Monday morning

on 9/21/08 9:25 pm - Lawrence, IN
Good Morning all,

What a busy weekend.  We got up early Saturday morning and went to the Pork Festival in Eaton, Ohio.  It is always a great time.  Saw one person that used to work for Brenda.  Since we moved here, she's been just doing craft shows.  It's amazing people can do that for a living.  After we left the festival, we decided to go to Dayton to do some shopping at the commissary, so we didn't get home until almost 10.  Poor CJ was starving.  LOL

Yesteday after church we went to the Johnny Appleseed Festival.  We had ordered a wood carving from one of the crafters we saw at the Blueberry Festival and were supposed to pick it up yesterday.  Unfortunately, he hasn't finished it yet, so we'll have to go and get it in a couple weeks at another festival up near Fort Wayne.

Well, need to get some work done.  Hope everyone has a great day!


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Jenny K.
on 9/21/08 9:35 pm - IN
Good morning all!
Very busy weekend for me.  Friday my nephew called and wanted to know if I could keep my great nephew all night. So I did. I havent had a little one all night in awhile. He is 16 mos. old and so darn cute.  He done really well though.  Saturday morning got a call from my daughter (she was at a friends house) to come pick her up cause she was sick. Vomitting, fever, stomach pain. Went and picked her up and took her home her fever was 103. Gave her some Ibuprofen. Had to go get my 1 yr labs done....blood suckers! I asked if they were leaving any in my body.  I told them I wanted a copy of the results as well, she said she could do that.  Then took my nephew home so I could get back home to my sick child. She was all better Sat. night.
Sunday was a catch up day and relax from hardly any sleep Fri. night due to everytime my nephew would move I would wake  Oh well! I would do it again.
Made some Wacky cake with buttercream frosting was disgusting! It was in my Splenda cookbook.
Well that about sums up my weekend.
Hope you all have a great day.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

Brenda R.
on 9/21/08 9:50 pm - Portage, IN

Good morning to my fellow Hoosier Losers. I hope that this Monday is good to all.

Nothing much is happening here so far. I am having problems with my insomnia and I am averaging about 3 hours of sleep a night. I will survive but I sure wish that it wouldn't have come back. haha

I am still not feeling to good. At least my temp came down some. It was over a 100 but this morning it was down to 99 something or other. I am going to have to break down and go to the doctor. I hate that. Bill is still not feeling well either. He seems to be doing better. There is not fever with him so I know that it is viral. You just have to let that stuff run the course.

Misty is laying all stretched out and resting. I have rearranged the furniture and opened up the living/dining room and she loves that. She stretches out more than I have ever seen her do. She keeps going to the patio door and I think she is looking for her friend down a few doors. I am not sure if that one a boy or girl but they like each other. I think it is a boy and they have crushes on each other. haha My baby is in love! How romantic. But he comes down and sees her when he is let out. Misty does not go out ever since she has no claws to protect herself. When the cat comes down it comes to the door and if it is open he comes and puts his nose on the screen and meows. I told him the other day that Misty was taking a nap and that he should go home and take a nap too. He kept meowing at me and then he finally left. He kind of looks likes Misty but not as pretty. They are both tortoiseshell color but Misty is bright and pretty with her colors of brown and mahogany and this one is so faded looking. He looks more gray than anything. But you can tell he is suppose to be like Misty. He just isn't as pretty so that is why he must be a male. :-)

I have a meeting with Pastor this morning at 10. It is about the evaluation that I have to do for the church. We submitted it to the district and it wasn't what they were looking for. So we have to resubmit it before charge conference which is the 2nd of November. Time is moving fast. Pastor won't be here for charge conference since his last day with us is October 5th. I am going to be so happy when that blasted evaluation is done and out of my hair. I am going to be so happy when the end of the year comes and the Staff Parish Relations Committee finds a new chairperson. There is already talk that they are wanting me to take it for a 4th year with the new Pastoral change that is taking place. I guess I will if they want me to since I don't want to leave them high and dry. No one else has had experience with a new change and neither have I but I have 3 years under my belt as the chair of the committee. I have a Nominations committee meeting tonight too so I will find out. I am off that committee as of next year. Thank you God!

I better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all with and prayers are going up for everyone, with special ones for those in need of them. Remember that this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 9/21/08 9:54 pm - Wabash, IN

Mornin' y'all,

Babysitting with my great-niece AGAIN today. This is really getting my down. Was suppose to just be until they could get someone permanent....has been going on now for 6 months.

