Sunday morning
The Johnny Appleseed Festival was fun. It wasn't too hot, a little warm but nice. It was so nice to be able to walk where I wanted to and to look at whatever I wanted without having to worry my legs or back would give out. In fact, the 7 year old granddaughter pooped out before I did. Got some no sugar added apple butter that I will try for breakfast, a white acorn squash, some cherry tomatoes, and a huge honey crisp apple. They had samples of the different apples to try and this one was yummy. Money was tight so I only got one. Lots of crafts but yesterday was just a looking day, but it was still fun.
Well Emily has been out here three times already clammoring for breakfast, so I guess I need to get going. House cleaning to do today and wash to get done since I played so much yesterday. I am still hanging in there with no smokes. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks on the patch for me. It is getting a little easier each day. I know I can do this. Hugs to you all and prayers to all who need them. Karen
Hope everyone has a great day! I am! TTYL!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Bill & I are just hanging out at the house today. I STILL have to do that ~hour of make-up working-from-home for work. I'll get it done today. I'll be going in late's appointment. But I don't have to make that one up since it's me seeing the doctor too and not just Bill.
Yesterday, I was able to get through the tax thing. I found a typo in Taxcut that put our income at $3,000 less than it should have so we got an over-refund of ~$850. By the time they add penalties (for an honest mistake!!) and interest, it'll be well over $1,000...but at least it's way under the $7,000 they were claiming we owed. Since I can PROVE that what they claimed was wrong, maybe they'll just accept the original filing...yeah, right. Although it's me pointing out the typo that WAS made, you know they are gonna sock it to us. Meanwhile...let's give another country billions of dollars to help THEIR people out, huh? Bill & I are trying to figure out how we can make some extra $$ fast...legally! If you know of a legit work-at-home from your pc, let me know about it...ok? I get these things in the email all the time but I just think something is fishy when you have to make 3 easy installments of $59.95 in order to get the information to TRY to work at home. Just sounds like a big rip off to me!
I made some pancakes for breakfast. I put some of my dehydrated blueberries in mine. YUMMY!!! I can't believe how good they taste! I ate two little ones and 1 tiny piece of sausage and I am stuffed!! Yes, 4 yrs post-op and my pouch is going strong.
I heard from Brenda R. She's doing fine...just really busy. Her church is going through some major changes that is keeping her busier than she cares to be. So keep her in your prayers..k?
Karen...3 weeks!! Wow! That is so fantastic. I know how hard it is to quit smoking. I remember being 1 yr post-op and it wasn't the 145 lb lost that I was proud was the one year of being a non-smoker! I felt like anyone who had the surgery and did what they were told could lose the weight..but to quit smoking? THAT was ME! Yeah...with the help of 1 month of patches a few months of Welbutrin..but MY WILLPOWER!! I still can't believe it's been 4 years since I quit. Do I ever think about lighting one back up? Yes...and immediately tell myself how utterly stupid that would be for someone who is as surgery prone as I am! Now...start weaning yourself off those patches. What I did was each day I would cut a sliver off of the patch I was putting on. Each day, I'd cut a bigger sliver. Hang on to those slivers. Once you are cutting the patch in half, then start using those slivers each day...starting with the other half from the day before. Go from the biggest to the smallest. Before you know it, you'll be putting that tiny sliver on that you cut off that first day. That will be your last day on the patches! I had only bought 1 two-week supply box of patches. I started them on July 19th and finished 4 weeks later. My goal was to be off of them in time for my sister's birthday on August 19th. My sister died of cancer so it was kinda my personal tribute to her memory. I found that it worked well for me to have a meaningful date in mind. Oh...saw where you are coming to the clothing exchange. I had been debating on it because of my tummy but if you can drive all the way down, I think I just may have to drive accross town!
Did anyone else get some bad weather yesterday? We got some really bad hail here. It wasn't large...but alot. It must have hailed for a good half hour. I don't remember it ever hailing for that long! I have black mulch in my rose beds and you could not see ANY black at all! I still have to go outside and see if I can see any damage to my truck, the RV, or the house.
Well..I hope everyone enjoys what is left of this weekend.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I am up and at em today! Not too much going on! Just relaxing this morning and then hubby will be home around 4! We are planning on watching the Colts game and then going to dinner for my birthday! Not sure where yet! The big 40 today! I am not sure how to feel about that one! Oh well, what can ya do! Having a teenager that has ALWAYS said- mom, you are older than dirt- well you get the idea! I know he's just kidding, tho, LOL!
Karen, Congrats on the smokes! You CAN do it! Hugz
Sherri- I am so glad to read the new doc update! How exciting! Yep, goodbye Dr. Frecht (sp)!
Tell Bill hello and goodluck on your new tests! I am hoping for some good news, quickly! Hugz
Holly, I am so sorry for your loss and am thinking of you and your family! Love ya! Hugz
Gail- Thanks for the card- it was great hearing from ya! I am so excited that your abdomnioplasty is fast approaching! You will do amazing and will feel like a new woman when you are healed and well! Look out world, Gail will be really dancing and wearing those heels, then! OOHHH maybe RED high heels, even, LOL! Hugz
Everyone- I am thinking of you and hoping to make the next exchange! I am in need of some new work pants! Our uniforms have changed to black pants, so 16-18 black pants, I now need! Hope everyone is doing well in their journies, no matter where you are at in it! Hugz Dawn

