erie, PA
I am already hooked on it!  I just got off the phone with the consultant, and she is going to let me have the party at her house, and it is going to be on October 20th......just 2 days before my birthday! hehe!  She will be setting up the online party too, in case anyone wants to order anything from my party!  I will send the info out as soon as she gets it all set up and ready!
I wish there was some way I could get to the exchange on Saturday, but it just isn't going to happen this time!  Oh well, ready for the next one then! LOL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenny K.
on 9/30/08 8:56 pm - IN
Good morning all
Sure is chilly out there this morning.  I came into work and first thing turned on my space heater.
I got my copy of my 1 yr lab results.  I had them send me a copy to.  Everything pretty much looks good except for a couple things that are showing high.  Does anyone know what MCH & MPV  means under Hematology?
Also, my Vit. B-12 is showing high the normal range is 211-946 pg/ml and mine is 1086.
But everything else was in the normal range even my calcium and I havent even been taking calcium.  Guess it must me all the milk I drink.
Well anywho everyone have a great day
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/1/08 6:20 am - LaGrange, KY
Does anyone know what MCH & MPV  means under Hematology?

Those have to do with your red blood cells and anemia. If your hemaglobin and hematocrit and all are okay though they probably don't mean much.
on 9/30/08 9:21 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

I had my monthly check-in with the company doc (Dr. Neely) yesterday. He wants to see me once a month to determine if my 'desk duty' should continue. Dr. Gupta had left it open ended because no telling how long it'll take this opening to close up. Dr. Neely wasn't the slightest concerned with the opening. In his view, I'll be on desk duty until this distension stuff is all gone or the opening is closed up...whichever takes the LONGEST. "Absolutely NO lifting, straining, fact, just stay seated at your desk". What did he put for the restriction for the paper I give to my boss? And I do quote "Continue SEATED Duty". LOL! I've seen 'light' duty or 'desk' duty before but this was the first time I've seen 'seated' duty! I have a feeling that if I had went to see him when I first came back to work in April that I would had been on 'seated duty' this entire time.

I'm picking up Miss Gail ~11-ish so we can go to lunch. It'll be her last real meal since she has to eat light for dinner. I'm leaving it up to her where she'd like to go. If anyone wants to join us, give me a call (numbers are on the either work or cell) or contact me through here. I will probably be talking to her before I head her way to pick her up and can let you know where we are going (after I find

Other than that, not alot going on. Same old-same old.

You all have a good day!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 9/30/08 9:39 pm - Wabash, IN

Mornin' Posse!

WELLLLLLLL, It is dang chilly this mornin'! but it is October!

I couldn't say "GOOD" mornin' some bad news yesterday and Mark and I need your prayers. He was told yesterday morning the office he works at in Warsaw is closing. His last day will be approximately Nov 21. Got a small severance package...but that should only help till first of the year....the major concern is insurance. Cobra is $850 a month for both of us and there is no way we can handle that. Thank God I got the job. there are 2 jobs he can maybe transfer to in the company...but...that REALLY is NOT an option since one would be to move to Oklahoma City, and the other would be to move to Hanover Massachusetts. So keep him in your prayers please...his mood is good for now...but don't want him to get too down. One option he is looking into is preaching again...but that is really iffy also since he is divorced. Anyway, thanks for the shoulder.

Gail, darlin' my heart is full of thoughts for you. Like LaChelle, I can't wait to hug that sexy body of yours after the surgery tomorrow! HUGGGGGGGS

Sherri...well "SEATED" duty is good I reckon as long as you are in the good seat and not the bad one !  LOL

Just got chili made and in the crock supper is ready. I have to work this morning for a few hours then go back to the church tonight to finish finding things with the old secretary. I take Zach to work at 4, I leave for work at 4:30 and Mark will be home from work about 5:30. So we are gonna be spread out tonight for supper. Crock pot chili WILL work!  LOL

Hope y'all stay warm today. Have a smiley day and rowdy hump day night!


Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 9/30/08 10:08 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Unfortunately, if I'm not  then I AM ! The part of my job that I really like is when I am up & busy so this sitting is kinda hard for me. I really don't know how people do it that has jobs which require them to be at their desks. I get bored and then I don't want to do what I'm working I jump on here! LOL!

Sorry to hear Mark's news. Hopefully an even better job is waiting with his name on it. I know you just started your job..but wouldn't it be great if he found one here in Indy?



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
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