Endoscopy (sp?)
So on the 30th the are going to do the scope thing and see if something has narrrowed and then they will blow it back out if it has. They made it sounds very common and routine. Bummer they have to knock me out. I dont wake up well from anastesia!
I assume someone has had this?! Right. I think I remember reading about it. I wishe we could search these forums!!!!
Thanks in advance for your stories if you have had this done!
Mom to Emily Quinn, Born 7-16-2010
Orginal Weight 258 / Orginal Goal 145 / Revised Goal 135/ Current 124
Orginal Weight 258/ Pre- Baby Weight 125 / Post Baby 124
Awhile ago, I went four days without eating or drinking and lost 14 pounds in those four days. They did the endoscopy and discovered I hadn't chewed a pizza topping (probably sausage) well enough and it got wedged in my pouch so tight tha****er wouldn't even go through. The procedure is a piece of cake and you'll feel so much better when it's over.
Good Luck.
Mine showed nothing and she eventually had to do a lap and unkink some intestines... AND I asked her to put a notch in my drain because I felt the food left to soon.. she put a stitch in...
Be well and ENJOY!! we cant order those drugs at will :)
Linda Kay
As per the stats that Dr. Gupta told me ~3-4 years ago, about 20% of post-ops have to have at least one endo...and if one, then usually 1 or 2 as a follow-up (the other 80% don't ever have to have one). I'm a minority in that I had to have 15 before my stoma decided to stay open.
The drugs is a little IV ****tail to where you aren't technically 'asleep'. It's not anasthesia. I think it's called concious sedation. Getting the IV put in really is the worse part of the whole thing. If your stoma is strictured (closed up)...which it sounds like it is....they dialate it back open with a balloon. Nothing to it. They will also check to be sure you don't have any ulcers or any food hung up (like Floyd's) while they are in there. They always gave me some nice little pics of my insides that I thought was cool to see.
Oh....each time that I come out of it, I ALWAYS talk in a loop. I ask the same set of questions over & over until finally I realize that I've asked that before. We've overheard others coming out of it and that seems to be a common thing...might want to fore-warn your family/driver...lol.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...