I start seeing students next week. In a flurry now getting things ready for them. It's been really slow up until now.
Does anyone know of any festivals in Central Indiana this weekend? I was hoping to find something to do maybe Saturday or Sunday.
So everyone have a great day. I might be able to get just a little more sleep.
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt
Brenda - I hope you are feeling better soon. Since you have a temp you may have to get Dr. meds to kick it. Unfortunately it is this time of year when it is cool in the am and warmer in the pm that we all tend to get sick.
Sherri- I hope you are on the road to recovery quickly with this new Dr. Hopefully all that you went through this past weekend and the blood draw from yesterday will give him some good answers.
Gail- Hope your tummy is feeling better. Prayers for you to feel on top of the world.
Holly - My heart goes out to you with your family's tragedy. Your strength right now to get through these next few days can only come from God. Rest in His strength. He'll get you through this.
Misty - I hope everything went well with your oral surgery yesterday. You may not feel quite up to posting for a while, but hang in there. It can only go up from here.
Ellen - Good grief girl! You retire and sound busier now than you did when you worked full time! I am sure the wedding was beautiful. It sounds like it and I am sure they appreciated your help. Sorry the bride's dad was so enthusiatically thanking you that he popped out your neck. Hope it is better soon. Also hope Dana feels better.
Hope and Peter - my prayers are with you as you travel to Indy for Peter's appt. I am sure you are both very concerned and worried. God has brought you both this far and He will continue to shelter the both of you in His loving arms.
Linda - Enjoy feeling like a princess in the bridesmaid gown. It should be a fun day for you. Be sure to take lots of pics.
Floyd and Brenda - So sorry you had to drive all the way up here just to find out that your piece was not finished! Bummer!!! Did you say you have to go to Kendalville next? Wow, that is a far piece up there! When and where is that festival?
As for me and my crew...all is well here. Thank God ISTEP testing is finished until spring and my classroom schedule can get back to normal (whatever that is). Everyday is a challenge in the classroom, and everyday is just full of surprises! That's why I love it so much. Micah is studying hard and trying desperately to keep up with her readings for classes. She is now only working 1/2 day on Fridays which is giving her a little more study time. Emily is loving 2nd grade and has her nose in a book almost constantly. I am so glad. She feels so grown up reading "chapter books". Well, it's about time to hit the shower. Time to get this party started. Hugs to you all...Karen
I'm sooo nervous and tired but didn't rest well last night. My nerves have got the best of me. It wouldn't be so bad if I could drink but I'm fasting too. Since I can be a hard stick I'm going to try and talk the cancer center into leaving my IV/med lock in after doing my iron infusions since we're headed right to Indy so I won't have to be stuck 5720 times. I don't know if they can but I hope that they can maybe. I'm a tough stick as is, even worse when I'm fasting/dehydrated.
Good thing is I'm sure I'll get plenty of rest and sleep today I hope. Since I get sleepy after my iron infusions and need a nap plus they'll be doing IV sedation for my oral surgery. I will try to update later when I get home or possibly have Rich update, if nothing else maybe have him give someone a call if I can remember.
Yesterday I went to get my bridesmaid dress fitted. I tried it on and it fit, but needs some alterations. I was amazed, I actually had a waist in it. I actually looked pretty good.
Today I work both jobs, too. It will be a long day, but I too need the $$$.
Thank you for posting this website info. I have added it to my favorites on my computer. I love going to craft shows/fall festivals. Of course, our favorite is the Christmas Gift, Craft, & Hobby Show held at the Indy Fairgrounds. It's usually the first week or so in November, Wed-Sun. It's part of our holiday tradition!

Good morning everyone!
I'm actually going to be at work all day today. What little time I was here yesterday, I 'networked'..ie, talked! I normally don't talk alot at work so it was a bit of an unusual afternoon for me. The only girl in the group from the other lab that we'll be joining up with the end of October had added me to her instant messenger (it's an in-house one) so we even chatted for awhile. I told my boss about us chatting and he thought that was great. We need to try to all get to know each other a little better so that when our group moves over there it won't be as much of a 'us and them' atmosphere as it is right now. I think he wishes they would all add me to their messengers so I can try to break the ice for all of us. Anyway, I found out that she was the one with the medical issues in her group so we already have something in common. Her stuff is minor stuff...allergies, colds, migraines. Well..the stuff I NOW consider minor but was a pain in the butt when I was having them before all this intestine stuff started. I know how frustrating it can be though to constantly be getting what-ever the bug of the month is. I've seemed to have out-grown that some though since being a post-op. Of course, I'm sure quitting smoking probably helped some too.
We enjoyed dinner with Floyd & Brenda last night. It's always so relaxing to visit with them! Bren..I hope your day is better today than yesterday. I had a trainee last week..but at least he already knew his way around a computer. He was a quick learner and I only had to show him once the drawer for the glass beakers (he was going to use stainless steel).
Karen...the old GI had ordered those tests from the weekend & the bloodwork. The new GI told me to go ahead and do them 'if I wanted to'. He didn't expect them to really show anything...just to rule out any weird, rare stuff. The test that should show something is the one I am waiting for IU to call me with a date & time. If I don't hear something by this afternoon, I'll probably call the doctor's office so they can find out what the hold up is. It's not a test I'm looking forward to having done, but I am looking forward to the results.
Ellen..slow down girl! Hey..did you or Dana let the restaurant know that Dana got sick? You should. It might help prevent anyone else from getting sick too. I hope you both are feeling better.
Gail..I love laughing with you gf! Thank you SO much for that!!!!
Brenda R...I hope today is going smooth for you.
Misty...good luck this afternoon!!
I hope you all have a good day today.....
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Had a blast last night taking the girls to the Persimmon Festival in Mitchell. We arrived at 5pm, and didn't leave until 9:45 pm. It was so much fun, and the girls had a blast riding all the rides. They ran into one of their classmates, and so all 3 of them ran around doing all sorts of rides. The girls wanted to try a fresh persimmon, but we couldn't find any. I did tell them about the folklore about the silverware in the seed, so that really has them interested in other wives' tales and folklore.
Not much planned today. The girls are at school, Jimmy has to work this evening, and I haven't got much to do around here other than laundry. I have already been asked about supper. The girls want me to make them some lasagna. I have everything I need to make it, so I will make it for them.
I have to get all my ingredients for the dishes I am taking to the wedding this weekend. My friend has asked me to make my pasta salad and deviled eggs. I need to get a single flat of eggs and get them boiled. It won't take long to get them done, so I can wait until Friday evening to make those. My pasta salad takes a little longer just to marinate. It is so yummy tho!
Hope everyone having surgery today has a blessed, safe and uneventful day. Prayers going out to everyone.
Have a wonderful day! Take care, and enjoy it!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!