Monday morning
Hi Everyone,
Boy, have I had a hectic,
weekend!!! My girlfriends daughter got married Saturday, so I worked Thurs. Fri. & Sat. at her shop ( 40= hrs) plus helped set up, serve, tear- down the wedding- some on my hands & knees in the rain storm- thankfully we didn't get the hail!!. It did blow over finally in time for it to be beautiful for the ceremony! I have to say we out did ourselves- it ws one of the most beautiful outdoor weddings I have ever seen- it could have been in Martha Stewarts Wedding magazine! Then that night( 11;30-2am. ) I had to do my bakesale items for our Tour of Homes. Plus, Sunday I hosted a house, did the bake sale, & toured 3 homes- all from 12:30-5;30pm. Oh man my body is screaming in pain today!!!! My fibromyalga flaired, I hurt my neck ( had one really hard hug at the wedding by the father of the bride) and it is out! So, after sitting on the heating pad/back massager, I went to my trainer & did my exercise routine- thankfully she helped me to figure out what I could do and streched out my self some. I do feel alittle better, all but my head.
Sorry I have missed all of the postings this weekend! It is sooooo good to see you posting again Janene & Brenda R!!!!!! I hope you know how important you are to all of us, and we miss you terribly when you aren't on here!!!No matter WHAt we are going thru, the road is easier with our dear friends beside us. Cry, Vent, shout,holar, whatever you need to do- I/we are here for you!!
Brenda, hon,please go to the Drs,please,
Holly,honey, my heart & prayers are going out for your family, & will continue. I did post it on my prayer chain at church & let Penny know, so we are all praying for you all.let us know what, if anything we can do to help.
Sherri- it is awesome news to hear you have finally found a Dr. who knows what to do!!!! I was so glad we got to talk today- I sure have missed you girlfriend!!!
DH has had a bad case of food poisoning we think. He got up on Thurs. & worked, then went to Burger King & got chicken for lunch. He is deathly appergic to peanut oil, and was sick all Thurs, pm, Fri, Sat, & Sun. He had sever stomach pains, fever & massive headache/backache, around his mid section. he slept most of the time eirther on the couch or recliner, & finally asked last night for some soup. Today he is somewhat better, but I told him NO fried foods for awhile. I feel like calling BK & finding out what they fry their foods in. ALOT of people have peanut food allergies.That is why we don't eat out alot- too risky for both of us. My IBS is so sentitive to garlic, & most places put garlic in everything but dessert!
Well, time to go rest my weary head for awhile & put the towels in the dryer.
Sending you all BIG((((
SMOOCHES &(((((((HUGS))))))))
Boy, have I had a hectic,

Sorry I have missed all of the postings this weekend! It is sooooo good to see you posting again Janene & Brenda R!!!!!! I hope you know how important you are to all of us, and we miss you terribly when you aren't on here!!!No matter WHAt we are going thru, the road is easier with our dear friends beside us. Cry, Vent, shout,holar, whatever you need to do- I/we are here for you!!

Holly,honey, my heart & prayers are going out for your family, & will continue. I did post it on my prayer chain at church & let Penny know, so we are all praying for you all.let us know what, if anything we can do to help.

Sherri- it is awesome news to hear you have finally found a Dr. who knows what to do!!!! I was so glad we got to talk today- I sure have missed you girlfriend!!!
DH has had a bad case of food poisoning we think. He got up on Thurs. & worked, then went to Burger King & got chicken for lunch. He is deathly appergic to peanut oil, and was sick all Thurs, pm, Fri, Sat, & Sun. He had sever stomach pains, fever & massive headache/backache, around his mid section. he slept most of the time eirther on the couch or recliner, & finally asked last night for some soup. Today he is somewhat better, but I told him NO fried foods for awhile. I feel like calling BK & finding out what they fry their foods in. ALOT of people have peanut food allergies.That is why we don't eat out alot- too risky for both of us. My IBS is so sentitive to garlic, & most places put garlic in everything but dessert!
Well, time to go rest my weary head for awhile & put the towels in the dryer.
Sending you all BIG((((

(((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#
Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


HI all, is it me are all of you early risers?? I'm still slleping whil you are all typing away! 
I smack my alarm several times when it goes off at 6, can't imagine getting up any earlier than that!
Tough Monday for me! Did the usual Monday morning camp errands, and took Peter along for the ride. But he had to make a call to the BMT clinic before we went out, he's been having some bleeding in 'un-seen places' (any more than that and it would be TMI!). I told him to report it ASAP to the nurse. She called this after and we have to be back in Indy Wed am to see the doc, and they got us an appointment with the eye dr that knows GVHD in the eye when he sees it. So hopefully we will have some answers as far as that goes. And maybe we will get the results of his skin biopsy too. I'm worried that the new marro is fighting too much against his body, got to get that under control before his health sprials out of control!
Gonna head down tomorrow night and spend the night so I don't have to get up before 6am! Trust me, you don't want to be on the road with me THAT early in the morning! At least not before a pot of coffee!!
Pray we get some news we can deal with!

I smack my alarm several times when it goes off at 6, can't imagine getting up any earlier than that!
Tough Monday for me! Did the usual Monday morning camp errands, and took Peter along for the ride. But he had to make a call to the BMT clinic before we went out, he's been having some bleeding in 'un-seen places' (any more than that and it would be TMI!). I told him to report it ASAP to the nurse. She called this after and we have to be back in Indy Wed am to see the doc, and they got us an appointment with the eye dr that knows GVHD in the eye when he sees it. So hopefully we will have some answers as far as that goes. And maybe we will get the results of his skin biopsy too.
Gonna head down tomorrow night and spend the night so I don't have to get up before 6am! Trust me, you don't want to be on the road with me THAT early in the morning! At least not before a pot of coffee!!
