on 9/17/08 5:11 am - Lafayette, IN

I seem to have fallen off the wagon and can't seem to get back on track.  Any suggestions with food choices, protein drinks etc would be greatly appreciated.  I had my surgery on 6/4/08 and have lost 60lbs so far.  For the past 2 weeks I have not lost 1oz!!!!  I know that your body comes to a stand still sometimes but I think its because of my food choices.  About the only thing that I like at this point is tomatoes, salads, grapes, strawberries.  I feel like I am also overeating again.  I can't do milk anymore because it gives me diarrhea (sorry TMI).  I can't seem to find any protein drinks that I like either.  I found one that was carmel but can't remember where I ordered it from.  Any suggestions from you would be greatly appreciated.  This IN board is awesome.

on 9/17/08 5:18 am - lafayette, IN
hey girl! i cant give you any ideas on getting back on track but if you like banana i know of an awesome protein it is CHAMPION NUTRITION PURE WHEY STACK BANANA SCREAM. it can be mixed with water (4-6 oz)and has about 36g of protein for 1 1/2 scoops of powder. i have to drink mine iced (the colder it is the better). as far as not losing is concerned, dont sweat it, you are probably stalled (everyone does). check you measuments!!!! i cant do any fresh fruits or veggies yet so you are making me jealous trust me if you are overeating your pouch will tell you!

  59# lost preop                     

on 9/17/08 5:23 am - Lafayette, IN
thanks Heidi
How are you doing?  I really don't like banana flavor so I don't thinik this would work for me but I thank you for the suggestion.  I guess I could plug my nose and drink it that way! LOL!
on 9/17/08 5:33 am - lafayette, IN
i am doing well. i have only gotten sick once and it was from the carafate i was supposed to take to limit the nausea and vomiting, go figure! i have been getting on the scales way too much! today was the first time in 12 days that i havent lost overnight.

  59# lost preop                     

on 9/17/08 6:13 am - Lafayette, IN
I understand what you mean on getting on the scale.  I do it daily.  I know I shouldn't but it keeps me in check.  Anyway I don't do the carafate. I can't stand the taste.  I am just being a bad loser!!!!!  I am going to start walking tonight and see if that helps get things moving.
HOpe you are doing well.
on 9/17/08 6:58 am - Martinsville , IN
I like the nectar fuzzy navel mixed with strawberry / banana south beach water flavoring...its so tropical and yummy.  Sometimes I mix it with the orange flavor and thats good also. 


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

on 9/17/08 7:01 am - Lafayette, IN
Where do you purchase this from?  can you tell me what all you buy to make this?  have you tried to do this like a slushy?
on 9/17/08 9:09 am - decatur, IN
Hi Jacque- I am just going to take a guess, but I figure that you are not getting enough protein in your diet.  You have to find something as a supplement.  I am not sure of the site, but I thought some place offered some samples of different kinds of protein so you could try a bunch of different ones.  Just document which one you tried, if you liked it, and your body's reaction to it.  Perhaps someone on this board can remember which company offered the samples.  I have racked my brain.  I will continue to research however in case my light bulb goes on.  In the meantime, can you do any dairy at all?  If so, string cheese, and cottage cheese may help.  I found that South Beach Diet puts out a 4 ounce container of Cottage Cheese that has 11 grams of protein in it!  I am hooked.  You may want to try Soy milk.  I have heard from several people that it is a good alternative to those who can't tolerate milk.  Also you may want to check out a website that I  I know it sounds crazy but this gal is on the OH Board out in California.  She posts recipes daily.  I am very pleased with the protein ice cream she has posted.  Many different flavors.  The ice cream can be made with soy milk and you probably wouldn't taste it as much.  (It may be fine to drink straight...I have not tried it)  If these things do not help I would call your nutritionist for ideas.  You have to have your protein.  Good luck.  Karen
on 9/17/08 9:37 am - lafayette, IN offers protein samples and they are reasonable in $$

  59# lost preop                     

on 9/17/08 9:54 am - Indianapolis, IN

GNC (at most malls) has Isopure. I personally didn't like it but I know others have sworn by it. It is completely lactose free. If you don't like it, return the rest to GNC and they'll refund you. has a whey powder in several flavors including fuzzy naval. I would try to get in some meats if I were you. You can find several things in cans...tuna, chicken, turkey, ham, etc. Them with a little bit of lite mayo went down pretty good for me. Definately try to get that protein in. If all you are eating are fruit & veggies, you probably aren't getting in enough calories and that too can make you stall. keep on a good losing pattern, up your PEW: Protein Exercise Water. All three are VERY important. If you do the same exercise every day, try changing it up a little. If you usually just walk, walk M-W-F and dance for an hour on T & Th. Just make sure whatever you choose, you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, you probably won't keep doing it.



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