I have been so busy, with family, church and it seems like so much stuff is happening around me. I don't take well to turmoil and change and it seems like that is what is mainly in my life right now. I am making sure that I take care of myself since I can't help others if I don't take care of myself.
Bill came home from work and had a king size cold. He got it when we were getting flooded up here. It was so miserable. I wasn't feeling good and so I never left my little home and all I say was outside the sliding door and I kept thinking it didn't look so bad. Boy do you miss a lot when all you look at is your own back yard! lol When my bff called me and told me tha****er was coming in her basement (it is finished too) and it was coming in faster than they could clean it up. and others was starting to tell me that their homes were doing the same I began to venture a bit farther and looked toward the main road of Portage which runs to the side of me. It was not a good thing. Anyway Bill was at work and tried to keep up with Mother Nature and kept working on getting things cleaned up by the front door when people came in and the rain flooded in. The guys at work told him he was fighting a battle but Bill is as stubborn a man as can be and wouldn't listen. So now he is sicker than ever with the cold and sever congestion. Being the wonderful husband that he is he shared it with me. How much more can he take the part of our wedding vows on sharing and put them to use in our marriage? Now I have it mostly in my sinus' and I am pretty miserable. I feel like my head is going to explode and would rather it did right about now.
Like Sherri said my church is going through a lot of change and being the chairperson of the Staff Parish Relations Committee I am in charge. I had to do something today at church that I wished I didn't have to. I had to announce to the congregation that Pastor had submitted his letter of resignation and that the Indiana Bishop rev. Coyner has granted it. We knew it was coming but it is kind of like a death. Even if you know it is coming you are never really prepared for it. I just kept praying to God to let me get through the announcement without crying. I got through it but did some of it before I told them and when Pastor and I was coming down the aisle. When we were in the back greeting everyone I cried some too. I felt that I had to be strong for everyone since they are looking to me to get us through this. His last day with us is Sunday October 5th. After that us lay speakers are going to do the services. My committee is working with the D.S. to help get an appointment with us. I pray that it goes smoothly and that we get a minister that is just what we need and that we are what he needs. We have a part time minister who works 20 hours a week. We are a very small church with a membership of about 119. That is small for a Methodist church.
I guess I had better get moving. I have gone on long enough. I appreciate the caring and letters and cards that I have recieved. Gail, I am so sorry that I haven't gotten back to you. I will try to take a few minutes today to call you. I am sending love and hugs to all and as ever my prayers go up for everyone. Special ones for those of us that need them. Know that God is always right there to get us through the hardest parts of our lives and so if He is there for that He is there for the easy things to. Remember this is the day that the Lord has made and let us rejoice in it and be happy.
I am so happy to see you post today. Welcome back

Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @

And happy Sunday to all. My thoughts to today are mostly with our Dear Holly, what her family must be going though. Love to all.
Hugs & Blessings, Gail
Special Prayers & Healing Wishes to Those in Need

Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Good Evening all,
Wow, I had a very busy and funfilled day.....My Dh and Kiddos and I went and spent the day at Conner Prarie for their Country Fair. Wow, we had an awesome time. We have been there many times but today was the best. Lots of events. Terry played baseball , and wiped out running the bases. Tasted Fresh Made sorghum. Played games, judged a pie contest, saw many many fun things. And walked, walked, walked,. anyone that has been there know that you Walk alot! The first Time I walked it NOT almost 300 pounds. How amazing was that! They have done some different things since we have been there last.
Then we got home just in time to see the Colts PLay.....Let's just say I went Grocery shopping in the 3rd quater because I couldn't handle it anymore. Good Thing, huh!
Well I am nights this week, except tommorrow. Tyler has a game tommorrow night so I am on days tommorrow. Friday night is Clarian's Gala. I have my dress, I just need my shoes and accessories. I am soo excited! It's going to be fabulous.
DAWN::::::::Happy Birthday to you.....
Happy Birthday to you....
Happy Birthday dear Dawn........
Happy birthday to you!]
Hope you had an awesome Birthday!
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.