My engine light went on in my Sable yesterday. Sigh. I don't know what I'm going to do to get it fixed. Life just keeps taking swings, doesn't it. I'll figure something out. We always do. I'm supposed to go to Bloomington for work Thursday, though, and I don't know if I will be able to if that's the case.
Good Morning Everyone,
I'm up before the birds. I just can't sleep this morning. My insomnia is getting better, but I still have nights like this.
I have to work today. Of course most of us do. I haven't started my groups. So I am just keeping myself busy until I do start groups. Which isn't scheduled to happen until September 29th. The leading powers at school switch the schedule so those doing statewided testing can test in the morning and still have music, art and P.E. Hence, I am waiting patiently.
Today is my husband's long day at work. It's usually 8:00 p.m. before he gets home. Makes a long day for him. I have to come home ASAP after work to take my mother in law to get her Blazer. She's having it serviced before she goes to Arizona for the Winter. We will truly be "Empty Nesters" after that. What will we do with ourselves? I'm sure we will think of something.
Linda, Good luck at the doctor and with your car. It is possible your light means something simple needs to be maintained.
Well I just might try to go back to sleep. Have a great day.
Hope everyone is getting power back in the southern end of the state! I also hope that everyone having surgeries or doctors visits gets the results that they are needing. Good luck to all.
Take care, and have a great day!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Well..I go and see Dr. Fecht today. Unless something miraculous happens, I will probably be asking my pcp to set me up an appointment with someone else. She's mentioned a Dr. Nowak in Anderson that sounds like the perfect choice for a 2nd opinion. I just think there must be a personality clash or something with me & Dr. Fecht cause I sit there the whole time thinking 'boy, are you full of it'. That is NOT the thought I want to have when it comes to any of my doctors! He said he was going to type up a list of what's been tested (it'd be a short list if he only put what he himself tested me for!). I'm hoping to get a copy of that to bring to Dr. Nowak's with me.
Here at work, I'm suppose to direct a rep on how to run a test. Should be interesting...a beaker? Yeah...one of those glass things that looks like a cup but has numbers on it. LOL! No..the reps aren't quite that bad, but close!
The new TV was delivered yesterday. Yay! Bill had some problems getting everything with the surround sound to work but he had it going by the time I went to bed last night. That screen sure is huge! I hope that it makes TV watching more enjoyable for Bill. For me, as long as the show's story line is good, I'm fine with whatever size of screen. Bigger is better with his vision though. It does have me looking forward to physically being able to do the Wii though! I got out the Wii fit and was looking over it some. Rude or not, I can't wait to set it up!
Well..I hope everyone has a good day today. Since we'll be out & about at dinner time, we'll probably stop and get something on our way home. I'm thinking that it is time again for Mexican! I'm going to have a fajita withdrawal! LOL!
Huggs to you!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Good Morning,
This is my first post on the daily thread. Now that I have less than a month until my surgery, I feel more like I fit in.
Just another workday here.... 7:30 - 4. Not complaining, I really do like my job. My little boy turns 2 on Oct 5th. Boy the time flies by.
According to the Psy. I need one more support group meeting before surgery. They just don't fit in my schedule. My hubby Brian is asleep by 6pm, it has weird hours. So I have my son in the evenings and trying to make a support group is hard. Too bad they don't have weekend ones.
I look forward to getting to know everyone.
i am a teacher, and today starts ISTEP+

my hubby is off today and watching our daughter... lucky guy! i really miss being off with her like i was all summer. the best part now is when i get home, she runs to me and says, "mama! uppy!" and gives me the biggest (with grunting included), longest hug ever!!!
so my surgery is in 17 days!!!! i cant believe it. i am trying to get my pre-op stuff done on days back-to-back so i do not have to drive up there 2 times in the next couple of weeks. it is a 2 1/2 hour drive, so with the price of gas, i would like to just stay up there.
can anyone tell me what to expect at the pre-op testing? i will be ok with the nut class, but the testing makes me a little nervous... as if i am not nervous enough the way it is!!!
anyway, my kids are getting ready to come in. hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!
Morning all!,
I am at work, so must be quick. Today is my 5month surgeversary. B12 shot done! I need to go to the Bathroom and weigh myself for official results. I swell in the morning so I can't do it too early in the morning. Talk to you later alligator.
xoxox shanna
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Just dropping in after my annual blood tests- I feel like a vampire got me- 14 vials of blood- yikes!!!!!

I went to the Neurologist yesturday- he said to continue to do my new meds. (only if I have pain/migraine) and was so pleased with my balance/eye corordination. I have had some trouble since my right eye is 10 seconds slower than the left. The Trainer I am going to is skilled in all kinds of PT. so we have worked out a routine for me to do, & it is working! Now- I was really mad when I got on the scales there-

Have to get going- our local Library needs help, so I am shelving books today. Have a great one ,everyone!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#