I seem to have fallen off the wagon and can't seem to get back on track. Any suggestions with food choices, protein drinks etc would be greatly appreciated. I had my surgery on 6/4/08 and have lost 60lbs so far. For the past 2 weeks I have not lost 1oz!!!! I know that your body comes to a stand still sometimes but I think its because of my food choices. About the only thing that I like at this point is tomatoes, salads, grapes, strawberries. I feel like I am also overeating again. I can't do milk anymore because it gives me diarrhea (sorry TMI). I can't seem to find any protein drinks that I like either. I found one that was carmel but can't remember where I ordered it from. Any suggestions from you would be greatly appreciated. This IN board is awesome.

HOpe you are doing well.
GNC (at most malls) has Isopure. I personally didn't like it but I know others have sworn by it. It is completely lactose free. If you don't like it, return the rest to GNC and they'll refund you. has a whey powder in several flavors including fuzzy naval. I would try to get in some meats if I were you. You can find several things in cans...tuna, chicken, turkey, ham, etc. Them with a little bit of lite mayo went down pretty good for me. Definately try to get that protein in. If all you are eating are fruit & veggies, you probably aren't getting in enough calories and that too can make you stall. keep on a good losing pattern, up your PEW: Protein Exercise Water. All three are VERY important. If you do the same exercise every day, try changing it up a little. If you usually just walk, walk M-W-F and dance for an hour on T & Th. Just make sure whatever you choose, you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, you probably won't keep doing it.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...