Sorry I haven't been around much...not much of a good support person am much has been going on in my life and not really sure how to handle I just stayed to myself. I have thought about each of you while I was gone and prayers still were said for y'all.

Hope y'all have a great week!


Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

LaChelle R.
on 9/21/08 9:57 pm - Erie, PA
OMG!!!!!!! You are posting!!! Yippie!!! I love ya hon, and have missed you so much!  Take care, and get back in here when you can. We all understand!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenny K.
on 9/22/08 1:05 am - IN
Glad to see you posting today Janene!
I hope things are ok with you.  If you need to vent, just get on here and let it out.
Hang in there and know we all love ya
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 9/22/08 1:18 am - Rockport, IN
Honey, your posse has been missing you!  This is going to sound horrible but I can't stand to keep other peoples kids!  I love my daughter and love spending time with her but man, I lose all patience when it comes to other kids.  I'll pray your great niece gets in gear and finds another sitter soon.

Please please please stay in touch.  We've all been so concerned about you.  We need your upbeat, positive "HOWDY" every now and then.  You know we're here for you too.  Not just the other way around.  Let us help if we can.

Oooodles of love to you my friend,
Holly Knight
on 9/21/08 10:09 pm - New Waverly, IN
Thanks to everyone that has my family in your thoughts and prayers......I posted an update on my previous post about nedding prayers.

Got kids off to school, talked to DH, still not sure when he will be coming home......started the dishwasher.

Hoping today to hear more on funeral times......oh how this just makes me sick!!!!!

Sisiter made it home from NC and Brother flew out of Utah this morning.

Kroger is not going to carry my EAS Carb Control AdvantEDGE Cafe Caramel anymore,,,RTD......does anyone know where I can start getting it from, besides online? Thanks.....

Going to go lie down.....just feel absolutely drained.....



on 9/21/08 11:23 pm - aurora, IN
Good morning everyone.
Time is flying by so fast i wi**** would slow down alittle.
Lucas turned 15 thursday so took him and his friends to the movies sat (it was nice he considered his brother one of his besties). for now
We have  company coming    to stay for the Free concerts this weekend so i gotta    CLEAN ..
We lost our pool and gazebo during the storm and trampoline so the insurance is coming out today i didnt realize a new pool cost so
IM so happy to see Janene and Brenda back love you guys and have missed you.
LaChelle ive never had a persimmon are they good?
Sherry       glad you found a good doctor who listens.
Jennie dont you hate when your kids are sick?
Linda you will be a beautiful bridesmaid..
Floyd it sounds like you and Brenda have lots of fun...
Hope to see you all at the clothing exchange my dh just told me he is gonna be out of town for 4 weeks..crap
Everyone have a good day and stay safe

on 9/22/08 3:15 am - IN
good afternoon everyone!!! i had the busiest weekend ever... for once i was glad i was coming back to work!!!  we started moving into our new house friday!   we have stayed there everynight since then, and it seems when i was sleeping was the only time i was sitting/laying down, not doing something!  i have decided i HATE  moving.  everything that we have at the house has been unpacked and put away, but we still have some stuff to bring over. 
my daughter is 16 months old, and had been sleeping in our room, except at my parents house, she would sleep in her own bed.  but she has successfully slept 3 nights in her own bed, in her own room!!! (and without a paci... we stopped that a couple of weeks ago!!!) i am so proud of her, but at the same time, kind of sad... she is getting so big. i am so glad i am getting the surgery when she is so young! i can not wait to be able to take her on a bike ride, and play with her, and do all of the stuff i am too embarrassed (i feel like i flatten the tires on my bike when i try to ride), or too out of shape to do!!!
i do haev a quick question... can you take your laptop to the hospital when you have surgery?  i thought i read some people who had just ahd surgery, and i thought it was like day after or something.  or did they have other people write for them, for updates and stuff!?!?!?
we do not have the internet at our new house yet, and wont for a week!!! i think i am becomming obsessed with the message boards :) and i am missing my pc at home!!!  oh well, i am staying busy.  tomorrow i will be going to st v for my nut class and then thur i have to go back up there for pre-op...
everyone have a great day and week, if i am not on here for a day or so... 11 more days!!! :)
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