Had Nut Class today!
Wow! What a day, felt like I was back in High School again! Kind of overwhelming everything we were taught today.................how do you remember it all? I guess it will all come second nature, I am hoping anyway! Sort of freaking me out.............can I do this??? Then I think................YES I CAN AND I WILL, ONE DAY AT A TIME, TILL I REACH GOAL! I go back on Thursday morning before work for all my test and blood sucking!!! My surgery is Oct. 15th, so glad I have you all to bounce my questions and fears off of. Since I am a self pay, I just figured out that I need to loose 150 lbs, which works out that I am paying $166.66 for every pound I loose! Oh yeaaaaa, I will be successful! LOL
If you are self-paying for this, lemme throw in my 2 cents. I advise people who have to pay for their own medical all the time---negotiate!!! Why not? The insurance companies do it. They sure don't pay 'sticker' price. I work in VR for the state, and before we started paying medicaid rate for all our medical services, I used to do that every time. Talk to the proper depts and you can save lots. Especially if you have the money saved up, and are not planning to make payments. They recognize the value of 'a bird in the hand'.
I have asked them twice for a lower price, as they know I had to take all of my 401K $12,000 money out in a medical need. withdrawel......(and pay a 10% penalty)...................and that I had to take out 3 credit cards to pay the $10,000 balance. Had already paid the Surgeon's $5625.00 from our small savings account1. They said $25,625.00 WAS their discounted rate for a self pay patient!!! Should I get on my knees and beg??!!!?? LOL..................aaahhhh doubt if it would do any good, and if I did, I really don't think I could get back up!!! Thanks for tip though, I will ask again in the morning when i register, they have to have it paid in full before they will evan begin the test! This hospital will NOT let you make payments to them. You have to find your own financing, tried that also! Can't believe I am doing this own my own, it's just our little secret here people, if my family and friends found out I paid this much, they would all have me committed!
Good Luck! After I left the class I went into Koels to look for something and I found this ring that gave me very good vibes , it reads all around the band:
I am a firm believer in signs, I am reading this book now from an Intuitive, her thing is: there are signs showing our future all around us, but we don't take the time to see them. Well guess what? I bought the ring, and will be wearing it all through out my journey, and when I think I can't do this, I will read it, and know I do believe in myself, and magic WILL happen!
I am a firm believer in signs, I am reading this book now from an Intuitive, her thing is: there are signs showing our future all around us, but we don't take the time to see them. Well guess what? I bought the ring, and will be wearing it all through out my journey, and when I think I can't do this, I will read it, and know I do believe in myself, and magic WILL happen!
Will keep everyone posted. The class was alittle overwhelming, made it all SO REAL ya know! Thought it odd they scheduled my class so far in advance, I am afraid I am going to forget some of it, but will 'bone up' a week before. Was telling alot of people in the class about this sight. No one I talked to had come in here, told them it is soooooo helpful! So sure we'll get many new people! All my test are early early in the am, hope I feel ok after, have to come back and work an 8 hr shift!