on 9/27/08 10:24 pm - Kempton, IN
HI EVERYONE!!! I am up and have been for hours, I have my dishes done and my dog out! My DH is still snoozing as he got home late from the car show at Gas City. SO I thought now would be a good time to see what is happening @ OH on the Indiana forum! Not doing much that would be considered fun today but something that needs to be done before it gets cold out. Going to be washing more screens for the back porch of which I did half yesterday. There are alot of screens in there and they were filthy. Then washing the Jelousie windows that encase the porch, and then tomorrow or the next day it is paint the porch floor day! Of course after doing that I am sure I can find more stuff to do!
 Hope you all have a great day! The weather is supposed to be great so get out and enjoy the day! Take in a festival or just do anything to be outside! Maybe go fishing!! Well got to go the sun is up and so am I ! Got to get to those windows and screens! TTFN!! Michelle
LaChelle R.
on 9/27/08 10:27 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning, Michelle. I am up and at 'em myself this morning too.  I have to gather the last bit of clothes up to take to Jenny today at Hubers.  Then it is off to church, Hubers and then fly back home for the wedding this evening.  It is going to be a very busy and fun day!
Take care everyone, and have a wonderful day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 9/27/08 10:43 pm - IN
Good morning everyone!!  It is a beautiful day today, I love this weather.  I am finally able to wear my jeans, all my shorts are getting to big on me and I don't want to buy anymore because winter is coming.  I went to Target yesterday and bought a couple shirts on clearance, I used to wear a 2-3x, guess what size I bought......a large!!  I guess I am losing from the top down.
I am going to fashion bug later to see if they have anything on clearance.
I am really going to try to go to the clothing exchange, is that still on for next saturday?
Hope to meet everyone there.
Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Realize Band 10cc--3cc fill Sep. 15--1cc fill Oct. 13    
on 9/27/08 11:17 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Yep..the clothing exchange IS next Saturday...and not to be confused with the one from Cincinatti. We don't hand out tickets and we don't count how many items you bring nor how many you take home! Shoot..bring what you don't need, take what you'll use. Leave the rest for those who will be able to use them.

Robin will probably be posting again soon for this....



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Brenda R.
on 9/27/08 11:11 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning, Michelle and my loser friends.

I am off to start yet another busy Sunday. Most Sunday's are busy around here.

I have been up for about an hour and a half and not got a lot accomplished. Bad me.

I have church this morning and on the way there I have to get my 10 year old great niece. My niece Autumn is working today and since her babysitter charges her $5 an hour for one kid her mom and I watch Brittany for her. Autumn is a single mom who manages the Dairy Queen what use to be called the grill and chill but now has a new name I think. I can't keep up with stuff like that. I hate it when places change their names at the drop of a hat. It seems like DQ does that. Who can keep up with that? Not me for sure. Heck it is a wonder that some days I remember my own name. This med caused memory loss is for the birds. ha ha

We have my great nephews 2nd birthday party this afternoon. They seem to grow so fast. Damien is the one that is named (his middle name) after Bill, and looks like his daddy who looks like Bill more than his father. Jimmy, who is David's dad looks like his dad and David looks more like Bill. He has a lot of Bill's ways too. He is so much more gentle hearted than his brother. I guess that is what drew me to Bill he has a gentle heart. Even though at times he has way to big of a mouth! Big heart and mouth to go with it. ha ha

I guess I had better go. I have to start getting ready for church. It takes a long time to get this face looking like it is half way normal. If I went out like this people who see me would be screaming and running in the opposite direction so fast they would probably make it down to Indy so fast that you would see them for lunch. And that is running not driving!

I am sending love and hugs to all. I am keeping you all in prayers and special ones are going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful and blessed day today too.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 9/27/08 11:30 pm - Martinsville , IN
good morning hoosier losers!  I have been busy getting my clothes together for the exchange.  Since I have been the same size for five years boy do I have a ton of stuff, its almost embarassing the amount of stuff I have.  I have been folding them up is that ok or should I hang them?

My dad took me out on his pontoon boat yesterday and taught me how to drive it.  It was so fun to learn how to drive it, then hubby came out with me and Dad went home so we got 4 hours of time all to ourselves.  We did some fishing, I caught 12 and hubby caught 9.  We threw them all back, we always do lol.   Not much going on today, we left the boat in the water so might get back on the lake and do a  little more fishing. 

I am trying a new crock pot chicken reciepe for everyone's dinner.  I will let you all know how it turns out cause I know anytime something is yummy and comes out of the crockpot I am thrilled. 


