Hump Day

on 9/23/08 6:29 pm - Sheridan, IN
Yeah!  It's the middle of the week.  Two more days until the weekend.  Work will call me soon enough this morning.  I have many things to do today.  I start my groups on Monday.  I am planning away getting ready for them.  We have to finish getting our room ready.  It's just some last minute type stuff.

I work my other job tonight.  I tutor children after school at a private company.  It's a good part time job.  But it makes for a long day.  Especially when I get up this early. 

I need to come home tonight and make some treats for tomorrow.  I have a meeting I am hosting.  I love to bake.  Lately I have done it just to smell what's cooking.

Thank you for the festival info.  I'm not sure what I am going to do yet.  So many choices.

I talked to my rheumatologist yesterday.  She says the pain and stiffness I am having, which has no swelling, is probably not my arthritis.  She says it could be any number of things.  But she's targeting Vitamin D deficiency first.  I have to fax her my latest labs.  She may be adjusting my Vitamin D intake.  I will just have to wait and see.

I've lost 83 pounds as of yesterday.  I can't believe it's really me.  I haven't been this weight or worn this size clothes since early in college.  I can't believe the difference in the way I feel.  Of course, i'm not taking as many medications as I did before.  I sure am glad I did this.  I feel so much better.

Everyone have a great day.  I'll talk to you tomorrow if not sooner.

287          /271                 /154      /130-150
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
                                      Eleanor Roosevelt
on 9/23/08 6:57 pm - LaGrange, KY
Good Morning I think.

*sigh* Unfortunately the numbing wore off plenty of hours ago and lets just say umm OUCH! I expected pain and was telling everyone it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, in the evening but apparently something was still working because I've been up every hour in tears pretty much. My whole right side sinus area hurts too (I have had 2 sinus surgeries in the past). I don't know if I should just leave it til my 1 week follow up with the oral surgeon who said that sometimes a small hole can open up bu*****pically closes up on it's own or give my ENT a call, even though I'd hate to do that soo soon if this heals up quickly. My lower right side jaw (also the side of the sinus pain) is really hurting too because the assistant kept having to push UP during 2 extractions because of difficult roots and stuff.

I do wish I'd asked for the Lortab in pill form even if it does take a bit longer to work. Since they gave me 10 MG I think liquid (I can't find the MG on the bottle) of the elixir it hurts a bunch even when I coat with Carafate before taking it. I'm hoping today my tummy and mouth are a bit more cooperative.. I couldn't even finish a whole yogurt over the evening last night. The oral surgeon and all told me to do ice cream, milk shakes, etc forgetting about my RNY, I think or just unaware the issues it can cause and frankly I didn't have it in me to say anything other than the fact that it would make me sick. I did do a few SF popscicles and stuff though mostly just to get fluids in.

This morning some of the initial swelling is down though already although I've got new swelling in newer areas, again this is all expected. :) I just can't wait til I get my new smile. It should be just a bout 5 days after my birthday if I heal as expected and can get them in 8 weeks or a couple weeks before Christmas if I have to wait the 10. Either way I'm totally excited. It will be the first time I'll be able to REALLY smile for pictures.

I tell you all I would HIGHLY recommend going through IU's school of Dentistry and oral surgery department. Today when we showed up knowing we had to put down 1/4 of what my cost was going to be (which was total 440 or somethin like that) and we showed up with 150 knowing we'd have to have it paid off in 3 months and the lady told me that my insurance probably wouldn't cover my IV sedation even though noone said this before hand. After she went and talked to their financial rep and stuff they called me back to talk to me and she said she can code it and work it around to HOPEFULLY get it covered. THEN she put us on a 6 month payment schedule which we plan on paying it off in 3 anyways, but it's nice to have that extra time if need be since money is a lil tight right now. My cost was a tenth of what all the other oral surgeons offices I contacted for pre treatment estimates after insurance. The care was exceptional as well. :)

Soo today my plan is to hopefully sleep, sleep and sleep some more and just heal and rest. I am going to send my mom out for some frozen peas because my bag I had disappeared (Probably one of the kids took it outside or something after getting a boo boo or something) to try and get some of the swelling down. The bleeding is still off and on but has definitely slowed down enough to where I'm not really having to keep it packed with gauze either.

If I heal on time I should have a little bit late of a birthday present if not an early Christmas present either way I'll be happy. :)
LaChelle R.
on 9/23/08 8:24 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning all.  Great news........Jimmy got his promotion that he had been promised over a month ago!  He is now OFFICIALLY the opening manager.  The distric manager came in yesterday and moved managers around, and sent the one that was giving everyone so much trouble to another store over an hour away, and moved Jimmy up to full manager!  He is a little apprehensive, but excited about the promotion.  Keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he works on making it thru.

