Patients of Dr. Gupta question.......
Pts of Dr. Gupta, hope you can answer a couple things for me that were not mentioned at my Nut Class last week, or at the Seminar with Dr. Gupta. Does she want a 2 week pre-sugery liquid diet and bowel prep before surgery? Hate to get there the day of surgery and find out I wasn't informed of this! Thanks!
Everyone...........thanks for posting your weight losses, my surgery is Oct. 15....and you know how your mind is pre I crazy? should I? Yes-No-Yes..................trying to keep these thoughts away..........why I get on here every night and read all your encouraging stories, just so afraid I will be the one to fail ya know...................our lives are so around food............
My surgeon was Dr Cacucci who is a partner of Dr Gupta and they did NOT require a bowel prep or pre surgery diet except for the day before. If in doubt you can call and double check but unless things have changed that much since last year I would say nope.
Going on a lower fat, lower carb diet til your surgery would be of great assistance to Dr. Gupta though when she gets in there so your liver will be shrunk some. :)
Going on a lower fat, lower carb diet til your surgery would be of great assistance to Dr. Gupta though when she gets in there so your liver will be shrunk some. :)
I had Dr. Gupta and she did not require a pre op diet except the day before. She did not require a bowel prep either. It is normal for your mind to be going crazy right now. Try to relax, you will be fine. I was afraid of failure to, I still am. You just have to go day by day and dont go back into your old habits. You will be fine!