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

on 9/27/08 11:25 pm - lafayette, IN
good morning all!! i have absolutely no plans for today as my husband is working.... i hate this every other weekend crap. thankfully though, that means he is off next weekend so that i can go to the clothing exchange. it is my first and i am actually a little nervous to meet everyone for the first time. i know i dont post here very often, i spend most of my time on the DS board getting as much info on my surgery as i can, but i love this group!!! everyone have a blessed day!      heidi

  59# lost preop                     

Lee Ann B.
on 9/27/08 11:28 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Good morning all...trying to finish up the last items needed to take to Hubers today! Hope to see everyone there that responded....beautiful weather is here and what a great day to go! Hope everyone else has an awesome day. I closed down the pool yesterday and cleaned out the building out back to fit everything into for winter. Wow...seems like I just dug it all out of there a month ago! Have fun today...God gave us a beautiful one!

on 9/27/08 11:44 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

Boy, did I have a good time yesterday!

First, I had ordered some cookie dough from a co-worker who's kid was selling it for school. I had gotten chocolate chunk for Bill and oatmeal raisin for the grandkids (I have NO idea why I ordered this kind for them. I think I probably meant to order M&M's but marked the wrong line...duh!).  After I got groceries Saturday, because of all my frozen green tomatoes, I ran out of room in the freezers so I baked the cookies Saturday afternoon. I brought the grandkids theirs yesterday morning and discovered that they all LOVED raisins! It was cute watching the youngest ones try to pronounce 'raisin'. LOL!

Then I picked up Miss Gail and did we have fun! We hit several yard sales including Linda Kay's & MommyLisa's. granddaughters are going to love the outfits I got! Gail was showing her daughter some of the little outfits she got and all you heard was 'ooohhh' and 'aahhhh' and 'isn't that cute?!?'. lol.  After the yard sales, we went to Anderson's Orchard. Wow, were they packed! Linda Kay had recommended their apple slush (no sugar added) but the line was WAY to dang long! We got a bag of popcorn to enjoy while going through their stands but that was it. The lines were even much longer than I cared to stand in just to buy apples! It's a good sign of how popular this event is though, huh?

After emptying up most of the SUV at Gail's, we then headed to my side of town & got a bite to eat at Washington Square & walked around a little bit, then went accross the street to Deal's. Then off to my house to finish emptying the SUV & pick up Bill. We then met Janene & Mark and Floyd & Brenda at Indy's over on the SW side..near the airport. The food was good..but the fellowship was terrific! I wish more of you could have made it.

Bill & I got home ~9:30 or so. I'd like to say I slept like a log..but it was more like a baby-up every 2 hours or so! Even though I take a sleeping aide, I still have occasional nights that my intestines just doesn't want to cooperate. Last night was just one of those nights. I finally slept in the recliner so I wouldn't keep disturbing Bill. Poor guy. He can have a restless night and I can snooze right through it. I have a restless night, and each  time the bed moves, he wakes up. I woke up ~7 and crawled back in bed with him for a little snuggle time

Today..I have some more plants to pull up (not much root system to them so I can handle it) so they can dry out to be disposed of. I have some that I did last week that I need to bag up for the garbage man. Ours runs on Mondays so that makes it a good Sunday job. If it's open, I think Bill & I may run over to the apple orchard near us. I'm wanting a bushel or two so I can dehydrate them. I didn't see any staff members at Anderson's yesterday that could have hauled them to my truck for me..and me with my belly, and Gail with hernia, certainly were in no shape to do it. I'll bring my own strong man with me.

Oh...tonight I gotta make my first daily call of the week. I'm on jury duty this week so I gotta call each day the night before court to see if I'll be needed to make an appearance. The last time, I did serve..and was the jury foreman. It was pretty interesting. It was a trip & fall case where the woman broke her hip because of a badly placed animal scales at a vet office. I just don't want to be on a murder know? all have a super day and try to enjoy some of this sunshine. It sounds like next week is going to be ALOT cooler and rainy most of the time.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Holly Knight
on 9/28/08 1:52 am - New Waverly, IN
Hello all.....Just got back from church...spent most the sermon in tears.
We had viewing on Thursday, and funeral on Friday for my Uncle, and two cousins.  We had about 1300 people at viewing, made for a very long evening but so good to see they were loved by some many people. 
I want to thank Gail, and my Secret Elf for the cards they sent.  You have no idea how much all the love and support I received from all my OH family means to me.  Still am very easily in tears but am trying to get back into a schedule with things again.
Not much going on today, have some things to do on the pc, and then making grocery, and WalMart lists, and work on invite list for my Diva Party......
Did not get to Curves this week because of all the family looking forward to getting back to that this week also.  I went yesterday and had my nails done...that felt wonderful...and they look so pretty.  I love the french manicure, and have black with sparkles, and orange picked out in a french manicure for Halloween.  Should look really neat. 
My mind is a mess I am off to get done what I need to and try to relax before Monday gets here.

Love to all.....Holly


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