Hi MY OH Family!

* First my MIL comes to visit, which is great usually, she's lots of fun. But she's totally focused on Ice Cream, esp Ritter's, and there's like 8 containers in the freezer since she arrived.

* Second my birthday was friday (don't say happy to me, see below) so of course there was

* Third my son's Jeep catches fire in the parking lot of the campground (on my birthday) that was a definate adreneline rush, and a little on the scary side. I was stressing that a camper was going to pull into the parking lot and KABOOM, but thankfully no explosion. His insurance will NOT cover the damages either.

* Fourth a son that moved to LA is on the verge of starvation (so he claimed) and still looking for work, he needed $$ for a battery for his truck (started a new job today thankfrully). Worrying about him now too.

OK, so now I feel like I've bloated and going to pop (brains and tummy both) with all the JUNK I've eaten the last week.

At least when I turn the calander in the morning there will be light at the end of this season's tunnel, we close on Nov 1st. then maybe I will be able to be somewhat stress free. Then MAYBE I can get to Curves and get some 'groove' on and get a move on with my weight loss.
There, I've vented! Glad you were here to listen!
God Bless you guys!
Hope, hang in there honey! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Nov. 1 is just around the corner. It is so good to hear the good news about Peter. Rejoice in that. Be thankful no one was hurt with the son with the son's jeep. Things could have been MUCH worse. I know you are worried about the son in CA but thank God he has found a job. And there are always Ramen noodles for 20 cents or so a pack. Send him a cheap care package. Be sure to include toilet paper. I know when my daughter first moved out on her own, she hated to spend what little she had coming in on toilet paper. She never gave it a thought when she lived at home. It was always there. Imagine that! Try to make good choices a day at a time and some days it is a meal at a time. Don't beat yourself up. You have been through a lot. You have accomplished a lot. Reflect on those accomplishments. They will give you the strength to go on. Hugs to you. Karen
I'm so glad that Peter is considered in solid remission! That is wonderful news!! I know this past year has been horrible for both of you. Perhaps things will start looking up now. It's good that your west-coast son found a job. The son who is home...does he have a winter job lined up for while the campgrounds are closed or is there enough to do then to keep him busy? I had a car to catch on fire once...at a gas stations gas pump! Talk about scary! The girl at the station grabbed her purse and was going to take off running. I had to block her and ask her which button it was to shut off the pumps!
I'm sure your eating & exercise will get back on track as soon as life gets back to normal. It's so hard to be good when life is being so bad. Life will settle down soon...it just wanted to get in a few more digs first.
Thinking of you!
I'm so glad that Peter is considered in solid remission! That is wonderful news!! I know this past year has been horrible for both of you. Perhaps things will start looking up now. It's good that your west-coast son found a job. The son who is home...does he have a winter job lined up for while the campgrounds are closed or is there enough to do then to keep him busy? I had a car to catch on fire once...at a gas stations gas pump! Talk about scary! The girl at the station grabbed her purse and was going to take off running. I had to block her and ask her which button it was to shut off the pumps!
I'm sure your eating & exercise will get back on track as soon as life gets back to normal. It's so hard to be good when life is being so bad. Life will settle down soon...it just wanted to get in a few more digs first.
Thinking of you!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Hi Hope,
I'm so glad to hear that Peter is doing so well. Sherri has been great about forwarding on your updates to the rest of us. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a few more "crises" recently, but I'm glad they didn't turn out to be as bad as they had the potential to be.
As Karen said, don't beat yourself up. I think you have done a tremendous job maintaining as well as you have with all that you have been through lately. You know what you need to do and you'll get to it soon. Just trust yourself. You are so strong (as proven by how well you have held up through all of this) that you wil get yourself back on track. Again, as Karen said, just take it a day (or meal) at a time. The nurse here at work made a comment in my TOPS group that people who successfully quit smoking just keep quitting until it sticks and people who successfully lose weight just keep "starting over" until they reach their goal. I even have a sign up at my desk that just simply says "START OVER". Some days I start over every hour, other times I only have to start over once a week. The farther out we get the more this becomes a head game, but we have our tools to help us and yours will help you too.
Keep your chin up and remember we are all pulling for you!
I'm so glad to hear that Peter is doing so well. Sherri has been great about forwarding on your updates to the rest of us. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a few more "crises" recently, but I'm glad they didn't turn out to be as bad as they had the potential to be.
As Karen said, don't beat yourself up. I think you have done a tremendous job maintaining as well as you have with all that you have been through lately. You know what you need to do and you'll get to it soon. Just trust yourself. You are so strong (as proven by how well you have held up through all of this) that you wil get yourself back on track. Again, as Karen said, just take it a day (or meal) at a time. The nurse here at work made a comment in my TOPS group that people who successfully quit smoking just keep quitting until it sticks and people who successfully lose weight just keep "starting over" until they reach their goal. I even have a sign up at my desk that just simply says "START OVER". Some days I start over every hour, other times I only have to start over once a week. The farther out we get the more this becomes a head game, but we have our tools to help us and yours will help you too.
Keep your chin up and remember we are all pulling for you!