As for me, not much of anything planned today.  He is already gone, and the girls are up and getting ready for school, so as soon as they are gone, I am gonna take a nap! HEHE lol

Hope everyone has a wonderful day today.  It is going to be beautiful again today.  Perfect fall weather. I have always loved this time of year so much!  I just can't wait to get out and spend it this Sunday at Hubers too!  I just love that place! 

Talk to everyone later! Gotta break up an argument! LOL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenny K.
on 9/23/08 9:41 pm - IN
Cant wait to meet up with you all at Hubers.  I hope I can find the place, I have never been there.  I want to get a big bag of apples to bring home with me. Ever since this surgery I eat an apple or two a day.  May get some cider to, if it doesnt have any added sugar. I will be asking them about
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

LaChelle R.
on 9/23/08 9:47 pm - Erie, PA
I can't wait to see you either!  It isn't really hard to find.  On the KY board, Lee Ann has posted the address and link to the actual farm, so you can mapquest the directions for that address if you would like.  Also, if you know about what time you would be getting close to getting there, I could meet you at the gast station right down the road from it, and you could just follow us if you would like.  I will PM my cell number to you, so you can call me if you would want to do that too.  It is really going to be a blast!  We all love going there, and haven't been all year long, so this is an extra special treat!
Ooooooooh, and they have the absolute yummiest apple cider too! It is to die for! LOL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Lee Ann B.
on 9/24/08 2:41 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Just a quick fyi...lots of sugar free stuff now available there! I get some for gift when we go there in November ! To me it has alot more flavor!

(deactivated member)
on 9/23/08 8:41 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Good morning all! I hope you all are having a good day. I'm so stressed about money. There's just never enough for all the bills, it seems like. I told them I'd take more hours at Sears if they had them to give to me. I hope I'll get some extra. It would certainly help. I could use some prayers to help get me through this time right now, because we certainly need some kind of help. We've just never caught up from the flooding and my emergency surgery this summer.

Well, I have to get the kids ready to go now. Hugs to any who need them this morning.
Gail O.
on 9/23/08 8:59 pm, edited 9/23/08 9:00 pm - indianapolis, IN

Good Morning Carol,
It's almost my bedtime,I haven't been sleeping nights for a while. But sometimes I just crash and sleep. Not good.
I couldn't get my color button to work today.
Carol, tutoring kids must be very rewarding,
Misty, Feel better and get your  in.
LaChelle, Your DH and family are always in my prayers
Linda, Your family as well
Well, I am going to go get some protein in and try to
Everyone, Have a Lovely day.Love to all.
Special Prayers & Healthy Wishes to Those in Need.
Hugs & Blessings, Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @

on 9/23/08 9:28 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

I have an appointment with Dr. Bergman at 9:20 so I'm still at home. I'll go to work after that. I couldn't see driving all the way to the south side and then 2 hours later drive up to Carmel and then after that way back to the south side again. Just too much gas! I'll probably stay at work a little later tonight & tomorrow night to make up for it some...and then I'll get Friday off again. Yay!

Linda Kay...could you email me the directions from Indy to your house & to the apple fesival near you? I think I'm going to try to talk Bill into us going this weekend. With his sight so bad right now, he's not that willing to go to places..especially outdoors or with crowds, but we'll see. If he doesn't...or shoot, even if he does..Gail...would you be interested in going too? It has been FOREVER since I've been to a yard sale. I'd like to find apples cheap too so I can get some more dehydrated. your oral surgeons office this morning and ask them to call you in a script for either loratab tablets or vicodin. If you explain how much pain you are in, they might would even recommend something stronger like percocet. Let them know that the liquid loratab is stinging...k? There's no sence in laying around in pain when they can make a simple phone call to get you something that will work better. I hope the swelling goes down soon too. Did they say if you could put an icepack on your mouth? I'd ask..that might would help some with the pain as well as the swelling.

Well..I need to jump in the shower. I need to shave my legs too! It seems like I can see every hair with the lighting in Dr. Bergman's office! She's going to be checking that place on my leg that had kept filling up with fluid. She numbed it last week and made a small incision (~1/2-3/4 inch) and packed it with gauze so it can start drying up. She wanted to check & see how it's doing today.

You all have a good day today!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Gail O.
on 9/24/08 1:42 am - indianapolis, IN
Hi Sherri,
If you go to the apple festival I would love to go with you and Bill.
Shave them legs, I always seem to miss a few spots. I think I need new glasses or something  Chat with you later, going for a walk. Love ya, Hugs Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @

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