Hypocrites-God and Me! Kinda Religious
I have issues with Hypocrites, so it is really hard for me to pray for myself because I am living in the world. So therefor I feel how can I ask him to protect me. I grew up with Bible pushers who where big hypocrites and it has affected me my whole adult life.
I don't understand how I can pray a prayer of protection when I do not follow his word or abide bye his rules. I know we are all sinners and their is something called the sinners prayer. But I feel so wrong about it.
I believe God is my creator the begging and the end. But If I refuse to follow his laws then how do I retreat for his cover when I'm in need.
I think that is so wrong. And its beyond me why I would rather burn in hell then be hypocritical. And ask God to Forgive me for all my sins and clean my slate. And to protect me before and After this surgery.
Because I know their are things that I cannot commit to faithfully and for some reason I can only commit or don't commit. I'm not a half done type of person. I have to know in my heart that I can keep my part of the bargain before I make that promise. There is no middle ground. I really do believe their is a God and I believe he sees through all our crap.
Can someone explain my feelings!
I don't understand how I can pray a prayer of protection when I do not follow his word or abide bye his rules. I know we are all sinners and their is something called the sinners prayer. But I feel so wrong about it.
I believe God is my creator the begging and the end. But If I refuse to follow his laws then how do I retreat for his cover when I'm in need.
I think that is so wrong. And its beyond me why I would rather burn in hell then be hypocritical. And ask God to Forgive me for all my sins and clean my slate. And to protect me before and After this surgery.
Because I know their are things that I cannot commit to faithfully and for some reason I can only commit or don't commit. I'm not a half done type of person. I have to know in my heart that I can keep my part of the bargain before I make that promise. There is no middle ground. I really do believe their is a God and I believe he sees through all our crap.
Can someone explain my feelings!
No one is perfect, no not one. I will speak to you and tell you what I feel but not here.. You can email me personally at [email protected]..
Much Love and Understanding,
Linda Kay
Much Love and Understanding,
Linda Kay
I can honestly say i know how you feel.
Growing up in a church and being taught to respect my elders who worshipped in the house of God on Sunday but on sat where in the bars and etc.
So i beleive in God and his words and i do pray but for everyone but myself.
I dropped my 16 yr old son off at church this morning and i looked at my dh and said what are we doing?
We should be in there to....Im so proud of my son he says im going to worship God and im not worried about what anyone else is saying or doing..duh im an idiot
So sunday we are going with him and God does forgive us for what weve done so i think its time i get my act together.
I thank him everychance i get for he has truly blessed me and has put wonderful people in my life..
So sweetie talk with him he loves you no matter what..
good luck
Growing up in a church and being taught to respect my elders who worshipped in the house of God on Sunday but on sat where in the bars and etc.
So i beleive in God and his words and i do pray but for everyone but myself.
I dropped my 16 yr old son off at church this morning and i looked at my dh and said what are we doing?
We should be in there to....Im so proud of my son he says im going to worship God and im not worried about what anyone else is saying or doing..duh im an idiot
So sunday we are going with him and God does forgive us for what weve done so i think its time i get my act together.
I thank him everychance i get for he has truly blessed me and has put wonderful people in my life..
So sweetie talk with him he loves you no matter what..
good luck
My mother was one of the most christian people I ever met. She studied her bible everyday and lived as close to God's word as she possibly could. She often told me that God knows we are not perfect. He wants us to do our best and he will forgive us when we mess up the rest. The goal is to live your life walking in the path that God leads you and to try and do God's will. Everyone fails and I do mean everyone. There are times when things just can't be perfect. But God knows and loves us just the same. Your heavenly father is the role model for your earthly father. You know that not every house rule was obeyed when you were growing up. That's where your father stepped in to straighten you out and send you the right direction. God does exactly that. He loves you and only wants whats best for you. So don't feel that you don't deserve God's blessing or that you are not perfect enough. God loves you regardless and he will always be there for you.
I hope you find answers and happiness soon.
Thanks for the post!!!
I hope you find answers and happiness soon.
Thanks for the post!!!
I understand where you are at right now. Just remember that God is there for you always. He will NEVER desert you not even for one moment. He understands that we are human with faults because He made us that way. Know that He knows just what you need even before you yourslef knows. If you are haveing so many questions just ask Him to help you and open yourself up to Him. If you allow Him access He will come into your life and help you. I am keeping you in special prayers. Just remain open and let Him in to help you with your life and your relationship with Him. If you have any thing at all that you would like to talk to me about you can pm me here or email me at [email protected]. I will do what I can but remember we are only human so we can only do so much. You have to ask God what to do and be willing to do the footwork. When you follow God the way you are suppose to~with you whole heart, mind and soul, you are always going to have work to do.
I am sending love, hugs and special prayers to you.
I am sending love, hugs and special prayers to you.
Ok.. God loves YOU.. no matter what you have done. He Chose YOU the day Jesus died on that cross..You need to believe that He has your best interests at heart and just pray.. ask him to open your eyes that you might see all the wonderful things He has for you.. No you probably won't get rich and marry the college jock..but you will find a peace inside that will help in whatever situation you face. I don't usually ask for prayers for myself but I DO [pray for myself.. I ask God to guide me in the path HE wishes me to go and I always tell Him I am sorry for not listening everytime.. He remains faithful even though sometimes we find it rough... thats why HE is God.
Hipocrites.... can you think of a better place for them than church??? They are at the one place God can talk to them.. and they came on their own seeking.. Thats what I tell myself every time I go... God I am not perfect but YOU are.. so help me again today not to screw up!
In Love,
Linda Kay
Hipocrites.... can you think of a better place for them than church??? They are at the one place God can talk to them.. and they came on their own seeking.. Thats what I tell myself every time I go... God I am not perfect but YOU are.. so help me again today not to screw up!
In Love,
Linda Kay