Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Good Day Everyone,
Sorry I've been MIA lately. Been doing job searches and interviews plus just being busy in general with Q. He's right on the verge of walking.
Today we are celebrating Quinntin's 1st birthday. His offically birthday isn't till Monday but we are celebrating with family today. I'm so excited for him. I can't believe it's been a year already.
Still waiting for my "Cancer Free" statement from all my docs. My next appointment is Oct 16 for testing. Cross your fingers.
Having problems with my band. Did a barium swallow this past Tuesday for a suspected esophageal dilation with dsymobility. Would explain why I would occasionally throw up slightly in my sleep. So right now I'm on liquids only and waiting to hear from Dr Clark's office on if they feel I should go ahead with a unfill or not. We'll have to see. Surprisingly though, I'm not that hungry since going on liquids and I've lost 3 lbs that I haven't been able to loose since gaining weight after coming off of chemo. So we'll see.
Well off to decorate the park shelter for Q's birthday later this afternoon.
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
I haven't posted in eons. Life has been especially busy. Haven't been able to lurk for more than a week. Was nice to get back on and catch up with everyone. Things are going well for me. I am now 16 months post-op and still have those last 10 - 15 lbs I still want to lose. I lose 5 and gain those same 5. Ggrrr. I would like to try to liquid protein diet for 3 days but can't seem to get beyond 1 day. Where is my resolve??? I need to buy some fall/winter clothes but want to be in a solid 10 or possibly 8 before I buy anthing. Right now I am in 12s mostly, some 10s and 8s. But regardless of the size or scale number I feel so good and am so - so much healthier and that is what matters the most.
I hope this year I get to go to the St. V Christmas party. It would be great to get to meet some of you in person. Today - and what a beautiful day it is -- I am going to a ladie's tea party at our church. Should be fun. Always fun to dress up and get to relax and visit with friends.
Thanks for the recipes posted. Going to give them a shot. If you haven't tried Panko bread crumbs they are the best. Try coating your fish or chicken in the Panko flakes and then baking. The meat is so good and delicious. Panko flakes are available in almost all grocery stores with the breadcrumbs. Give it a try!
Well the shower is calling my name. Better get going. Happy Saturday All!!